We share your pain. If you are one of a small number (approximately 5%) of listeners whose signal has not improved with the new installation of our more powerful antenna, the following reception tips may be helpful to you.
To improve your reception in home and office, start with these ideas:
1. Most radios use the power cord as an antenna. While listening, move the cord or the radio a few feet back or forth to find a clearer spot.
2. If your radio uses the typical chrome adjustable-length whip antenna, try making the whip as short as it will go. Many times this solves the overload problem.
3. Unless you are at least 30 miles from downtown Portland, avoid the use of an ‘amplified’ antenna of any kind. Such antennas only aggravate reception problems. If your antenna uses batteries or has a power cord that plugs in the wall, it is an amplified antenna. Disconnect it and try one of the solutions described in this article.
I would be happy to assist you in resolving your particular reception problem. Please phone me at 503-916-5828 ext. 407, or 1-888-306-5277, or email: larry@allclassical.org