Major and Recent Publications
Barresi,J. (1987). Prospects for the cyberiad: Certain
limits on human self-knowledge in this cybernetic age. Journal for the
Theory of Social Behaviour, 17, 1, 19-46.
Barresi,J. (1989). Prolegomena towards a causal
theory of mind and meaning.(Review of J.Fodor, Psychosemantics: The problem
of meaning in the philosophy of the mind). American Journal of psychology,
Juckes,T. & Barresi,J. (1993). The subjective-objective
dimension in the individual-society connection: A duality perspective.
for the Theory of Social Behavior, 23,2,197-216.
Barresi,J. (1994) Morton Prince and B.C.A.: A historical
footnote on the confrontation between dissociation theory and Freudian
psychology in a case of multiple personality. In R.Klein and B.Doane, Psychological
Concepts and dissociative disorders: Reverberation and Implications,
Bolivar,V. & Barresi,J. (1995). Giving meaning
to movement: A developmental study. Ecological Psychology, 7,
Barresi,J. (1995). Building persons: Some rules
for the game. Book review of Bringsjord on robot-consciousness, Psycoloquy.95.6.12.robot
Martin,R. & Barresi,J. (1995). Hazlitt on the
future of the self. Journal of the History of Ideas.
Barresi,J. & Moore,C. (1996). Intentional
relations and social understanding. Behavioral
and Brain Sciences, 19(1), 107-122.
Barresi, J. & Juckes, T. (1997) Personology
and the narrative interpretation of lives. Journal of Personality,
Thompson, C., Barresi, J. and Moore, C. (1997) The
development of future-oriented prudence and altruism in preschool children.
Development, 12, 199-212.
Rioux, D. & Barresi, J. (1997) Experiencing
science and religion alone and in conflict. Journal for the Scientific
Study of Religion, 36, 411-428.
Martin, R., Barresi, J. & Giovanelli, A. (1998)
Fission examples in eighteenth and early nineteenth century personal identity
debate. History of Philosophy Quarterly, 15, 323-348.
C., Barresi, J., and Thompson, C. (1998) The cognitive basis of prosocial
Social Development, 7, 198-218.
Barresi, J. (1999) On becoming
a person. Philosophical Psychology, 12, 79-98.
Martin, R. & Barresi, J. (2000) Naturalization
of the Soul: Self and Personal Identity in the Eighteenth Century.
London: Routledge.
Barresi, J. (2000) Intentional
relations and divergent perspectives in social understanding. In In S.
Gallagher and S. Watson (Eds.) Ipseity and Alterity, Special Issue of Arob@se:
Journal des lettres et sciences humaines, vol. 4, no. 1-2, 74-99.
Barresi, J. (2001) Extending
self-consciousness into the future. In C. Moore & K
Lemmon (Eds.), The Self in Time: Developmental Perspectives. Hillsdale,
Erlbaum, (pp. 141-161).
Barresi, J. (2002) From
"the thought is the thinker" to "the voice is the speaker": William James
and the Dialogical Self. Theory & Psychology,12,
Christie, J. & Barresi, J. (2002) Using
illusory line motion to differentiate misrepresentation (Stalinesque) and
misremembering (Orwellian) accounts of consciousness. Consciousness
& Cognition, 11, 2, 347-365.
Christie, J. & Barresi, J. (2002) Consciousness
and Information Processing: A Reply to Durgin, 372-374.
Martin, R. & Barresi, J. (Eds.) (2002)
Identity. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Barresi, J. & Martin, R. (2003)
from Priestley to Hazlitt, British Journal for the History of Philosophy,
11, 3, 499-507.
Barresi, J. (2004)
Intentionality, consciousness and intentional relations: From constitutive
phenomenology to cognitive science. In L. Embree, ed., Gurwitsch’s
Relevancy for Cognitive Science, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Barresi, J. & Moore, C. (2004) Even an “epistemic triangle” has
three sides. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Martin, R. & Barresi, J. (in press) The Rise
and Fall of Soul and Self: An Intellectual History of Personal Identity.
New York: Columbia University Press.
Recent Talks and Posters (Outlines or Slides)
Barresi, J. (2002) The
consciousness of self in time. Presented at: Toward a Science of
Consciousness "Tucson 2002", Thurs. April, 11.
Barresi, J. & Moore, C. (2002) Consciousness
and intentional relations: A developmental perspective. Presented at:
Piaget Society Meeting, Philadelphia, June 8, 2002.
Barresi, J. (2002) A three
dimensional model of the dialogical self. Presented at the Second
International Conference on the Dialogical Self (Link to pictures taken
by Vincent Hevern), Ghent, Oct. 19.
Barresi, J. (2005)
The neuroscience of social
understanding (Poster presented at the final McDonnell Conference, Pasadena,
June 21-23)
Barresi, J. (2005)
naturalized (Poster presented at Association for the Scientific Study of
Consciousness meeting ASSC9, Pasadena, June 24-28).
Some unpublished papers
Works in progress
Barresi, J. & Moore, C. Understanding Intentional
Relations of Self and Other (Book ms. in Progress for Oxford University