Barbara Abbott 

Department of Linguistics & Languages 
Michigan State University 
A-614 Wells Hall 
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027 
(517) 355-9739 

email address:

August 2004

507 N. Francis Ave.
Lansing, MI 48912-4212
Home telephone (517) 485-2866

B.A. (History), Pomona College, 1965.
M.L.S. (Library Science), University of California at Berkeley, 1969.
Ph.D. (Linguistics), University of California at Berkeley, 1976.
Dissertation: A Study of Referential Opacity.

Current Teaching Position

Professor, Linguistics & Philosophy, Michigan State University



2006    Definite and indefinite.  In Keith Browh, ed., the Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics,
            2nd ed., vol. 3.  Oxford: Elsevier, 392-399.  [pdf]

2005     Conditionals in English and first order predicate logic.  To appear in Journal of Foreign
             Languages (Shanghai).

2005     Where have some of the presuppositions gone?  [html] To appear in Betty Birner & Gregory
             Ward, eds., Drawing the boundaries of meaning: Neo-Gricean studies in pragmatics
              and semantics in honor of Laurence R. Horn.  Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2005    Some remarks on indicative conditionals.  In Robert B. Young, ed., Proceedings from Semantics and
            Linguistic Theory (SALT) 14.  Ithaca, NY: CLC Publications, 1-19.  [pdf]

2005     Proper names and language.  [pdf] To appear in Greg Carlson & Francis Jeffry Pelletier, eds.,
             Reference and quantification: The Partee effect.  Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

2005    Issues in the semantics and pragmatics of definite descriptions in English.  To
            appear in Jeanette Gundel & Nancy Hedberg, eds., Interdisciplinary perspectives on
            reference processing.  [pdf]

2004    Definiteness and indefiniteness.  In Laurence R. Horn & Gregory Ward., eds.,
            Handbook of Pragmatics.  Oxford: Blackwell, 122-149.  [pdf]

2003     A reply to Szabó’s "Descriptions and uniqueness".  Philosophical Studies 113, 223-231.

2003     Some notes on quotation.  Belgian Journal of Linguistics 17, 13-26.

2002    Donkey demonstratives.  Natural Language Semantics 10, 285-298.

2002    Definiteness and proper names: Some bad news for the description theory.  Journal
            of Semantics 19, 191-201.  [html]

2001    Definiteness and identification in English.  In Németh T. Enikö, ed., Pragmatics in 2000:
            Selected papers from the 7th International Pragmatics Conference, Vol. 2.  Antwerp:
            International Pragmatics Association, 1-15. [pdf]

2000    Fodor and Lepore on meaning similarity and compositionality.  Journal of Philosophy 97, 454-455.

2000    Presuppositions as nonassertions.  Journal of Pragmatics 32, 1419-1437.

1999    Support for a unique theory of definite descriptions.   In Tanya Matthews & Devon
            Strolovitch, eds., Proceedings from Semantics and Linguistic Theory IX, 1-15.  Ithaca: Cornell
            University.  [html]

1999    Water = H2O.  Mind 108, 145-148.

1999    The formal approach to meaning.  Journal of Foreign Languages (Shanghai) 119:1, 2-20.

1997    Models, truth, and semantics.  Linguistics and Philosophy 20:2, 117-138.

1997    A note on the nature of 'water'.  Mind 106, 311-319.

1997    Definiteness and existentials.  Language 73:1, 103-108.

1996    Doing without a partitive constraint.  J. Hoeksema, ed. Partitives: Studies on the syntax and
            semantics of partitive and related constructions (Groningen-Amsterdam Studies in Semantics
            (GRASS) 14), Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 25-56.

1995    Thinking without EnglishBehavior and Philosophy 23:2, 49-55.  [html]

1995    Some remarks on specificity.  Linguistic Inquiry 26:2, 341-347.

1994    Referentiality, specificity, strength, and individual concepts.  WCCFL (Proceedings of the West
            Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics) 12, 473-484.

1993    A pragmatic account of the definiteness effect in existential sentences.  Journal of Pragmatics 19, 39-55.

1993    Some remarks on a causal theory of word meaning.  CLS (Papers from the Regional Meeting of the
            Chicago Linguistic Society) 29, vol. 2: The Parasession, 1-10.

1992    Definiteness, existentials, and the 'list' interpretation.  C. Barker and D. Dowty, eds., SALT II:
            Proceedings of the Second Conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory, Columbus: The
            Ohio State University, 1-16.


2000    Review of Mappings in Thought and Language, by Gilles Fauconnier.  Minds and Machines 10,

1998    Review of Logic, Language and Computation, edited by Seiki Akama.  Philosophy in Review 18, 313-5.

1996    Review of Mental Spaces, by Gilles Fauconnier.  Minds and Machines 6:2, 239-242.

1996    Review of Dynamics, Polarity, and Quantification, edited by Makoto Kanazawa and Christopher J. Piñó.
            Language 72:1, 142-146.

1992    Review of The Psychology of Word Meanings, edited by Paula J. Schwanenflugel.  Language and Speech
            35:4, 463-468.


2003    Linguistic solutions to philosophical problems. Paper to be presented as part of a symposium on
            Philosophy and Linguistics, Pacific APA, Portland OR, March 2006.

2003    Specificity and referentiality.  Paper presented at the Workshop on Direct Reference and Specificity,
            Vienna, August 2003.  [pdf]

2003    The difference between definite and indefinite descriptions.   Paper presented at the annual
            meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Atlanta, January 2003.  [html]

1998    Analyticity and nondescriptionality[html]

1996    The absolutely true story of the essential indexical, currently undergoing revision.

Work in progress:

(1) Noun phrase interpretation, including definiteness, specificity, proper names, and related phenomena. (2) Conditionals.  (3)  Referential opacity.

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