The Politburo Diktat

by a counter-revolutionary, anti-lysenkoist Republican

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May 30, 2004

Random Postmodern Essay Generator

by @ 12:26 am. Filed under Other

Non-humor-impaired comrades are required to click this link:

The Postmodernism Generator: Communications From Elsewhere

I got:

“Society is fundamentally used in the service of elitist perceptions of sexual identity,” says Debord; however, according to Long[1] , it is not so much society that is fundamentally used in the service of elitist perceptions of sexual identity, but rather the defining characteristic of society. It could be said that if textual deconstruction holds, we have to choose between libertarianism and patriarchial nationalism. Sartre’s essay on postdialectic theory implies that government is part of the absurdity of language. … (more)

Who could argue with that?

Nekulturniy comrades at this site also have these other random generators
- Adolescent Poetry
- Band Names
- Postmodernism
- Subgenius Brag
- Time Cube

See the right hand column.

May 29, 2004


by @ 10:23 pm. Filed under Entertainment

Begin downloading now, comrades. Is your duty to subvert Capitalist entertainment moguls.

Clenched fist salute: Mamamontezz

WWII Missions

by @ 5:34 pm. Filed under Military History

Bush Hails Veterans, Calls WWII ‘Greatest Mission’

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush hailed World War II veterans on Saturday for guiding America’s “greatest mission” at an emotional ceremony to dedicate the new monument honoring the 16 million U.S. soldiers who served in the war. Standing before tens of thousands seated in rows of chairs on the national mall, Bush said the country owes “a long-standing debt” to this aging generation of Americans.

I’m not sure how many of my blog visitors have ever visited my main site, American Aces of World War Two. It features bios and combat stories of many of the great pilots of WWII, profiles of the fighter planes, and a fair amount of related aviation history.

I started the site in 1999 and have continually added to it, although for the past several months, blogging here has been my focus.


by @ 2:10 am. Filed under Iraq

Interim Iraq leader is chosen

BAGHDAD — Iyad Allawi, a Shi’ite Muslim physician who tried to organize a CIA-backed coup against Saddam Hussein in 1996, has been chosen to lead the new Iraqi government when it takes power in a month, Iraqi and US officials involved in the selection process said yesterday.

Allawi, who has criticized occupation authorities for disbanding the Iraqi Army and purging low-level members of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath party, had emerged Thursday as the choice of United Nations envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, who consulted with thousands of Iraqis, a senior US official in Baghdad said. He was endorsed unanimously yesterday by the US-appointed Governing Council.

Bah! Is merely tool of CIA.

May 28, 2004

Last? Word on Washingtonienne

by @ 4:13 pm. Filed under Blogosphere

It’s been a big story. And I’m still chasing that rabbit, which went down the hole days ago.

The whole thing seemed too pat, too coincidental from the get-go, see here. But it was undeniably big - huge traffic spikes and bloggers on cable news.

The Party Line from Jessica & Wankette — “All the sex is all true, ’someone’ told Wankette, and the story just took off.” — is, in the literal sense of the word, incredible.

Painting Wankette as an active conspirator/co-author (before 5/18) is equally incredible.

What’s a plausible explanation?


by @ 2:29 pm. Filed under Science & Technology

If you send me an email, and you have one of those automated blockers that requires a defined list of approved email addresses, and it otherwise blocks my emails, please:

Put my email address on the blocker before you email me .. if you want a response, that is.

May 27, 2004

Who Did the Wonkette Know and When Did She know her?

by @ 2:00 pm. Filed under Blogosphere

Ana Marie Cox responded to the following as “wrong, high [on drugs], but very imaginative.” It probably is.

I’ll leave it up, but to be read as questions and coincidences only. The idea of a joint, wholly fabricated, planned conspiracy between the two of them is unlikely.

KGB investigation of double agents, led by Intrepid Inside Beltway KGB Operative, INDC Bill, leads to these questions and coincidences.

1) Jessica Cutler and Wonkette both worked for National Geographic. At different dates, but Plutocrat Grosvenor network is extensive.

2) Within two days of being outted by Wonkette (losing her job, being exposed to the world, upsetting any current relationships, etc.), Jessica was absolute best friends with Ana Marie Cox. Whatever visions of sugar-plum book deals may have danced in her head, wouldn’t she be a little distant toward a stranger who had thus intruded on her life? Supposedly not, she was very comradely and very blase:

May 26, 2004

Stalin a Master of Charm

by @ 9:14 pm. Filed under Russia & CIS

Stalin a Master of Charm, New Biography Finds

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - He had a fine tenor voice and could be a warm and generous man, tucking children into bed, caring for a sick friend or ordering his chauffeur to pick up rain-soaked people at a bus stop.

He loved gardening, John Wayne movies, classic novels like “The Last of the Mohicans” and ordering the deaths of millions of people, from close friends to complete strangers.

The Commissar could have told you all this, except for foul lies at end.

Taking It

by @ 9:26 am. Filed under Blogosphere

The Commissar loves blogging, the blogosphere, and bloggers (okay, some more than others). We are watching it, living it, participating in it, as it grows, however painfully, messily, or reprehensibly.

As this unfolds, recall what Reactionary Bush said on Monday night, about the war on terror: “We take the world as we find it.”

The world of blogging keeps growing. Now, with the Wonkette/Washingtonienne (W/W) story, blogging has changed, with yet one more event. Blogs have made a big splash before, notably The Agonist, The Command Post, et al. during the Iraq War; and various blogs with the Paris Hilt0n and Nick B3rg videos. During the war, Sean-Paul Kelley made the rounds of cable news shows. Many bloggers experienced huge traffic spikes by covering those stories. But those were stories that the internet in general and maybe blogs in particular merely helped to cover or facilitate.

Now we have Jessica Cutler, where the story is “of the bloggers, by the bloggers, and for the bloggers.” (May Abraham Lincoln forgive me for that.)

May 25, 2004

Jessica Cutler - The Spy who Came … for the Gold

by @ 1:18 pm. Filed under U.S. 2004 Elections

In long (and deep) tradition of KGB back door agents like Guy Burgess, exotic young Cutler infiltrated very highest corridors of power in Washington DC, and combined world’s two oldest professions to secure bolshoi secrets for Comrade Putin’s use:
- whereabouts of VP Cheney’s secure undisclosed location
- Rummy’s missing mojo
- Comrade Kerry’s principles
- Madonna’s commitment
- fate of Reactionary Bush’s wardrobe guy (deceased)
- secret plans that Chalabi passed to Iran
- Nancy “The Joker” Pelosi’s hanger implant.

KGB is very grateful. All this for only $400? Is great bargain. There is more, comrades, much more. Can it all be revealed in fifteen minutes? You see that laptop? Is filled with compromising images and pictures. What? You do not want to see Dennis Hastert naked?

Perhaps you doubt Commissar’s report? What ‘college’ did Jessica come from? “Syracuse” Any reader of Da Vinci Code will know that is anagram for “RUS CASE Y,” most feared operations department of KGB.

Aided by well-known “big fat Commie pinko” fellow traveler, who must not be linked to, Miss Jessica has rattled the marble halls of Congress. What American institution will she bring down next?

Map of An-Najaf

by @ 9:15 am. Filed under Iraq

May 25 Update: New fighting in Najaf. Shrine of Ali damaged. Serious finger-pointing. At least 13 dead. “An angry crowd of more than 100?” Can’t MiniTruth do better than that? “More than 100?” How many are around the shrine routinely? 200? 500? Maybe there was “wedding” going on?

May 14: Backed by helicopters, American tanks charged into the center of this holy city on Friday and shelled positions held by fighters loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, who condemned the United States and its chief coalition partner, Britain, in a sermon at a nearby city. The Shrine of Imam Ali, one of the most sacred sites for Shiite Muslims, was slightly damaged in the fighting. (via Yahoo)

The detailed map of Najaf shows these landmarks. It is not a large city, the black-oultined squares are one kilometer.

Inside the light red circle if the old city, whose twisted alleys contrast with the modern street grid in the newer, expansive sections of the city. In the heart of the old city is the famed Imam Ali Mosque. News reports for the past few days have reported Coalition forces within 500 meters of the Mosque, which I interpret as just outside the old city.

The cemetery, usually referred to as “the world’s largest,” is the olive-green area filling most of the upper part fo the map.

Much of the fighting in Najaf happened in the city’s vast cemetery, a maze of footpaths and tombs that offers ample hiding space for militiamen. Several tanks rumbled into the cemetery, known as the “Valley of Peace” and thought to be the world’s largest.

Kufa, where Moqtada al Sadr preaches on Fridays, is just off the map, to the northeast. The Naja-Kufa road, recently blocked by American forces, is highlighted in green.

May 24, 2004

The End of Cheap Oil

by @ 9:56 pm. Filed under Other

National Geographic warns plutocrat, SUV-driving, oil-swilling swine Capitalists that “the vital fuel will become scarce and expensive.” Lengthy article on demise of oil, written in NatGeo’s standard in medias res style.

Article has very interesting map of proven oil reserves, on NatGeo website, but better presented in paper magazine. (When will Commissar’s house collapse from weight of accumulated NatGeos?). Overlaid on black outline map of world, are squares representing proven reserves, in billions of barrels, totalling just over 1 trillion barrels, or 1,000,000,000,000, or 1,000 billion, however you express it. Unsurprisingly, Saudi “Riyadh Delenda Est” Arabia leads with 261 billion barrels, then Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and UAE, with 100+ billion each. Outside of the Middle East, Venezuela with 78 billion and Russia with 60 billion loom large. Overall, global proven reserves, as of 2004, amount to 1,000 billion barrels.

Praise to Comrade Stalin, the Commissar has a 1968 copy of Oxford Economic Atlas of the World. One of Commissar’s favorite books. It provides unchanging historical facts, not subject to Memory Hole, MiniTruth spin, or other problems of transitory digital age.

How many barrels of proven reserves of oil in 1968? Any comrade care to guess? We have been using lots of oil in past 36 years since 1968. Israeli tanks alone, in their “brutal, illegal, immoral, occupation and genocide of the Palestinian people” must have used at least 100 billion barrels. How much oil did world have in 1968?

Situation Update - per MiniTruth

by @ 3:16 pm. Filed under Media

Bush Poll numbers falling.

Casualties rising. (Watch the Wounded, comrades, watch the Wounded.)

Supply lines imperiled. Reported here. Update here.

Economy sinking.

Day 7: Atrios and Kos Held Hostage

by @ 2:42 pm. Filed under Blogosphere


Update: Can we add “Karbala” to the list of words that dare not speak their name? Re: Sarin. Instapundit noted that the operative word for good comrades is “stockpiles.” As in “stockpiles of WMDs were not found.”

Update: Still no mention of the dreaded “S” word from these comrades. Hold vigil. Light a candle. Tie red ribbon ’round old oak tree. The Commissar will not drink vodka for the duration.


Have comrades Kos and Atrios been decapitated? Or held hostage?

Politburo agents have scoured their posts for mentions of WMD found in Iraq, reported early on Monday, May 17. Of course, good comrades know that: 1) It was only one shell, 2) Rumsfeld planted it there on his recent trip, 3) Over time sarin expires and turns into a Moonbat-flavored soft drink, and 4) It was a very “convenient” time.

It is not credible that Kos and Atrios could have failed to make these points and thus properly criticize Criminal Reactionary Bush. Howwever, their blogs are merely filled with polls about dog-catcher elections in North Dakota, weddings in Provincetown, book reviews, uncharactistic Greed, and most telling, “open threads.”

Comrades, it is clear what has happened. VRWC terrorist-bloggers have somehow gotten their passwords, horribly executed these two comrades, and now are impersonating them in their own blogs.

May 22, 2004

Kablogh - Holy City of Blogistan

by @ 4:43 pm. Filed under Blogosphere, Cartography

War has been raging in Kablogh, the holy city of the Ri’ight sect. From their sacred city, the Ri’ightes revere their aged Imam al-Ron, inheritor of the mantle of Sheikh Barri. Every November, the Ri’ightes remember both the defeat of Sheikh Barri by Caliph el Beejeh and also the later resurgent victory of al-Ron over the “false Saint” Dhimmi, by gorging themselves in the rites of a-sugara.

Click on thumbnail map or here for full-size version. (The large map includes clickable links to many important Ri’ight sites.)

The monuments of Kablogh, notably the now-empty House of Allah Mosque, have seen fierce fighting in recent weeks. The righteous Ri’ightes pray to the House of Allah mosque five times daily, hoping for the imminent return of its rightful occupant. Other Ri’ight strongholds include the LGF Embassy, the Captain’s Quarter, the Canadian Embassy, and the Barking Moonbat Airport.

From the al-Maghee’ee Road all the way out the the B’rain Fertilizer plant, the Ri’ightes have fought with RPGs (Right Pronouncement Grenades), AK (Anyone Knows) -47s, and IED’s (Intellectually Explosive Determination).

The battle continues.

Update: Unlike Shi’ite Moqtada al-Sadr and his amateur amartyrs, his gingerly jihadis, his prudent prayermen, who have skulked out of Karbala, the Ri’ightes will never abandon Kablogh to the infidels.

2nd Update: Errors and omissions (result of anti-Party Trotskyite wreckers) have been corrected.

. . . Next Page »

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pol·it·bu·ro n. The chief political and executive committee of a Communist party.

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