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Inside Iraq's Resistance
HOT HOT HOT New CounterPunch Print Edition!

Meet actual Iraqis and not just Western caricatures. Laith al-Saud interviews top man in Iraq's national resistance. It's not just Abu Ghraib and bids to kill Fidel Castro. Torture and assassination are integral parts of America's imperial machine. Don't miss Andrew Wimmer's searing journey into the soul of a nation that tortures as a way of life. Plus Alexander Cockburn on the killing of General Kassem. PLUS Sam Sillen's rollicking exhumation of Edmund Wilson as Malthusian Trostskyite. Get the answers you're looking for in the latest subscriber-only edition of CounterPunch ... CounterPunch Online is read by millions of viewers each month! But remember, we are funded solely by the subscribers to the print edition of CounterPunch. Please support this website by buying a subscription to our newsletter, which contains fresh material you won't find anywhere else, or by making a donation for the online edition. Remember contributions are tax-deductible. Click here to make a donation. If you find our site useful please: Subscribe Now!

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Today's Stories

September 27, 2005

Harry Browne
Live from Hollywood: the IRA Disarms

September 26, 2005

Rafael Rodriguez Cruz
Assassination in Puerto Rico: the FBI Murders a Legend

Joshua Frank
Democrats Flee Peace Protests

Lamis Andoni
The Railroading of Taysir Alony

Mike Marqusee
Those Pesky "Urban Intellectuals": Blair, Spiro Agnew and the Antiwar Movement

Rep. Cynthia McKinney
They Can't Fool Us Anymore

Ron Jacobs
A Small March for Me, a Giant March for the Antiwar Movement

Norman Solomon
The Media and the Antiwar Movement

John Chuckman
Bush in a Bottle

Paul Craig Roberts
America is Running Out of Time


September 24 / 25, 2005

Kathy and Bill Christison
Polluting Palestine: Settlements & Sewage

Ralph Nader
Stealing the Moment: How Corporations Cashed in on Katrina

Saul Landau
The Terrorist Resumé of Luis Posada

Greg Moses
A Movement Gathers Power on the Sorrow Plateau

Roger Burbach
Hugo Chavez's Mission

Vijay Prashad
America's Shame

Laura Carlsen

Robert Fisk
When Man and Nature Conspire to Expose the Lies of the Powerful

Dave Lindorff
A Gusher Called Katrina: They Fix Oil Prices, Don't They?

Kirkpatrick Sale / Thomas Naylor
Secession from the Empire: the Middlebury Declaration

Maj. Anthony Milavic
The US Military and Torture: the View of a Former Interrogator

Brian Concannon, Jr.
Haiti: the Time for Action is Now


September 23, 2005

CounterPunch News Service
In Which, Phil Donahue Demolishes Bill O'Reilly

Diane Farsetta
Katrina and Right-Wing Think Tanks

Robert Sandels
Militarizing the Market

Christopher Brauchli
Bush: the Good Samaritan for Corporations

Alan Farago
Bird Flu Takes Flight

Dave Zirin
When Sports & Politics Collided: Redeeming the Olympic Martyrs of 1968

Maxine Conant
A Simple Test for Bush

David Price
Workers Get Hit Twice: Katrina and Davis-Bacon Profiteering


September 22, 2005

Smith, Wood, Leas, and Greenfield
Which Way Forward for the Green Party? a Report from Tulsa

Patrick Cockburn
Iraqis: This Government has No Authority

Manuel Garcia, Jr.
Thinking is Religious Freedom

Lucia Dailey
Trial of the St. Patrick's Four: Day One

Mokhiber / Weissman
Are You a Speed Freak?

Russell D. Hoffman
The Nukes in Rita's Path

Kona Lowell
God's Hurricane?

Jason Leopold
GOP Fiscal Policy and Katrina

Website of the Day
Robert Pollin on the Global Economy


September 21, 2005

Jorge Mariscal
Military Recruiters: Counselers or Salesmen?

Linda S. Heard
Double Standards in Iraq: Basra Brit Jailbreak

Joshua Frank
NYPD Unplugs Cindy Sheehan

Eric Ruder
"The Problem in Iraq is the US": an Interview with Camilo Mejia

Pierre Tristam
The Struts and Bull Presidency

Dave Lindorff
The Real Story of the German Elections

Mike Ferner
Sit Down in DC

Missy Comley Beattie
Bush's Katrina Bling Bling

Jeffrey St. Clair
W Marks the Spot

Website of the Day
New Orleans: Survivor Stories


September 20, 2005

Steve Breyman
Toxic Gumbo: Katrina and Environmental Justice

George Galloway
Et Tu, Greg Palast?

Patrick Cockburn
What Happened to Iraq's Missing $1 Billion?

M. Shahid Alam
Gen. Musharraf and Israel: Is Pakistan Selling Out?

Mike Whitney
The Gitmo Hunger Strikers

Winslow T. Wheeler
It's Not Rocket Science

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Back to the Future: North Korea's Gambit

Paul Craig Roberts
Will Neocon Fanaticism Destroy America?


September 19, 2005

Gary Leupp
Their Patience and Ours: Khalilzad Threatens Syria

Rev. William E. Alberts
Mainstream Religious Leaders in Bushtime: Guardians of the Status Quo

Tom Gorman
Padilla and the Death of the Republic: the Power to Hold Anyone

Leigh Saavedra
The Anti-War Movement Goes on Trial

Mike Whitney
Hurricane Hugo at the UN

Ingmar Lee
Compromise with a Chainsaw in the Rainforests of BC

Katrina Yeaw
Anti-War Mvt. in Italy: Hunger Strike Against Censorship

Kathleen and Bill Christison
Travels in Palestine: Horror Story


September 17 / 18, 2005

Alexander Cockburn
Levee Town

Ralph Nader
The CEO's Chief Justice

Diane Christian
Abortion and the Politics of Death

Ned Sublette
Mr. Bush's Tuba

William Cook
Katrina and Poverty: the Poor Have No Lobbyists

Barbara Ehrenreich
Finding a Coach in the Land of Oz

Nikolas Kozloff
Demeaner of the Faith: Pat Robertson and Gen. Rios Montt

Dave Lindorff
One Big Sham: New Orleans as Potemkin Village

Heather Gray
Wake Up White America!

"This is Solidarity, Not Charity": a Student Report from Louisiana

James Petras
From Victims to Vandals: Katrina and the Mass Media

Bill Pahneles
Born Again in New Orleans?

Jeff Chapman
Katrina's Victims and the Minimum Wage

Dave Zirin
Eton Thomas Rises to the Challenge

Ron Jacobs
The Politics of Withdrawal from Iraq

Fred Gardner
The Millworker's Argument

Peter Harley
The Wall and the Holes in the Wall

Matthew Koehler
Battering the Bitterroot National Forest

Ben Tripp
Some Optimistic Thoughts

Poets' Basement
Nettnin, Albert, Engel and Louise

Website of the Weekend
How to Identify Misinformation


September 16, 2005

Ishmael Reed
Race, Katrina and the Media

J.L. Chestnut, Jr.
Bush's Judges and Black America

James Petras
The St. Patrick Four: the Feds Confront the Anti-War Movement

Louis Proyect
Brawl at Baruch: Hitchens vs. Galloway

Christopher Brauchli
Baked Brownie: Cooking a Resumé

Naomi Archer
"It's Not that the Government isn't Responding, They are Obstructing Responses"

Edward Gibbon
The Patron Saint of Defense Contractors

Francis Boyle
Grounds for Impeachment?

Paul Craig Roberts
America is in the Clutches of Autocrats


September 15, 2005

Jeffrey St. Clair
Flirtations with Disaster

Brian J. Foley
The Profit-Driven War

Justin E.H. Smith
Frances Newton and the Prospects for a New Abolitionism

Dave Lindorff
Sacrificial Murder by Texas: Frances Newton Died for Bush's Sins

Kevin Zeese
Katrina and Iraq: the War Comes Home to Roost

Jason Leopold
Funeral Gate in New Orleans

Todd May
There are Palestinians Here!: the Demographic Factor

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Brawl in the Family

Pat Williams
Lewis and Clark in Montana

William S. Lind
Swept Away in Iraq

Saul Landau
Bush, God and Katrina


September 14, 2005

Gary Leupp
Managing Perceptions of Presidential Ignorance

Evelyn Pringle
Iraqis to Bush: Where Did All Our Money Go?

Jordan Flaherty
Back Inside New Orleans

Jeff Chapman
The WJS's Flawed War on the Minimum Wage

Ramzy Baroud
The Perils of Normalization with Israel

Manuel Garcia, Jr.
The Power of Water

Mickey Z.
Eugene V. Debs and the Legacy of Dissent

Sam Husseini
A Statement from Mother Nature

Ralph Nader
Questioning Judge Roberts


September 13, 2005

Uri Avnery
Who Murdered Arafat?

Jackals and Jackasses

Where's the Outrage Over the Jailing of Kevin Pina?

Marlene Martin
The Texas Killing Machine: Will Another Innocent Woman be Executed?

Joshua Frank
Katrina's Political Aftermath: Blame More Than Bush

Ron Jacobs
Saving America's Serengetti

Dave Lindorff
Compassion for the Camera

Ben Tripp
It's an Ill Wind

Dave Zirin
Galloway Goes to Washington

Billy Sothern
How the Other Half Lived in New Orleans

Website of the Day
Save the Life of Frances Newton


September 12, 2005

Bill Glahn
Tears of Rage in New Orleans

Jason Leopold
How Michael Brown Helped Bush Win Florida

Bill Simpich
Confronting Nancy Pelosi

Mike Whitney
Padilla and the Death of Personal Liberty

Justin Felux
Free Kevin Pina!: US Journalists Arrested in Haiti

Rep. Cynthia McKinney
No One Came to Get Them

Carol Norris
Let Them Eat Toxins

Robert Jensen
Our Grief is Not Special

Gideon Levy
The Mean Streets of Tel Rumeida

Paul Craig Roberts
Power Grab in New Orleans

Website of the Day
New Orleans Artists Relief Fund


September 9 / 11, 2005

William A. Cook
From New Orleans to Palestine

Saul Landau
How the US Supplied Iran with Nuclear Know-How

Lance Selfa
Confederacy of Dunces: Why FEMA Failed

Col. Dan Smith
Paying the Piper

Elaine Cassel
Judge Roberts: On the Far Right of a Far Right Party

Ron Jacobs
Food as Govt. Weapon in New Orleans

Elisa Salasin
My September 11th

Christopher Brauchli
When "Action" is Delay: Bush's Picnic & Plan B

Evelyn Pringle
War Pays: Douglas Feith's Platinum Parachute

Tom Crumpacker
The Posada Case: When Injustice is Justice

Dave Lindorff
The Big Blowback

Robert Jensen
Race Stories: the Heart of Whiteness

Gary Bass
A Civics Lesson from Katrina

Dr. Susan Block
Katrina Speaks!

Steven Sherman
The American Left and the Battle of New Orleans

Col. Douglas A. Macgregor
Escape from Oz: the Pentagon's Light Show

Barghouti / Grima
Re-Thinking the Mediterranean

Jeff Berg
Katrian and the Baghdad Dead: Bush's Tipping Point?

Fred Gardner
Marijuana Might Really Make You Cool

Charles Sullivan
It's Not Easy Being King

Dan Vojir
God's Ambulance Chasers

Website of the Weekend
On the Road in Louisiana

September 8, 2005

John Chuckman
Lessons from Hell

Dan La Botz
Rehnquist: the Chief Injustice

Carol Norris
The Psychological Aftermath of Katrina

David Krieger
Cindy, Katrina and Iraq

Irma Thomas
An SOS from the Soul Queen of New Orleans

Roger Morris
Legacy of Neglect

September 7, 2005

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
John Wayne and the New Orleans Indians

Victor Davis Hanson: Bard of the Booboisie

Chris Floyd
No Direction Home

Jason Leopold
The Rich and the Dead

Michael Donnelly
Cassandra, Apollo and the Red Queen

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Clueless in Crawford; Witless in Washington

Linda Milazzo / John Stern
Idiot Wind: Haley Barbour, Katrina and Hiroshima

Gary Leupp
Nepal: the Prachanda Path

Pierre Tristam
Commander-in-Zilch Fails New Orleans

Kevin Zeese
Kucinich Speaks: Dem Leadership Needs to Get Out of the Way

Charmaine Neville
How We Survived the Flood


September 6, 2005

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Our Birmingham: Did Katrina Blow Off the White Sheets of American Racism?

Dan La Botz
Katrina: State Failure and Human Solidarity

Larry Bradshaw / Lorrie Beth Slonsky
Trapped in New Orleans: First By Floods, Then By Martial Law

Chuck D.
Hell No We Ain't Alright

Debbie Dupre / Bill Quigley
Thank God There's No One to Bomb in Retaliation

Omar Wariach
Edward Said vs. Orwell and Hitchens: "It's Racism at the Bottom"

Mike Whitney
Why Rehnquist Doesn't Deserve to be Buried on US Soil

Carol Norris
In the Wake of Katrina

Norman Solomon
Firing Mike Brown is not Enough

Michael Neumann
But What About the Snipers?

September 5, 2005

Paul Craig Roberts
Resurrecting Karl Marx

David Vest
The Battle of New Orleans:It's Looking a Lot Like Fallujah

John Blair
Don't Rebuild New Orleans, At Least Where It Was

Fidel Castro
What Cuba Has Offered the People of the Gulf Coast

Mike Whitney
80,000 Rodney Kings in New Orleans

Alan Farago
Talking Points for a City of Corpses

Doug Giebel
Bush's New Orleans: "So This is Where He Used to Come to Get Drunk"

Mark Chmiel
Beatitudes for This New American Century

Carol Wolman, MD
God to Bush: "You Blew It"

Norman Solomon
Bush's Answer to Cindy Sheehan: "It Was About Oil"

Eli Stephens
An Administration Without Shame

Peter Linebaugh
Loo! Loo! Lulu! Loot!


September 3 / 4, 2005

Alexander Cockburn
From Mitch to Katrina

Paul Craig Roberts
Failure on Every Front

Gary Leupp
New Orleans and the System that Destroyed It

Dave Lindorff
Profiteering from Disaster: the Real Looters Wear Pinstripes

Dan La Botz
Time for the U.S. to Start Over

Jonathan M. Feldman
From Iraq to New Orleans: the U.S. as a "Failed State"

Landau / Hassen
The Cuban 5: In Prison for Fighting Terrorism

Tim Wise
In the Name of the Lord: "Those Looters Should be Shot"

Mitchel Cohen
People of the Dome: "Let Them Eat Shit..."

Dave Zirin
The Superdome: the Earth's Most Damnable Homeless Shelter

Mike Ferner
Waiting on the Outside World: Who Will Rescue America?

Rep. Cynthia McKinney
Shame on the Bush Administration

Jason Leopold
Bush's Demented Priorities: the State of Marriage Over the State of Louisiana

Justin Felux
Kayne West is My Hero: "Bush Doesn't Care About Black People"

Monica Benderman
Iraq War as Thrill Ride: Getting Off the Rollercoaster

Ben Tripp
Grab a Towel, You're Next

Jordan Flaherty
Notes from Inside New Orleans

Bill Pahnelas
A Rising Tide has Swamped All Boats

Seth Sandronsky
Hurricane Katrina Exposes the True Face of Capitalism

Mark Donham
Where's Karl Rove?

Fred Gardner
CHP Agrees to Follow Law; Justice Stevens Apologizes

Joshua Frank
Winning the West

Jackie Corr
The Privatization Mob

Poets' Basement
Albert, Engel, Louise


September 2, 2005

Evan Jones
Katrina and the Corps of Engineers: Manufacturing Disaster

David Stocker
How Good is Your Levee? Frankly, Scarlet I Don't Think He Gives a Damn

Dave Lindorff
Baghdad on the Big Muddy

Norman Solomon
The Smirk of a Killer: Ending the Impunity of the Bush White House

Mike Whitney
How Bush Deals with a Disaster He Helped Create: Blame the Looters

Eli Stephens
What They Should Have Learned from Hurrican Ivan

Ron Jacobs
Katrina, Iraq and Blood Profits

Christopher Brauchli
Onward Christian Assassins

Harvey Wasserman
Bush to New Orleans: Drop Dead

CounterPunch Wire
Faith-Based FEMA? Feds Directing Katrina Money to Pat Robertson

Glen Ford
Will the "New" New Orleans be Black?


September 1, 2005

Dr. Greg Henderson, MD
Situation Critical: a Doctor in the Flood

Paul Craig Roberts
How New Orleans Was Lost

Mike Whitney
Hurricane Donald: How Rumsfeld Smashed the National Guard

Lee Sustar
Left Behind to Drown: the Poor and Hurricane Katrina

Dave Lindorff
The Real Disaster: Bush and the Democrats

Lynn Gonzalez
The Cindy Spark: Mainstream America Stirs

Chris Floyd
The Perfect Storm

August 31, 2005

Cockburn / St. Clair
New Orleans After Katrina

John Walsh
Democrats and the War

Bernstein / Mishel
Bush Economy: Incomes Down; Poverty Up!

Alan Farago
What are the Hurricanes Trying to Tell Us?

Norman Solomon
The National Guard Belongs in New Orleans, Not Baghdad

Bryan Newbury
"Hey, Shoot that Black Guy Running Off with the Bottled Water!"

Jason Leopold
What's Eating Cindy Sheehan?

Website of the Day
The Swiftboating of Cindy Sheehan


August 30, 2005

Gary Leupp
Venezuela: Launch Pad for Muslim Extremism?

Joshua Frank
Bunny and the War Profireers

Evelyn Pringle
The Woman Who Blew the Whistle on Halliburton Gets Canned

Urariano Mota
To Die by Mistake: the Killing of Jean Claude de Menezes

Ron Jacobs
High Water Everywhere

CP News Service
An Open Letter to Alberto Gonzales: Free the Cuban 5

Roger Morris
The War for the Future


August 29, 2005

Seth Sandronsky
Pat Robertson, Big Oil's Televangelist

Norman Solomon
War Liberals and Cindy Sheehan

Charles Sullivan
Nation of Fools

Paul Craig Roberts
Does Anyone Know What We're Doing in Iraq?

Website of the Day
Monsanto Threatens "Bitter Greens"

August 27 / 28, 2005

Alexander Cockburn
Assassination: as American as Apple Pie (and Torture)

Ricardo Alarcon
The Cuban 5 in Atlanta: a Long March Towards Justice

Diane Christian
The Politics of Death: Assassination

M. Shahid Alam
How to be a Good Victim

Laith al-Saud
Baghdad Circus: Iraq's Constitutional Process

Diane Farsetta
School of the Americas Fights Back: PR Plan for Pentagon's "Demonstration Village"

Saul Landau
Reagan and Bottled Water: the Privatization of Everything

Tom Barry
Hurricane Hugo: Relating to Venezuela

Nicholas Rowe
Barenboim in Ramallah: an Unfinished Symphony

George E. Bisharat
Enforce the Ban on Settlements

Dave Lindorff
Another Mother for War: the Exploitation of Tammy Pruett

Fred Gardner
Pot Shots: Doing the Right Thing, Even If You Are Fearful

John Francis Lee
The Juggernaut of Jingo

Evan Jones
I.F. Stone on the Perils of Empire

Ali Khan
Defining Aggression

Poets' Basement
Albert, Nettnin, Engel, Ford, Krieger, Louise

August 26, 2005

Lee Sustar
Showdown at Northwest

Ramzy Baroud
Cindy Sheehan and the Power of the Ordinary

Christopher Brauchli
The Return of Edwin Meese

Peter Harley
The Wall as a Good Thing?

John Snider
Not One of the Gang

Kathleen Christison
Can Palestine be Put Back in the Equation?



August 25, 2005

Paul Craig Roberts
Hegemony Lost: the American Economy is Destroying Itself

Cockburn / St. Clair
Loewenstein's Big Mail Bag: Gaza and "the Shame of It All"

J.L. Chestnut, Jr.
Racial Politics in California They May Vote for You, But They Won't Have Lunch with You

Chhandasi Pandya
Libeling Venezuela

Richard Ward
Impressions from Camp Casey

Norman Solomon
Exploiting the 9/11 Anniversary: Will the Media Help Bush, Again?

Joshua Frank
Will the Real Leaders Please Stand Up?

Seth Sandronsky
GM, the UAW and US Health Care

Lucinda Marshall
The Democratic Unraveling: How Not to Mention the War

Memo to Bush: Try a Circle of Wise Women

Ralph Nader
It's Time to Make the Iraq War Personal



August 24, 2005

Stan Goff
Containing the Anti-War Movement: the Hayden Plan

Rachard Itani
Papal Double Standards

Elisa Salasin
The Militarization of Our Children

Ron Jacobs
Who Would Jesus Assassinate?

John Chuckman
Robertson and Posada: Bush's Kind of Terrorists

Leibowitz / Heller
Gaza: Disengagement or Military Redeployment?

Douglas Valentine
Suicide as Sacrament

Thomas Nagy
Congress Should Go to Crawford: an Open Letter to Cindy Sheehan

Alexander Cockburn
Hitchens Backs Down, Says Sheehan "Not a La Rouchie"

Website of the Day
Stations of the Cross




August 23, 2005

Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler
Pat Robertson is Not a Christian

Karen Kilroy
Pittsburgh and Salt Lake City Protests: Violent Echoes of Kent State

Stew Albert
Fascism in America: Are We There Yet?

Joshua Frank
The Democrats and Cindy Sheehan

Dave Zirin
Pedaling Away from Principle: Lance Armstrong Cozies Up to Bush

Julia Olmstead
Our Reckless Chemical Dependence: A Little Round-Up With Your Precautionary Principle?

CounterPunch Wire
Prosecuting Bush in Canada for Torture: a Legal Update

Jason Leopold
Bush's Lips Move, But He Says Nothing

Diane Christian
The Politics of Death



August 22, 2005

Sonia Nettnin
Gaza Stripped, the Occupation Remains

Mike Whitney
"Shoot to Kill": Tony Blair's First Trophy

Kevin Zeese
The Latest Falsehood: the US is in Iraq to "Stablize It"

Norman Solomon
Bush's Bloody Option: Escalate the War in Iraq

Christopher Brauchli
Secret Talkers

Jeff Bale
The Left's Challenge in Germany

Greg Moses
Raw Talk Revival at Camp Casey Two



August 20 / 21, 2005

Alexander Cockburn
Can Cindy Sheehan End the War?

Saul Landau
Terrorism Then and Now: Townley Talks

Kevin Zeese
an Interview with Tom Hayden

Greg Moses
A Daytrip without Cindy

Ray McGovern
Cindy Sheehan and Creative Protest

Fred Gardner
Merck Gets Whacked

Martin Smith
Rebellion in the Ranks: the Soldiers' Revolt in Vietnam

Benjamin Granby
Gaza's Economy: the Key to Sharon's Strategy?

Frankie Lake
Dirty Tricksters: How the Federalist Society Operates

Joshua Frank
Failing Nature: the Democrats and the Environment

Ron Jacobs
When Sympathy is Not Enough

Tom Crumpacker
Moral Values and the CIA

Mike Ferner
"All of Our Stories are Sad"

James Petras
Suicide Bombers: the Sacred and the Profane

Col. Dan Smith
The President's Dilemma

Dr. Teresa Whitehurst
What de Menezes Didn't Know

Ben Tripp
Moses on Top of Old Smokey

Poets' Basement
Landau, Albert, Engel and Louise



August 19, 2005

Alexander Cockburn
A Short History of Meat, Part 4: Cutting Up Mochie

Neve Gordon
After the Withdrawal

Gary Leupp
The Pandora's Box of Iraq's Constitution

William S. Lind
Getting Swept

Vijay Prashad
The Rosa Parks of the Anti-War Movement

Dave Lindorff
Something Has Happened

Pat Williams
Social Security and the American West

John Pilger
Free Speech and the War on Terror

Elaine Cassel
Judge Roberts and the Death Penalty



August 18, 2005

Alexander Cockburn
A Short History of Meat, Part 3: Vegetarians, Nazis for Animal Rights, Blitzkrieg of the Ungulates

Greg Moses
Cindy, the Peace Train and the Little Ditch that Could

Ramzy Baroud
Theatrics in Gaza: the Disengagement That Isn't

Joshua Frank
Bush's Emotional Incapacities

Monica Benderman
For Cindy: There's No Glory in Dying

Paul Craig Roberts
Courthouse Jackboots: Corrupted Justice


August 17, 2005

Alexander Cockburn
A Short History of Meat: Part Two, the March to Porkopolis

Robert Jensen
America's Good Germans?

Carl G. Estabrook
News Notes from the Global War on Terrorism

Mike Whitney
Greenspan and the Housing Bubble

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Shaming the Shameless

Norman Solomon
Slurs, Lies and Innuendos: Blaming the Antiwar Messengers

Dave Zirin
In Defense of Felipe Alou

Jennifer Loewenstein
The Shame of It All: Watching the Gazan Fiasco




August 16, 2005

Greg Moses
Mona in a Field of Crosses at Camp Casey, Texas

Thomas Larson
The Unmitigated Gall of Dinesh D'Souza

Diana Barahona
Uneasy Standoff in Venezuela's Media Wars

Dave Lindorff
The Inquirer's Minds Don't Want to Know

Rep. Cynthia McKinney
A Letter to President Bush: Meet with Cindy Sheehan

Elisa Salasin
Hitchens Slimes Cindy Sheehan

David Krieger
Amazing Grace and Cindy

Alexander Cockburn
A Short History of Meat: Part One, Peter's Dream

Website of the Day
Reclaiming Appalachia: a Mountain Takeover



August 15, 2005

Greg Moses
Pilgrims of Protest in Crawford

Paul Craig Roberts
Slouching Toward Armageddon?

Mike Whitney
Failing in Iraq

Robert Jensen
The Challenges We Face

CounterPunch Wire
Judge Fines Voices in the Wilderness $20,000 for Taking Medicine to Iraq; Voices Refuses to Pay

Norman Solomon
Someone Tell Frank Rich the War Isn't Over

Kathleen Christison
Camp David Redux: Anatomy of a Frame-Up


August 13 / 14, 2005

Cockburn / St. Clair
When Down is Up: the "Stricken" President

William Blum
The al-Dubya Training Manual

Gary Leupp
High Tide for the Neocons?

Jack Z. Bratich
Secreting the News: Anonymous vs. Confidential Sources

Brian Cloughley
The Ridiculous Rice

Ron Jacobs
Klan Justice: Mississippi is Still Burning

John Farley
"Beyond Chutzpah" Too Hot for Harvard Bookstore?

Dave Lindorff
Making the World Safer...for Nukes

Tim Wise
Animal Whites: PETA and the Politics of Putting Things in Perspective

J.L. Chestnut, Jr.
There's Not One Real Liberal or Conservative in the Senate

John Gershman
The Bolton Opportunity

Felice Pace
Saving Northwest Forests: Time for a Fresh Look

Fred Gardner
Feds Takeover Prosecution of Dustin Costa

David Krieger
The Fable of the Emperor and the Grieving Mother

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Being a Protestant Fundamentalist

Ben Tripp
GWAT: a Tone Poem

Poets' Basement
Reiss, Nettnin, Engel and Louise



August 12, 2005

Christopher Brauchli
Courting God: Justice Sunday II

Greg Moses
A Crawford Peace House Morning with Cindy Sheehan

Ramzy Baroud
Israel's Nuclear Puzzle

Norman Solomon
Cindy Sheehan's Message: Repudiating Bush and Dean

Chris Genovali
Why is a Canadian Politician Trying to End Protections for US Grizzly Bears?

Chris Floyd
Cheney and Halliburton, the Stench Gets Worse

Tariq Ali
Blair's New Authoritarianism



August 11, 2005

Saul Landau
Globalization and Its Discontents

Dave Lindorff
Privatization will Harm Same Sex Couples

Ralph Nader
Dear Cindy Sheehan: May You Prevail Where Others Have Failed

Talli Nauman
Radioactive Border: the Hot Mounds of Samalayuca

Gary Leupp
Politics of an Outing: Plame, Ledeen and Iran

Sharon Smith
The New Anti-War Majority

Paul Craig Roberts
Why is Cheney Lobbying for a Boost in China's Nuclear Capability?



August 10, 2005

Tim Wise
Indian Mascots and White Rage

Ron Jacobs
Rumsfeld's Delusions

Joshua Frank
Dean and the PDA: Don't Believe the Hype

Cynthia McKinney
The 9/11 Op-Ed the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Refuses to Run

Rick Wilhelm
Peter Jennings, Excuse Maker for War and Empire

Stan Goff
Homegrown Resistance



August 9, 2005

Mike Ferner
What One Mom has to Say to Bush: Cindy Sheehan in Dallas

Monica Benderman
Is Being a Conscientious Objector Now Criminal?

Mike Marqusee
Making Excuses for Killing De Menezes

Rep. Cynthia McKinney
Strange Fruit and Tree-Shakers

Paul Craig Roberts
Watching the US Economy Crumble



August 6-8, 2005

Alexander Cockburn
How the British Destroyed India

Jason Leopold
Halliburton and Iran: Still Doing Business After All These Years?

Ray McGovern
Iran, Truth-Tellers and the Devotees of Preemption

David Krieger
From Hiroshima to Humanity

Sharon K. Weiner / Robert Jensen
From Hiroshima to Iraq and Back

Fred Gardner
The Budtender's View of a Rip-Off



August 5, 2005

Bill Christison
New NIE Report on Iran's Nukes will Not Deter US's Posture of Extreme Aggressiveness

Paul Craig Roberts
Kelo: a Supreme Assault on Personal Liberty

Alexander Cockburn
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September 27, 2005

What You Can't Say About Israel in Australia

When the Truth Comes to Town


"Melbourne University Publishing should drop this whole disgusting project. If they proceed, I urge the Australian Jewish community, and particularly The Australian Jewish News, to treat it with dignified silence. That is our best response. If, God forbid, it is published, don't give them a dollar. Don't buy the book."

Federal Labor MP Michael Danby, Australian Jewish News, August 25 2005

I'm currently writing a book on the Israel/Palestine conflict with Melbourne University Publishing (MUP) and it's due to be released in May 2006. After sending my articles on the subject to various publications around the world, I was already used to Jews and non-Jews writing and calling with abuse and outright hatred. After my recent column on the Gaza withdrawal, a Sydney doctor emailed me and asked: "How well do you think you would be doing with a name like yours if Adolf would have won?" and "As far as your book goes, I might just take a page out of Hitler's book on that one."

"The degree of abuse and outright threats now being directed at anyone - academic, analyst, reporter - who dares to criticise Israel (or dares to tell the truth about the Palestinian uprising) is fast reaching McCarthyite proportions", wrote Robert Fisk in December 2000. "The attempt to force the media to obey Israel's rules is now international". The situation has only worsened since 9/11.

In late August, Jewish Federal Labor MP Michael Danby wrote a letter to the Australian Jewish News (AJN) and demanded MUP "should drop this whole disgusting project." He claimed that MUP head, Louise Adler, had made comments about Israel and himself that were plainly false. He wanted to "absolutely disassociate himself" from the book because it would be little more than a "propaganda tract" and "an attack on the mainstream Australian Jewish community."

The exact reason and timing behind his attack remains unclear though after Danby's refusal to answer some innocuous questions of mine in late 2004 ­ his right, to be sure ­ he seemed to be flagging his disapproval of even debating issues related to the Middle East question. This was true to form. He had slammed me in the past and has a long history of attempting to stop open debate on Israel-related matters.

Leaving aside the irony of a Jewish parliamentarian calling for the censorship of a book that didn't yet exist, it's worth remembering Danby is the member for Melbourne Ports, the electorate with the greatest numbers of Jews in Australia [Malcolm Turnbull's Wentworth is not far behind.] He sees his role as defender of the Israeli cause and he articulates what he believes his constituents want to hear.

Online magazine Crikey picked up the story and asked whether it was appropriate for an MP to call for a boycott of an unpublished book. A few days later, Danby responded to Crikey, denied he had called for censorship and labeled my views on Israel "disgusting." He cautioned MUP - at a time when Israel was "making a painful withdrawal from Gazaand when the prospects for peace are improving" ­ against publishing books that he thought inappropriate for the times. It begged the question: did Danby truly believe that publishing companies should only produce work that accepted the status quo on issues, rather than challenging or maybe demolishing them?

The intentions of my book are ambitious. I believe that the Israel/Palestine conflict is the defining foreign affairs issue of our time and yet remains woefully misunderstood. Danby and numerous pro-Israel supporters are clearly confronted by me posing questions about Australia's pro-Israel media, the Howard government's relationship with Israel and America, the role of the pro-Israel lobby, America's relationship with the Jewish state, my experiences in the Middle East, including through the Palestinian occupied territories and Jewish and Arab voices of dissent. I am a Jew who doesn't believe in the concept of a Jewish state, but then, I also don't believe in the idea of an Islamic or Christian entity either. There is surely room for a non-Zionist Jew to write about the true cost of Zionism both on Israel and the Diaspora.

A week after Danby's boycott call, the AJN was filled with letters, including one from Louise Adler. "I am dismayed that a fellow publisher such as the AJN gives space for proposals to boycott ideas", she wrote. "Danby's proposal is inimical to the central Jewish values of tolerance and open debate." Larry Stillman wrote that he fully understood the Danby agenda: "I suspect the book will be central of the predominance of conservative views in the Jewish community about the current state of Israel, Danby included."

The Melbourne Age entered the debate soon after, chastised Danby for denying he had called for my book to be banned and discovered yet more evidence of the MP's history of "venting sight unseen." "In the Jewish publication, The Review, he says of David Hare's Stuff Happens, 'I havn't seen the play, nor will I', then cans it based on a review he read." The leading broadsheet also compared the controversy to Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz's failed attempt to ban Norman Finkelstein's Beyond Chutzpah.

By the following week, the AJN was filled with coverage. A large news story featured another Danby justification for his attack. "If I didn't tell people about it [Loewenstein's book] beforehand, knowing what his views are, would I be representing the people I represent?" he said. The paper's editorial entered the fray. Although critical of Danby's censorship call, the AJN "unequivocally rejects Loewenstein's view of a Jewish state as 'fundamentally undemocratic and colonialist idea from a bygone era'", the public should wait for the book's release "before we decide to consign it to the garbage heap of literature." The letters pages were filled with both supportive and critical contributions, including from Danby himself. My ideas "stink" and he was simply "doing what I was elected to do: speak up for the people I represent." He again disingenuously denied having called for censorship.

A few days later, I received an unexpected call from well-known Jewish comedian Austen Tayshus. He demanded to know why I was writing my book, suggested Israel was a poor, defenceless Middle Eastern state threatened with annihilation, compared me to a German Jew who collaborated with the Nazis during the Second World War and asked why I had the right to air the community's "dirty laundry." I explained that he was clearly so insecure in his position that he felt the need to call and abuse me. I soon ended the call.

A few minutes after posting an entry on my blog about the initial call, I received another one from him. He said he would keep on calling me because I was an "ignoramus" and an "asshole." He suggested we have a public debate, which I declined. He suggested Palestinian Hanan Ashrawi as a moderator (after telling me earlier that she was a "terrorist.") The point of debating a man like this was negligible, for the simple fact that he didn't want to debate me - "a sad and lonely man", in his words - nor actually discuss the issues. He wanted to shout and rant. It may have made him feel good about himself. He clearly needed it.

I told the Green Left Weekly the real fear behind Danby's attack:

"These sort of people don't want discussion, because discussion is threatening. Discussion means that more people are aware, or might become aware, of what actually does go on over there: What does occupation mean, what does it mean that Palestinians often have to wait hours at checkpoints in searing sun, what does it mean that women often have to give birth at checkpoints and often die? They don't want people to know that, for obvious reasons, because it's shameful. And they know if more people find out that kind of stuff, their view about Israel and the relationship between Australia and Israel could change."

During this controversy, I received many supportive emails and even financial donations to my website. Mannie De Saxe challenged Danby to put his words into action:

"If Danby feels so passionate about Israel, and it is obvious that he does, why doesn't he take his supporters, all those vocal Zionists who, together with that publication which should be called the Israeli Zionist Times but is otherwise known as the Australian Jewish News, and move to Israel where Ariel Sharon has said that he needs all the Jews in the Diaspora to come and live to reduce anti-Semitism around the world."

I was extremely lucky that my publisher backed me 100% during this period. Many a publisher, I suspect, would have been scared to receive such vitriol months before the book's release. I received some ugly comments on my blog ­ "you're the nazi Anthony you fucking mental midget. Whose side are you on anyway? THINK about it toolhead" ­ but I remember what John Pilger told me recently; the more they attack you, the more you're having an effect and doing something right.

The difficulty in even raising questions related to Israel proves that serious debate is ever-more essential. The world is slowing waking up to the true reality in Israel and Palestine and Australians are joining the chorus of disapproval.

Antony Loewenstein is a Sydney-based freelance journalist and author. He can be reached at antloew@gmail.com.

He blogs at http://antonyloewenstein.blogspot.com/






















We published an article entitled "A Saudiless Arabia" by Wayne Madsen dated October 22, 2002 (the "Article"), on the website of the Institute for the Advancement of Journalistic Clarity, CounterPunch, www.counterpunch.org (the "Website").

Although it was not our intention, counsel for Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi has advised us the Article suggests, or could be read as suggesting, that Mr Al Amoudi has funded, supported, or is in some way associated with, the terrorist activities of Osama bin Laden and the Al Qaeda terrorist network.

We do not have any evidence connecting Mr Al Amoudi with terrorism.

As a result of an exchange of communications with Mr Al Amoudi's lawyers, we have removed the Article from the Website.

We are pleased to clarify the position.

August 17, 2005















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