Played in Oregon
[Wednesday, August 17, 7:00 pm & Sunday, August 21, noon]
English violinist and conductor Andrew Manze (Artistic Director of The English Concert) made his debut with the Portland Baroque Orchestra six months ago, and this week on Played in Oregon we'll hear the result (or at least two-thirds of it). First Maestro Manze conducts one of the most unusual of Haydn's Symphony's, No. 64, which is nicknamed 'Tempora mutantur' - Times Change. The slow movement of the symphony is very modernistic for its time. Then Manze fiddles and conducts his way through Mozart's Violin Concerto No. 5, the so-called 'Turkish' Concerto, after its boisterous third movement. Manze improvises his own cadenzas in that performance, as he always prefers to do.
Another Push Pin on the World Map
[August 12]
From Shelley in Mobile, AL: I discovered your radio station on the Internet about two years ago when I was living in Nashville, TN, and have been a fan ever since. I now live in Mobile, AL, down on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and am hooked on your station more than ever. I'm in a demanding-creative job and if it wasn't for your music, I wouldn't be able to stay focused. Your station keeps my creative juices flowing! Keep up the good work! Thanks for adding a push-pin to the map for us!
2004 Top 100 Still Available
[July 19]
Click here for complete 2004 Top 100 list.
If Your Radio Reception Doesn't Improve
[June 8]
We share your pain. If you are one of a small number (approximately 5%) of listeners whose signal has not improved with the new installation of our more powerful antenna, the following reception tips may be helpful to you.

To improve your reception in home and office, start with these ideas:
1. Most radios use the power cord as an antenna. While listening, move the cord or the radio a few feet back or forth to find a clearer spot.
2. If your radio uses the typical chrome adjustable-length whip antenna, try making the whip as short as it will go. Many times this solves the overload problem.
3. Unless you are at least 30 miles from downtown Portland, avoid the use of an ‘amplified’ antenna of any kind. Such antennas only aggravate reception problems. If your antenna uses batteries or has a power cord that plugs in the wall, it is an amplified antenna. Disconnect it and try one of the solutions described in this article.
I would be happy to assist you in resolving your particular reception problem. Please phone me at 503-916-5828 ext. 407, or 1-888-306-5277, or email:

Northwest Previews
[Tuesdays at 6:00p.m.]
Northwest Previews takes a break for a couple of weeks, to resume in September.
Request Night
[Thursday, August 18, 2005]

Our August Tour of Europe (in music): Week Three: Germany.
John is looking for either music by German composers, or music inspired by Germany which may be by a composer of another country.
Everyone who makes a request is automatically entered into the 7:00 drawing. The prize is a recently-released CD of music by a German composer.

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