Most recent first. Also see my page of writings for the net.
See my separate page of writings on open access for a more complete list that includes interviews, essays written for my newsletter, and some other pieces omitted here.
Open Access to Science in the Developing World (with Subbiah Arunachalam), World-Information City, October 17, 2005. (World-Information City is the print newspaper for the November 2005 meeting of the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis.)
Open access, impact, and demand: Why some authors self archive their articles, BMJ, May 14, 2005.
- If the BMJ edition is not accessible, here's an OA copy.
Open Access, a breakthrough for science that every neuroscientist should know about (with Alexei Koudinov), Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience Abstracts online. Program No.30.6. (2004). A peer-reviewed abstract selected for presentation at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2004.
A Primer on Open Access to Science and Scholarship, Against the Grain, 16, 3 (June 2004).
- Full text, 28k.
The Primacy of Authors in Achieving Open Access, Nature, June 10, 2004.
- An abridged version of this article (under the title "It's the authors, stupid!") appeared in SOAN for 6/2/04.
Creating an Intellectual Commons through Open Access, a preprint based on an April 1, 2004, presentation at a workshop on Scholarly Communication as a Commons in Bloomington, Indiana.
- When it's polished I'll make an HTML version with active links.
The Many-Copy Problem and the Many-Copy Solution, Open Access Now, March 15, 2004.
- Adapted by the OAN editor, Jonathan Weitzman, from an article of the same title in SOAN for 1/2/04.
Promoting Open Access in the Humanities, a preprint based on a January 3, 2004, presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association in San Francisco.
- Full text, 33k.
Open Access Builds Momentum, ARL Bimonthly Report 232, February 2004.
- Adapted by the Report editors, G. Jaia Barrett and Kaylyn Hipps, from Open access in 2003, which first appeared in SOAN for 1/2/04.
Open access: other ways, Nature, November 6, 2003. A letter to the editor.
- For a longer version of the same argument, see Do journal processing fees exclude the poor? in SOAN for 11/2/03.
Open Access to Science and Scholarship, InfoPaper, a newsprint anthology produced for the December 2003 meeting of the U.N. World Summit on the Information Society.
BOAI Discussion List Launched, D-Lib Magazine, April, 2003.
Bibliography of Free Online Scholarship, The Infography, February 5, 2003.
Removing the Barriers to Research: An Introduction to Open Access for Librarians, College & Research Libraries News, 64 (February 2003) pp. 92-94, 113.
- Full text, 27k.
Is Your College Ready to Tackle More than Sweatshops? Chronicle of Higher Education, August 2, 2002, p. B16.
- Full text, 12k.
- Reprinted in the National Association of Educational Buyers Journal, December 2003, pp. 8-9.
Open Access to the Scientific Journal Literature, Journal of Biology, 1, 1 (June 2002) pp. 3f. PDF edition. Free registration required for both the HTML and PDF editions. Here's an HTML copy for which no registration is required.
- Full-text, 12k.
Where Does The Free Online Scholarship Movement Stand Today?, Cortex, 38, 2 (April 2002) pp. 261-64. (PDF edition)
- Full-text, 14k.
- Reprinted in the February 2002 issue of the Association of Research Libraries' ARL Bimonthly Report. (The February issue came out in April.)
Noesis: Is it a library with built-in searching or a search engine with a built-in library?, Syllabus Magazine, March 2002.
Saving Machines From Themselves: The Ethics of Deep Self-Modification, forthcoming in Georg Trogemann (editor), Essays on Self-Modifying Media.
- Full text, 67k.
Review of George Dyson, Darwin Among the Machines: The Evolution of Global Intelligence (Perseus Books, 1997), the American Philosophical Association's Newletter on Philosophy and Computers.
- Full text, 7k.
Articles on Amendment (I.31-32), Civil Disobedience (I.110-113), Paternalism (II.632-635), and Self-Reference in Law (II.790-792), in Christopher Berry Gray (ed.), Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia, Garland Pub. Co., 1999.
- Full text, 6k, 14k, 15k, and 10k respectively.
- Sorry for the condensed prose in these articles. I had very little space in which to work.
The Case of the Speluncean Explorers: Nine New Opinions, Routledge, 1998. Reprinted, with corrections, 2002.
- Preface and Introduction, full text, 25k.
- My contract with Routledge prevents me from putting the rest of the text online. However, I have put up a page of assignment ideas for teachers, errata, and other auxiliary content.
- Buy it from in paperback or hardback.
Infinite Reflections and its appendix, A Crash Course in the Mathematics of Infinite Sets, St. John's Review, XLIV, 2 (1998) 1-59.
- Essay, full text, 83k. Appendix, full text, 62k.
Six Exploding Knots. The English version is only available on the web.
- Full text, 21k.
- This essay has been translated into Dutch by Pieter van de Griend, "Zes Exploderende Knopen," Het Knoopeknauwertje, 9 (December 1997) 8-13.
Legal Reasoning After Post-Modern Critiques of Reason, Legal Writing, The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute, 3 (1997) 21-50.
- Full text, 83k.
Question-Begging Under a Non-Foundational Model of Argument, Argumentation, 8 (1994) 241-50.
- Full text, 36k.
A Year of Teaching with Dialog, Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy, 93, 1 (Spring 1994) 123-26.
- Full text, 20k.
Is Philosophy Dead? The Earlhamite, 112, 2 (Winter 1993) 12-14.
- Full text, 15k.
- Reprinted (HTML version) at the Philosophy News Service, July 20, 1999.
- Featured in Arts & Letters Daily, July 28, 1999.
The Database Paradox: Unlimited Information and the False Blessing of 'Objectivity', Library Hi Tech, 10, 4 (1992) 51-57.
- Full text, 32k.
- This essay is a revised and expanded version of "How Teachers Teach, How Students Learn: Teaching in a Blizzard of Information," in Evan Farber (ed.), Teaching and Technology: The Impact of Unlimited Information Access on Classroom Teaching, Pierian Press, 1991, pp. 67-74, which is itself a revised and expanded version of "Teaching in a Blizzard of Information," Issues in Science and Technology, 5, 4 (July 1989) 29-31.
50 Years Later, The Questions Remain, Ellsworth American, August 27, 1992, Section I, p. 2. (On Kurt Gödel's trip to Blue Hill, Maine, in 1942.)
- Full text, 18k.
Unsimplifying Political Correctness, The Earlhamite, 111, 2 (Spring 1992) 23-25.
- Full text, 16k.
The Paradox of Self-Amendment in American Constitutional Law, Stanford Literature Review, 7, 1-2 (Spring-Fall 1990) 53-78. Essay-length synopsis of the book, Paradox of Self-Amendment, below.
- Full text, 73k.
- This essay has been translated into Portuguese by Fernando Borges Araújo, "O Paradoxo da Auto-Revisão no Direito Constitucional," Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, 31 (1990) 93-128.
Review of Jeff Mason, Philosophical Rhetoric: The Function of Indirection in Philosophical Writing, (Routledge, 1989), in Philosophy and Rhetoric, 23, 2 (1990) 136-141.
- Full text, 15k.
The Paradox of Self-Amendment: A Study of Logic, Law, Omnipotence, and Change, Peter Lang Publishing, 1990.
- Full text in 28 files. See the Table of Contents.
- The third Appendix contains Nomic, full text, 39k.
- I have written an essay-length synopsis of the book, full text, 73k.
A Case Study in Ad Hominem Arguments: Fichte's Science of Knowledge, Philosophy and Rhetoric, 23, 1 (1990) 12-42.
- Full text, 90k.
The Reflexivity of Change: The Case of Language Norms, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 3, 2 (1989) 100-129.
- Full text, 93k.
- This essay has been translated into German by Bertram Kienzle, "Die Reflexivität des Wandels: Der Fall der Sprachnormen," in Bertram Kienzle and Helmut Pape (eds.), Dimensionen des Selbst: Selbstbewußtsein, Reflexivität und die Bedingungen von Kommunikation, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1991, pp. 179-219.
- Second thoughts, full text, 3k.
What is Software? Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2, 2 (1988) 89-119.
- Full text, 85k.
Analogy Exercises for Teaching Legal Reasoning, Journal of Law and Education, 17, 1 (Winter 1988) 91-98.
- Full text, 20k.
Population Changes and Constitutional Amendments: Federalism versus Democracy, University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, 20, 2 (Winter 1987) 409-490.
- Full text, article 82k, and four appendices, 54k, 29k, 33k, and 2k.
- Second thoughts, full text, 9k.
A Bibliography of Works on Reflexivity, in Bartlett and Suber (1987), below, pp. 259-362.
- I'll put this online after I convert it from the ancient word processor on which it was written, i.e. real soon now.
Logical Rudeness, in Bartlett and Suber (1987), below, pp. 41-67.
- Full text, 76k.
Self-Reference: Reflections on Reflexivity, Co-edited with Steven J. Bartlett. Martinus Nijhoff, 1987. (An interdisciplinary anthology of essays.)
- I only plan to put my contributions to this volume online. See previous two items.
GradeSheet: A Spreadsheet for Teachers, Sorcim/IUS Micro Software Inc., November 1984.
- This was written for CP/M machines. Let it rest in peace.
Nomic: A Game That Explores the Reflexivity of Law, Scientific American, 246, 6 (June 1982) 16-28. A game with commentary embedded in column by Douglas R. Hofstadter. Reprinted, sometimes in revised versions, in many languages and many media.
- Full text, 39k. This link is not to the version in Hofstadter's column but to the version of the game in my 1990 book, Paradox of Self-Amendment.
- Also see my Nomic page.
The Place of Philosophy in the Humanities: A Statistical Profile, Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, 55, 3 (February 1982) 417-23.
- Abstract, 5k.
Peter Suber
Research Professor of Philosophy, Earlham College
Open Access Project Director, Public Knowledge
Senior Researcher, SPARC