Associate Professor
of Philosophy
107 Peabody Hall
The University
of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Office: 124 Peabody Hall
Phone: (706) 583-0529
Fax: (706) 542-2839
Email: yuri@uga.edu
Web page: http://www.arches.uga.edu/~yuri
Metaphysics (time, persistence, composition, laws of nature)
Philosophy and History of Modern Cosmology
UGA Research Foundation Senior Faculty Grant (2005)
UGA Research Foundation Junior Faculty Grant (2003)
UGA Center for Humanities and Arts Research Fellowship (2002-03)
UGA Research Foundation travel grant to give an invited talk
at the International Conference “Time, Reality, and Experience” (The London
School of Economics, September 2000). This travel was also partially
subsidized by the organizers: The Royal Institute of Philosophy and The
London School of Economics.
UGA Research Foundation Junior Faculty Grant (2000)
Travel grant from Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo
to give an invited lecture at the Summer School “Cosmology and Philosophy”
(Santander, Spain, 10–14 July 2000)
Grant from the Seven Pines Symposium to travel to the fourth
annual meeting of the Seven Pines (Lewis, Wisconsin, May 2000) to present
an invited talk
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Rice University, 1998-1999.
(This fellowship was renewable for two more years.)
Presidential Fellowship, University of Notre Dame: 1992-96
The Soros Foundation Grant: 1992-93
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
"Defining 'Exdurance'," Philosophical Studies, forthcoming.
"Times of Our Lives: Negotiating the Presence of Experience," American Philosophical Quarterly 42 (2005): 295-309 (forthcoming).
Vagueness, 4D and Diachronic Universalism," The Australasian Journal
of Philosophy 83 (2005): 523-531.
Relativity, Coexistence and Temporal Parts: A Reply to Gilmore," Philosophical
Studies 124 (2005): 1–40.
Parts and Superluminal Motion," Philosophical Papers 32 (2003):
Diachronic Composition, Immanent Causality, and Objecthood," Philosophical
Papers 32 (2003): 23-30.
and Relativity: A Critical Notice," The British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science 54 (2003): 327-346. Co-authored with Michel
is a Law of Nature? The Broken-Symmetry Story," The Southern Journal
of Philosophy 40 (2002), 459-473.
and Persistence," Philosophy of Science 67 (2000): S549-S562.
and Space-Time: Philosophical Lessons of the Pole and Barn," The
Monist 83 (2000): 321-340.
and Perduring Objects in Minkowski Space-Time," Philosophical Studies
99 (2000): 129-166.
Physical Quantities," Synthese 119 (1999): 253-286.
Objects," Noûs 33 (1999): 644-662.
in Cosmology: Background and Philosophical Implications of the Steady-State
Theory," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 25B (1995):
Plato's Line Be Divided in the Mean and Extreme Ratio?"Ancient Philosophy
14 (1994): 283-95.
Quine, and the Multiplicity of Scientific Tests,"Philosophy of Science
61 (1994): 608-28.
"Transcendental Background to the Anthropic Reasoning in
Cosmology," Man & World 25 (1992): 115-32.
the Evolution of Natural Laws," British Journal for the Philosophy
of Science 43 (1992): 343-70.
"The Anthropic Cosmological Principle in the Mirror of Criticism,"
Nauki (Studies in Philosophy) (September 1990): 30-40. (In Russian)
"Cosmology as a Non-Local Physics," Filosofska Mysel (Philosophical
Thought) (1990, No. 4): 54-64. (In Bulgarian)
Anthopic Priniciple: History and Present Status," Priroda (Nature)
(January 1989): 23-32. With Vadim Kazyutinsky. (In Russian)
"Is Evolution of the Fundamental Laws of Nature Possible?"
Nauki (Studies in Philosophy) (February 1989): 18-28. (In Russian)
"Anthropic Arguments in Modern Cosmology," Voprosy Filosofii
(Problems of Philosophy) (July 1988): 117-27. (In Russian)
"Do Metrological Laws Exist?" Filosofskie Nauki(Studies
in Philosophy)(June, 1985): 35-39. (In Russian)
"A Method of Measuring the Temperature of the Laser Plasma
from the Integrated Intensity of the Braking Radiation Continuum," Bulletin
of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR 118 (1985): 77-80. (With
P. Ivanov and G. Managadze)
Articles Contributed to Books
"Hermann Bondi," "Fedor Bredikhin," "Platon Poretsky," "Stepan
Rumovsky," "Vsevolod Sharonov," articles (totaling 2,800 words) commissioned
for Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Thomas Hockey et al.,
eds. Dordrecht: Kluwer, forthcoming in 2006.
"Laws of Nature" and "Symmetry, in J. Wentzel Vrede van Huyssteen,
ed., Encyclopedia of Science and Religion. New York: Macmillan,
2003, pp. 508-513; 852-853.
of Physics and the Universe," in Yuri Balashov and Vladimir Vizgin,
eds., Einstein Studies in Russia. Boston; Basel; Berlin: Birkhäuser,
2002, pp. 107-148.
Stages, Worms, and Relativity," in Time, Reality, and Experience,
Craig Callender, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 223-252.
"Steady-State Cosmology: Background, Development, and Methodological
Lessons," in G. Idlis and G. Kurtick, eds., Studies in the History of
Astronomy. Moscow: Nauka, 2000, pp. 61-90.
"The Anthropic Principle: Facts and Speculations," in L.F.
Fesenkova (ed.), Global Evolutionism. Moscow: Institute of
Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1994, pp. 108-123. (Co-authored
with S.V. Illarionov.)
"Observer in Cosmology," in A. Panchenko (ed.), Humanities,
Mathematics and Natural Sciences: On the Way to Dialog. Moscow:
Institute for Scientific Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
1991, pp. 80-119.
"The Anthropic Principle: Physical, Cosmological, and Philosophical
Aspects," in A. Grib et al., eds., Anthropic Prinicple in the Contemporary
Scientific Picture of the World. Proceedings of the Seminar (Leningrad,
28–30 November 1989), Part I. Leningrad: Leningrad State University,
etc., pp. 14-27.
"Tsiolkovsky’s The Cause of the Cosmos and Modern
Cosmology," in V. V. Kazyutinsky et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 18-20th
Tsiolkovsky Conferences. Moscow: Institute for History of Science and
Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1988, pp. 59-68.
"On the Classification of Cosmological Theories," in
D. Martynov et al. (eds.), Universe, Astronomy, and Philosophy.
Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 1988, pp. 52-57.
"Mind and the Universe: Evolution, Self-Organization, Meaning,"
in V. Ermolayeva, ed., Global Problems and the Future of Civilization.
Moscow: Institute for Scientific Information: Arts and Humanities, 1987,
pp. 124-148.
"Necessity and Chance in Modern Cosmology," in V.L. Rabinovich
et al., eds., Abstracts of the 8th International Congress of Logic Methodology
and Philosophy of Science, Vol. 5, Part 2. Moscow: Nauka, 1987,
pp. 53-56.
"Cosmology and Weltanschauung," in A. Panchenko, ed., Logic,
Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Vol. 1. Moscow: Institute
for Scientific Information: Arts and Humanities, 1987, pp. 89-123. (Co-authored
with Vadim Kazyutinsky.)
Essay Reviews
"Two Theories of the Universe," Studies
in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (1998): 141-149. Essay
review of H. Kragh, Cosmology and Controversy (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1996).
Letter AP-1: The Anthropic Principle," American Journal of Physics
59 (1991): 1069-76.
"Multifaced Anthropic Principle," Comments on Astrophysics
15 (1990): 19-28.
"The Anthropic Principle in Cosmology: 16 Years After," Zemlya
i Vselennaya (Earth and Universe) (July-August 1990): 32-36.
"Philosophy and Science: Aspects of Contact and Gaps of Misunderstanding,"
Filosofii (Problems of Philosophy) (September 1985): 147-52.
Essay review of Alwyn van der Merwe, ed., Old and New Questions in Physics,
Philosophy, Cosmology, and Theoretical Biology (New York: Plenum Press,
Short Book Reviews
Norriss Hetherington, ed., The Encyclopedia of Cosmology:
Historical, Philosophical, and Scientific Foundations of Modern Cosmology:
in American Journal of Physics 62 (1994): 475-76.
R. M. Nugayev, Reconstruction of Scientific Theory Change:
in Erkenntnis 38 (1993): 429-32.
Willem B. Drees, Beyond the Big Bang: Quantum Cosmologies
and God:: in American Journal of Physics 59 (1991): 1053-54.
John Leslie, Universes and Physical Cosmology and
Philosophy: in Priroda (Nature) (November 1990):
123-25. (In Russian)
Other Articles
"Karl Jaspers’s Anthropic Cosmological Principle," Folia
Baeriana 6 (1993): 189-192.
"Studies on the Anthropic Principle in Cosmology," Diotima
21 (1993): 63-69.
"Philosophical Roots of the Anthropic Principle," Theoria
et Historia Scientiarum 3 (1993): 23-30.
"Science and Philosophical Postmodernism: An Analytic Survey,"
Zhurnal--Filosofia (Reviews of Philosophical Literature) (August 1991):
"Negotiating the Presence of Experience," The Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Boston, Massachusetts (December 2004).
"Temporal Parts and Superluminal Motion," The Pacific Division
Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, California
(March 2003).
"Relativity and the Present: A Critical Notice of William
Craig, Time and the Metaphysics of Relativity," The Eastern Division
Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Atlanta, Georgia (December
"Persistence and Space-Time: Philosophical Lessons of the
Pole and Barn," The Pacific Division Meetings of the American Philosophical
Association, Albuquerque, NM (April 2000).
"Zero-Value Quantities," The Eastern Division Meetings of
the American Philosophical Association, Washington, DC (December 1998).
"Relativistic Objects," The Central Division Meetings of
the American Philosophical Association, Chicago, Illinois (May 1998).
"What Is a Law of Nature?--The Broken-Symmetry Story," The
Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania (December 1997).
Invited comments on "Why Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Works: Universality and the Renormalization Group," by R. Batterman, Symposium
on the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics, The Central Division Meetings
of the APA, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (April 1997).
"Branching, Modality, and the Laws of Nature," The Eastern
Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Atlanta, Georgia
(December 1996).
"Endurance, Coexistence, and Relativity," The Pacific Division
Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Seattle, Washington
(April 1996).
"Relativity and Persistence," Symposium on Special Relativity
and Ontology, PSA Biennial Meeting, Kansas City (October 1998).
"Persistence and Mereological Universalism," Philosophy Colloquium, Duke University, Durham, NC (October 2005).
Invited comments on "Theories of Location," by Josh Parsons, the Sixth Annual Bellingham Summer Philosophy Conference, Western Washington University (August 2005).
"Stage Theory, Universalism and Lingering Properties," The 8th Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference on "Time and Identity," Moscow, ID, April 2005.
"Times of Our Lives: Negotiating the Presence of Experience," Philosophy Department Colloquium, University of Georgia, November 2004.
"The Anthropic Cosmological Principe: Thirty Years Later," Lunch-in-theory talk, Center for Humanities and Arts, University of Georgia, March 2003.
"Diachronic Composition and Superluminal Motion," Conference
in Memory of James T. Cushing, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana,
November 6–7, 2002.
"Some Philosophical Lessons of Twentieth-Century Cosmology,"
Theoretical Physics Seminar, University of Georgia, March 27, 2002.
"On Stages, Worms and Relativity," the International Conference
on "Time, Reality, and Experience," The London School of Economics (London,
28-29 September 2000).
"Laws of Nature and the Universe," the Summer School on "Cosmology
and Philosophy," Santander, Spain, 10-14 July 2000.
"Laws and Initial Conditions in Cosmology," the Seven Pines
Symposium on Issues in Modern Cosmology, Lewis, Wisconsin, May 2000.
"Zero-Value Physical Quantities," Philosophy Colloquia at
the University of Georgia (April 1999), the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill (January 1999), Rice University (January 1999), and Northwestern
University (January 1998).
Invited comments on "Science and New Age Spirituality: Mind
over Matter in the Academy," by John Stroup, Scientia Colloquium (1998-99
lecture series on "Science and Religion: An Examination"), Rice University
(November 1998).
"The Anthropic Principle: 25 Years Later," Rice University
(September 1998).
"Laws of Nature and the Universe: Some Philosophical Lessons
of Steady-State Cosmology," History and Philosophy of Science Colloquium,
Rice University (February 1998).
"Relativity and Persistence," Philosophy and History of Science
Colloquium, University of Indiana, Bloomington (February 1998).
Invited comments on "Temporal Parts and Supervenient Causation,"
by D. Zimmerman, Philosophy Department Colloquium, University of Notre
Dame (November 1997).
"Endurance, Perdurance, Coexistence, and Relativity," Philosophy
Department Colloquium, University of Notre Dame (October 1996).
"Cosmology and Uniformitarianism: Background and Philosophical
Significance of the Steady-State Theory," The 14th Annual MePHiSToS Conference,
University of Indiana, Bloomington (April 1995).
"Is Evolution of Natural Laws Possible?" Foundations of Physics
Seminar, University of Notre Dame (February 1993).
"Karl Jaspers’s Anthropic Cosmological Principle," The Baer
Bicentenary Conference of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tartu, Estonia
(March 1992).
"The Rise and Fall of the Steady-State Cosmology: Some Philosophical
Lessons," Institute for History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy
of Sciences, Moscow, Russia (February 1992).
"Transcendental Background to the Anthropic Reasoning in
Cosmology," Moscow State University (November 1991); Third International
Congress on "Cosmic Space & Philosophy," Mytilene, Greece (September
1991); International Seminar on "Theology, Philosophy, and Cosmology: on
West and East," Krakow, Poland (May 1991).
"Laws of Nature in the Time-Dependent Universe," International
Seminar "The Problem of Time in Cosmology," Leningrad, USSR (November 1990).
"The Anthropic Principle in the Mirror of Criticism," International
Seminar "The Anthropic Principle in the Contemporary Scientific Picture
of the World," Leningrad, USSR (November 1989).
"Cosmology as a Non-Local Physics," 4th International Symposium
"Philosophy, Physics, Cosmos," Karjaly, Bulgaria (May 1988).
"Necessity and Chance in Modern Cosmology," 8th International
Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Moscow, USSR
(August 1987).
Referee for:
Oxford University Press
Cambridge University Press
Australasian Journal of Philosophy
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Science
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science
Philosophical Papers
Ancient Philosophy
Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Program Committee, The Central Division Meetings of the American
Philosophical Association (1999)
Symposium on Special Relativity and Ontology, PSA Biennial
Meeting, Kansas City, October 1998; participants: Mauro Dorato, Storrs
McCall, Yuri Balashov, Rob Clifton
Introduction to Philosophy
Philosophy, Science, and Nature
Symbolic Logic
Philosophy of Natural Science (team-taught with Scott Kleiner)
History of Natural Science (team-taught with Scott Kleiner)
Philosophy of Language
Seminar on Time and Persistence
Seminar in Philosophy of Language
University of
New Orleans-Innsbruck Summer School (July - August 2003):
Introduction to Philosophy
Philosophy of Space and Time for Beginners
From Space and Time to Space-Time: Understanding Relativity
NOTRE DAME (1996-97):
- Introduction to Philosophy
(since 09/12/99)