Recently posted in Miscellany:
Supreme sophistry
Jacob Sullum reviews the Supreme Court's position(s) on agriculture marketing ads: The decision was especially disappointing because the last time the Court considered this issue, only four years ago, it ruled that mandatory mushroom messages were unconstitutional. That was just... [more]

Paris Hilton has the PTC all hot and bothered
Dan Drezner notes that the meddling busybodies at the Parents Television Council are all lathered up over the Carl's Jr. ad. Plenty of linkage and gratuitous babeage at Dan's. All I'll add is that the headline of the PTC press... [more]

Speaking of economic development tax incentives
and the Cuno decision, Paul Caron reports: The House Judiciary Committee yesterday held a joint hearing on Economic Development and the Dormant Commerce Clause: The Lessons of Cuno v. Daimler Chrysler and Its Effect on State Taxation Affecting Interstate Commerce.... [more]

Smoking: Quitting, wanting to quit, and wanting to want to quit
Glen Whitman ponders smokers' expressed desires for quitting: “A study of more than 32,000 adults in 2000 found that about 23.3 percent were current smokers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. … Among those defined as current smokers... [more]

State economic development incentives provides a review of efforts to limit the use of economic development incentives by the states. One of states’ favorite tools for luring companies and jobs is in peril. The use of lucrative state tax breaks to keep or... [more]

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Recently posted in Research Notes:
Eisinger (1988): Chap 8 Notes
8. The determinants of economic growth and industrial location decisions: A critique of supply-side strategies In this chapter, Eisinger reviews empirical literature regarding the effects of supply-side economic development incentives. I'm not going to summarize his review other than to... [more]

Eisinger (1988): Chap 7 Notes
7. Geographically targeted policies on the supply side. Eisinger continues his description of supply-side policies with a discussion of geographically targeted policies. Four major program types: site-development programs, financial assistance to firms in distressed areas, tax-increment financing, and state enterprise... [more]

Eisinger (1988): Chap 6 Notes
6. Supply-side incentives to development: Business climate policies This chapter begins the discussion of state and local economic develpment policies. This chapter specifically focuses on business climate policies that don't have any particular substate local focus. He summarizes (in the... [more]

Eisinger (1988): Chap 5 Notes
5. The federal role in state and local economic development This chapter starts Part II of the text, which concerns the supply-side tradition. He says that the "intensity and variety" of state and local programs shouldn't obscure the "rich history... [more]

Eisinger (1988): Chap 4 Notes
4. The context of economic development policy Eisinger says the structure, design, and transformation of economic development policy are products ot its political and economic context. In other words, economic development policy responds to aspects of our federal system and... [more]

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