Robert L. Frazier's work
Right-Making Characteristics and Morally Right Acts"
Articles and Entries
`Duty', in E. Craig, ed, The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1998, Vol. 3, pp. 178-183.
`Intuitionism in ethics', in E. Craig, ed, The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1998, Vol. 4, pp. 853-856.
`Explanation, prediction and control in F. Dolberg and P.H. Petersenin, eds, Agricultural Science for Biodiversity and Sustainability in Developing Countries, Jordbrugsforlaget, 1996, pp. 1-10.
Entry on Joel Feinberg in R. Wilkinson and D. Collinson, eds, Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth Century Philosophers, 1995.
`Moral relevance and ceteris paribus principles', Ratio, 7 (1995), pp. 113-127.
`Act-utilitarianism and decision procedures', Utilitas, 6 (1994), pp. 43-53.
Review of Fred Feldman's Utilitarianism, Hedonism and Desert: Essays in Moral Philosophy, dialogue.
Review of Peter Singer's How Are We to Live?, Mind, 105, (1996).
Review of Roger Trigg's Rationality and Science, Philosophical Books, 37, (1996).
Review of Fred Feldman's Confrontations with the Reaper, Philosophical Books, 34 (1993).
Review of Applied Philosophy: Morals and Metaphysics in Contemporary Debate, edited by Brenda Almond and Donald Hill, Journal of Medical Ethics, 18 (1992).
Review of John Kekes' Facing Evil, Philosophical Books, 33 (1992).
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford.
Last modified 16-08-2004 12:46 AM