First Word
TNR Online is proud to introduce First Word, a series of political book reviews. While the print magazine's back of the book will remain the forum for longer reviews of scholarly books and fiction, First Word will focus on polemics and works of journalism that often go unreviewed by political magazines. We'll delve into the good and the bad, and we'll let you know whether a book is worth your time. Why did we call it First Word? Because we'll be reviewing the books right when they come out, and in many cases, we hope our reviews will be the the beginning of a discussion about the arguments a book raises. We'll leave the more definitive takes to other reviewers, and the last word to you, our readers. The job of First Word is to get the conversation started. Dream World by Joshua Brook Post date 08.17.05 Imperial Nature presents a well-researched but deeply flawed critique of the World Bank. Incomplete Guide by Reihan Salam Post date 07.22.05 Fred Siegel is a fighting liberal of the best kind. But his new book about Giuliani falls short. Widely Red by Martin Peretz Post date 07.06.05 Red Star Over Hollywood is a useful corrective to the myth Hollywood built about itself and McCarthyism. Everything in Moderation by Keelin McDonell Post date 06.21.05 What two new books about Schwarzenegger miss. Porn Identity by Alexander Barnes Dryer Post date 06.17.05 Ben Shapiro's Porn Generation is riddled with bad writing and worse thinking. Grief Management by Alexander Barnes Dryer Post date 06.07.05 Kenneth Feinberg's What Is Life Worth? explains how a fund for 9/11 victims came to be about more than money. Divide and Conquer by Joshua Brook Post date 06.06.05 Sands of Empire argues that the main split in American foreign policy isn't between left and right. Work Out by Telis Demos Post date 05.31.05 Outsourcing America is a simplistic attack on offshoring. Liberal Attack by Christopher Hayes Post date 05.27.05 The New New Left lays out a failing strategy for right-wingers. Blurry Vision by Reihan Salam Post date 05.26.05 Three Billion New Capitalists takes on American shortsightedness. Personal Statement by Keelin McDonell Post date 05.25.05 Alexandra Pelosi tells us nothing new in Sneaking Into the Flying Circus. Stage Left by Hope Glassberg Post date 05.24.05 Spanking the Donkey critiques campaigning but mostly to showcase its author's politics. History Lesson by Alexander Barnes Dryer Post date 05.20.05 Blind Spot is a masterful prequel to the 9/11 Commission report. Personal Statement by Bidisha Banerjee Post date 05.18.05 In Voices of American Muslims, Linda Brandi Cateura presents interviews with a number of Muslims. She also asserts generalizations that her interviews don't support. Unprepared by Joshua Brook Post date 05.09.05 In Preventing Surprise Attacks, Richard Posner undercuts common assumptions about terrorists. Among his targets: the idea that we should always try to stop them. Waste
of Time by Elizabeth Shelburne Insult
Comic by Reihan Salam Speech
Impediment by Alexander Barnes Dryer