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Frank Marsh

My Ph.D. is from the University of Tennessee (1992) and my J.D. is also from UT (1952). To reach a fuller description of my c.v. web page, click .  Below is an abbreviated biography and c.v.

Research Interests:

philosophy of law, issues of violence among the elderly


Recent, representative publications:

"Abortion and the Law: the Supreme Court, Privacy, and Abortion" in New Essays on Abortion (1998).  To read article, click .

"Legal and Ethical Issues in Geriatric Medicine" in Geriatric Medicine (1997).

Violence, Neglect, and the Elderly, co-authored with G.C. Graber and F.B. Edwards. JAI Press 1996.

"Medical Information Systems" in the Encyclopedia of Bioethics 2nd Edition, 1992.  To read article, click .

"Informed Consent and the Elderly Patient "Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, Vol 2, No.3, August 1986.  To read article, click .

"Refusal of Treatment" in Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, Vol. 2, No.3, August 1986.  To read article, click .

Teaching Interests:

Philosophy of Law, Healthcare and the Law, Medical Ethics

Professional/Community Interests:

National Committee to Study Violent Behavior, 1993-1995
Human Subjects Review Committee at University of Colorado Health Sciences, 1982-1992



801 McClung Tower
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-0480

Phone: 865-633-5304 or 865-633-5349
Fax: 865-974-3509