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The War So Far: a Failure Worse Than Vietnam
by Patrick Cockburn in Baghdad

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Today's Stories

October 22 / 23, 2005

Billy Sothern
Letter from the Circle Bar, New Orleans

Ralph Nader
An Open Letter to Bush on Harriet Miers

October 21, 2005

Dave Lindorff
The Democrats' Abortion Hypocrisy

Winslow T. Wheeler
Paying for Their Mistakes: Incompetence, Deception and the Defense Budget

Col. Dan Smith
The Destruction of the National Guard

Norman Solomon
Media at Crossroads: 25 Years After Reagan's Triumph

Madis Senner
Abusing Katrina

Michael Donnelly
Richard Pombo: DeLay in Cowboy Boots

October 20, 2005

Dave Lindorff
Impeachment Comes to NYC

Ray McGovern
16 Fatal Words: Cheney's Chickens Come Home to Roost

Jeremy Brecher /
Brendan Smith

Attack Syria? Invade Iran?: By What Constitutional Right?

Patrick Cockburn
Saddam Refuses to Recognize Court

Kevin Zeese
Was the Iraqi Constitution Vote Fixed?

Ross Eisenbrey
Millions Would Lose Pay and Protections Under Enzi Amendment

Randy Shields
James McMurtry Makes It in Dayton

Justine Davidson
Prosecuting Bush in Canada for Torture: a Small Victory

After Lucas Cranach
Judy and Holofernes

Joe Allen
The Scandalous History of the Red Cross


October 19, 2005

Christopher Reed
Koizumi and the Rape of Nanking

Stephen Soldz
Bush and Avian Flu: the Excuses Begin to Fly

Chet Richards
War and Intelligence

Patrick Cockburn
Saddam on Trial

Scott Richard Lyons
Multicultural Columbus?

Ralph Nader
An Interview with Rev. William Sloane Coffin

Website of the Day
Shocking Video: Why Birds May Be Taking Viral Vengeance on Humans


October 18, 2005

Chet Flippo
Merle Haggard: "Let's Get Out of Iraq"

Ron Jacobs
Dual Devotions: the Catholic Church and the US Flag

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
A Tale of Two Cities: From DC to Toledo

Dave Lindorff
Judy Miller: Little Miss Run Amok

Virginia Rodino
A Winter Patriot: Reflections on the Antiwar Movement

Thomas Healy
The Weather in Goshen: Still Radical After All These Years

Ralph Nader
A New New Orleans

Stephen Lendman
The Sorrows of Haiti

Patrick Cockburn
On the Eve of Saddam's Trial: a Divided Iraq


October 17, 2005

Peter Linebaugh
Spinoza and the Black Limos

Norman Solomon
Judith Miller, the Fourth Estate and the Warfare State

Cockburn / Sengupta
"If the Sunnis Don't Like It, That's Their Problem"

Mike Whitney
Miller's Confession: Last Gasp Before Indictments?

Uri Avnery
Iraq Now: What Awaits Samira?

Harold Pinter
Torture & Misery in the Name of Freedom

Website of the Day
Al Joudi v. Bush


October 15 / 16, 2005

Alexander Cockburn
Ayatollahs of the Apocalypse

Patrick Cockburn
"This Constitution Won't Get Me a Job"

Saul Landau
Two Terrorists and a Lush: Osama, Posada and Bush's Drinking

Neve Gordon
"Beyond Chutzpah": Exposing Grave Moral Distortions

Moshe Adler
Poverty in New York City

Christopher Brauchli
Lynndie England's Burden

Diane Farsetta
The Emperor Doesn't Disclose: the Fight Against Fake News

Sam Husseini
Notes on Current Reporting About Judith Miller

Monica Benderman
From Chaos to Conscience to Peace

Mickey Z.
POW Abuse by US: Nothing New Going On Here

Douglas C. Smyth
George W. Bush, the Honorius of Our Time

Lee Sustar
Will Delphi Bust the UAW?

Fred Gardner
Cannabinoids Arrive in Realm of Established Fact

Elizabeth Schulte
A Former Panther's Georgia Campaign: an Interview with Elaine Brown

Joshua Frank
Will the Democrats Save Harriet Miers?

David Vest
Down with Formalism! Up with Values!

Ben Tripp
Epistle II: the Reawakenign

Poets Basement
Engel, Albert, Ford and Louise

Website of the Weekend
The Hidden Canyon


October 14, 2005

Farrah Hassen
A Somber Ramadan in Syria

Ron Jacobs
The Black Panthers: They Haven't Forgotten; Neither Should We

Sasha Kramer
USAID and Haiti: the Friendly Face of Imperialism?

Katrina Yeaw
The Student Struggle in Italy

Nicole Colson
Bird Flu: Militarizing Health Care

Raúl Zibechi
Survival and Existence in El Alto

Nikolas Kozloff
Hugo Chávez and the Politics of Race

Website of the Day
LA Filmmakers Cooperative

October 13, 2005

Jeremy Scahill
Mr. Bush Goes to Tikrit (Sort Of)

Jeff Birkenstein
A Thoreau for Our Time: Why Cindy Sheehan Matters

Brendan Smith / Jeremy Brecher
Harriet Miers: Bush or the Constitution?

Stan Cox
Did You Know This About Iraq?

Anis Memon
The Curious Case of Russ Feingold

Gary Leupp
Miller, Libby and the June Notes

Dave Zirin
A Tribute to August Wilson

Matthew Koehler
America's Endangered Forests

The Two-Headed Monster

Website of the Day
Hurricane Song

October 12, 2005

Omar Waraich
Britain and the Quake: Mean and Stingy

William Cook
Voices Behind the Entombment Wall

Phil Gasper
Countdown to a Legal Lynching

Dave Lindorff
Impeachment Now and Then: Clinton, Bush and the Polls

Matt Vidal
Capital, Power and Class

John Gautreaux
New Orleans will Never be the Same

Diana Johnstone
Srebrenica Revisited: Using War as an Excuse for War

Mark Weisbrot
The IMF Has Lost Its Influence

Brian J. Foley
Gitmo Tribunals Endanger Public Safety

Website of the Day
Columbus Day Lies


October 11, 2005

Roger Morris / Steve Schmidt
Strategic Demands of the 21st Century

Lila Rajiva
Live from New Orleans: Abu Ghraib

Bill Quigley
New Orleans: Leaving the Poor Behind Again

Paul Craig Roberts
Natural Born Liars

Dave Lindorff
Recruiters in Schools: No Lie Left Untried

Dr. Teresa Whitehurst
Suspect Thy Neighbor

Mitchel Cohen
Showdown at Chuck E. Cheese

Tariq Ali
Pakistan will Never Forget This Horror

Website of the Day
L'Heure Americaine


October 10, 2005

Cindy and Craig Corrie
Rachel's Words Live

Joshua Frank
Washington's War Dems

Gideon Levy
The Beautiful Life Without Arafat

Alan Wallis
The Fight for Free Speech at Union Square

Mickey Z.
In Defense of Liars

CounterPunch News Service
Vermont Independence Convention

Paul Craig Roberts
The Police State is Closer Than You Think

Website of the Day
Dylan's Chronicles


October 8 / 9, 2005

Alexander Cockburn
Rhetoric and Reality in the Business of Getting Rid of Black People

Ralph Nader
Katrina and the Growls of Greed

Jennifer Van Bergen
New American Law: Legal Strategies in the Dharfir Case

Saul Landau
An Oily Religious Dream

Jeff Halper
Setting Up Abbas

Lenni Brenner
The Millions More Movement and Zionism

Nikolas Kozloff
Bird Flu and Bush

Brian Cloughley
Training Soldiers in Iraq

Alice Slater
A Nobel Prize for Chernobyl?

John Gautreaux
A View from Cajun Country

Fred Gardner
Does the Controlled Substances Act Mean What It Says?

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The Leveethan Approach

M.G. Piety
Rot in the Ivory Tower: Collusion, Cover-Up and Kierkegaard

Tom Gorman
The Hitchens Doctrine

Mike Whitney
Bunker Days with George

Aseem Shrivastava
Beyond the Wasteland: Lessons from Afghanistan

Ben Tripp
Religion, an Epistle

Poets' Basement
Albert, Engel and Ford


October 7, 2005

Larry Johnson
The Plame Case: the Real Issues

Will Youmans
Why Do We Hate Our Freedom? Recruiters and Thugs on Campus

Dave Lindorff
Bird Flu: Evolution or Intelligent Design?

Judith Scherr
Haiti's Children's Prison

Russell D. Hoffman
Nukes for Peace, Revisited?: Nobel Prize Debacle

Jared Bernstein
Katrina and Jobs

Jennifer Van Bergen
New American Law: the Case of Dr. Dhafir

Website of the Day
FBI Witchhunt

October 6, 2005

P. Sainath
"Take That, Tom Friedman": Indian Masses Reject NYT's Neoliberal Idol Again

Scott Parkin
When Antiwar Activists Get Mugged

Paul Craig Roberts
Blundering into Syria

Andréa Schmidt
Haiti's Biometric Elections: a High-Tech Experiment in Exclusion

Dave Lindorff
Easy Money in the Big Easy

Joshua Frank
In Defense of Lew Rockwell

M. Junaid Alam
Jackboots at George Mason

Matthew Koehler
Cock and Bull on the Bitterroot

Robert Pollin
Is the Dollar Still Falling?


October 5, 2005

Heather Gray
Militarization is Not an Answer for Reconstruction: the Case of the Philippines

Robert Jensen
Is Bush a Racist?

Ramzy Baroud
Bush's Final Choice: America or the Empire

Col. Dan Smith
Keeping Promises to Iraq: "Everything is Bad"

Dave Zirin
Barry Bonds Laughs Last

Paul Craig Roberts
Liberal Guilt? How the Neocons Took Over

Alan Maass
Doing the Right Wing's Dirty Work


October 4, 2005

Nikolas Kozloff
Shocking the Two Party System: a Political Opportunity for Sheehan and the Antiwar Mvt.

Mike Roselle
Houston, You've Got a Problem

Joshua Frank
The Scoop on Harriet Miers

John Chuckman
War Porn: What the Gruesome Images Say

Alan Farago
Storm Warning for Jeb: Developers, Hurricanes and the Keys

Mickey Z.
An Interview with Thaddeus Rutkowski

Christine & Ethan Rose
Home Depot Exploits Hurricane Victims

Gary Leupp
An Earlier Empire's War on Iraq: a Lesson from Roman History

Website of the Day
Rodney Crowell on Bob Dylan


October 3, 2005

Vijay Prashad
Desperation at Holyoke

Paul Craig Roberts
Condi Rice: Gunslinger

Joshua Frank
An Interview with Cindy Sheehan

Seth Sandronsky
The Hiring Crisis for Black Teens

Jeffrey St. Clair
The Great Green Scare


October 1 / 2, 2005

Cockburn / St. Clair
Democrats Sink Deeper into the Ooze

Dave Marsh
A Direction Home: a Message from Bob Dylan

Ralph Nader
Gutless, Spineless and Clueless

Flavia Alaya
Showdown at Sheriff's Plaza

Uri Avnery
The Gladiators: Sharon's Victory

Chris Kutalik
The Battle at Northwest Airlines

Greg Moses
Bill Bennett's Book of Cracker Virtues

Brian J. Foley
I Gave My Copy of the Constitution to a Pro-War Vet

Nicole Colson
Hunger Strike at Gitmo

Ray McGovern
Abu Ghraib is a Command Responsibility

Fred Gardner
Ricky Williams Takes a Late Hit

Justin Felux
Save America from Crime: Abort Every White Baby!

Will Youmans
"Free the P": Hip-Hop for Palestine

Mike Ferner
What Else Shall We Do?

David Krieger
The War in Iraq: a Broken Covenant

Agustin Velloso
Samson Returns to Gaza

Saul Landau
The Constant Gardener: Serious Cinema

Ben Tripp
Right Down the Middle

Poets Basement
Peddibone, Crowell, Engel and Albert

Website of the Weekend
Holler If Ya Hear Me


September 30, 2005

Mary Geddry
Why I Marched: They Made My Son Kill

Paul Craig Roberts
Bush is Cooking Up Two New Wars

Dave Lindorff
Judith Miller's Strange Voluntary Jail Time

Gregory Wilpert
"The Osama Bin Laden of Latin America"

Benjamin Dangl
"Gringo, Go Home:" an Interview with Orlando Castillo

James McMurtry
We Can't Make It Here Anymore

T.R. Johnson
Return to the Ninth Ward


September 29, 2005

Sen. Russ Feingold
Bush's Iraq War is Weakening America

Carl G. Estabrook
Obama the Enabler

Ramzy Baroud
Rhetoric and Reality of War

Dave Lindorff
What Opposition Party?

Mike Whitney
Brownie's Comic Opera

Jozef Hand-Boniakowski
What Noble Cause?

Gary Handschumacher
Getting Arrested with Cindy Sheehan

Winslow T. Wheeler
No Leaders in Congress Against This War: Lame Democrat and Tame Republicans


September 28, 2005

Dr. Eyad Serraj
Letter from Gaza: What Disengagement Sounds Like

William A. Cook
Bush's Security Barrier

Liaquat Ali Khan
The Invention of Porno Torture

Mike Whitney
Apartheid Justice in America

Joshua Frank
Sheehan and the Democrats: Anybody Home?

CounterPunch Wire
New Orleans Prisoners Abandoned to Floodwaters

Chris Genovali
Cutting the Bears Out of the Great Bear Rainforest

Linn Washington, Jr.
White Affirmative Action: How John Roberts Got to the Top


September 27, 2005

Forrest Hylton
Political Murder in Puerto Rico: a Matter for Our Movement

Jason Leopold
The Decline and Fall of Bill Frist

Jennifer K. Harbury
Torture is US Policy, Not an Aberration

Ray McGovern
Torture and Cowardice: Why are American Religious Leaders Silent?

Mike Ferner
Bringing the War Home: Arrested at the Pentagon

Antony Loewenstein
When the Truth Comes to Town: What You Can't Say About Israel in Australia

Harry Browne
Live from Hollywood: the IRA Disarms


September 26, 2005

Rafael Rodriguez Cruz
Assassination in Puerto Rico: the FBI Murders a Legend

Joshua Frank
Democrats Flee Peace Protests

Lamis Andoni
The Railroading of Taysir Alony

Mike Marqusee
Those Pesky "Urban Intellectuals": Blair, Spiro Agnew and the Antiwar Movement

Rep. Cynthia McKinney
They Can't Fool Us Anymore

Ron Jacobs
A Small March for Me, a Giant March for the Antiwar Movement

Norman Solomon
The Media and the Antiwar Movement

John Chuckman
Bush in a Bottle

Paul Craig Roberts
America is Running Out of Time


September 24 / 25, 2005

Kathy and Bill Christison
Polluting Palestine: Settlements & Sewage

Ralph Nader
Stealing the Moment: How Corporations Cashed in on Katrina

Saul Landau
The Terrorist Resumé of Luis Posada

Greg Moses
A Movement Gathers Power on the Sorrow Plateau

Roger Burbach
Hugo Chávez's Mission

Vijay Prashad
America's Shame

Laura Carlsen

Robert Fisk
When Man and Nature Conspire to Expose the Lies of the Powerful

Dave Lindorff
A Gusher Called Katrina: They Fix Oil Prices, Don't They?

Kirkpatrick Sale / Thomas Naylor
Secession from the Empire: the Middlebury Declaration

Maj. Anthony Milavic
The US Military and Torture: the View of a Former Interrogator

Brian Concannon, Jr.
Haiti: the Time for Action is Now


September 23, 2005

CounterPunch News Service
In Which, Phil Donahue Demolishes Bill O'Reilly

Diane Farsetta
Katrina and Right-Wing Think Tanks

Robert Sandels
Militarizing the Market

Christopher Brauchli
Bush: the Good Samaritan for Corporations

Alan Farago
Bird Flu Takes Flight

Dave Zirin
When Sports & Politics Collided: Redeeming the Olympic Martyrs of 1968

Maxine Conant
A Simple Test for Bush

David Price
Workers Get Hit Twice: Katrina and Davis-Bacon Profiteering


September 22, 2005

Smith, Wood, Leas, and Greenfield
Which Way Forward for the Green Party? a Report from Tulsa

Patrick Cockburn
Iraqis: This Government has No Authority

Manuel Garcia, Jr.
Thinking is Religious Freedom

Lucia Dailey
Trial of the St. Patrick's Four: Day One

Mokhiber / Weissman
Are You a Speed Freak?

Russell D. Hoffman
The Nukes in Rita's Path

Kona Lowell
God's Hurricane?

Jason Leopold
GOP Fiscal Policy and Katrina

Website of the Day
Robert Pollin on the Global Economy


September 21, 2005

Jorge Mariscal
Military Recruiters: Counselers or Salesmen?

Linda S. Heard
Double Standards in Iraq: Basra Brit Jailbreak

Joshua Frank
NYPD Unplugs Cindy Sheehan

Eric Ruder
"The Problem in Iraq is the US": an Interview with Camilo Mejia

Pierre Tristam
The Struts and Bull Presidency

Dave Lindorff
The Real Story of the German Elections

Mike Ferner
Sit Down in DC

Missy Comley Beattie
Bush's Katrina Bling Bling

Jeffrey St. Clair
W Marks the Spot

Website of the Day
New Orleans: Survivor Stories


September 20, 2005

Steve Breyman
Toxic Gumbo: Katrina and Environmental Justice

George Galloway
Et Tu, Greg Palast?

Patrick Cockburn
What Happened to Iraq's Missing $1 Billion?

M. Shahid Alam
Gen. Musharraf and Israel: Is Pakistan Selling Out?

Mike Whitney
The Gitmo Hunger Strikers

Winslow T. Wheeler
It's Not Rocket Science

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Back to the Future: North Korea's Gambit

Paul Craig Roberts
Will Neocon Fanaticism Destroy America?





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October 22 / 23, 2005

New Orleans is More Than the Hot Fives and Wynton Marsalis

Letter from the Circle Bar


Gunshots down on Franklin,
two boys from the Lower Ninth,
the coroner arrives.

There's a blind man reading tarot cards
over there in Jackson Square.
He says the future is uncertain
but he don't really care.


Everyone is drowning here
and everyone is free.
God protect these fools who build
their homes below the sea.

The Happy Talk Band, "Ash Wednesday"

People here in New York seem shocked when I tell them that locals at New Orleans' Circle Bar, didn't sit around listening to Louis Armstrong and the Hot Fives on the jukebox all night long. While their jukebox, the best in town in my estimation, wasn't afraid to look back into the city's past with Irma Thomas' "Drip drop, Drip drop, It's raining so hard, Looks like it's gonna rain all night," pouring out of the speakers occasionally, the live music at the Circle Bar had a decidedly less anachronistic tone.

I moved from New York to New Orleans almost five years ago with the promise of cheap, old, beautiful, falling-apart homes and drawn to the city's current and dynamic cultural life which I had seen glimmers of while visiting. While in the past month the media has focused on the city's cultural history and its most prominent export, jazz, this reflects only a small corner of what many of us loved about the city.

There have been some honest assessments of local music tastes in the press. My favorite bit of reporting from the Times Picayune touched on the looting of the music section of the hated Lower Garden District Wal-Mart:

"They took everything - all the electronics, the food, the bikes," said John Stonaker, a Wal-Mart security officer. "People left their old clothes on the floor when they took new ones. The only thing left are the country-and-western CDs. You can still get a Shania Twain album."

It is true. There was not a single "new country" fan among any of my friends and neighbors. However, while there may be more traditional jazz fans per capita in New Orleans than anyplace in the world, New Orleans had many great musicians of all different stripes-from rockabilly, to alt-country, to klezmer, and many hybrids therein.

The Circle Bar played host to the city's smart and eclectic rock scene and while the city's music roots have passed a torch from Buddy Bolden, Kid Ory, Louis Armstrong, Professor Longhair, and others patron saints of New Orleans music, the bands I saw there on a daily basis reflected the Third World city that was laid waste by the storm in a present and immediate manner.

Luke Allen, the front man of the Happy Talk Band, could be found behind the bar at Circle Bar serving drinks pretty much any night that he was not elsewhere singing his songs or sitting on the other side of the bar. He's a red-bearded character who wears a staff-issue Angola State Penitentiary hat and who hails from Salinas, California, "the home of John Steinbeck," he always explains.

In the post-punk tradition, he is a less-than-perfect singer and held a guitar on stage mostly to keep him from having to stand there bare, and so he could jam his cigarette between the strings and the tuners while he was singing.

Whatever his weaknesses - he would tell you that they are many - they are more than made up for by his songs about the city. I realized one night that almost all of the songs had an element specific to New Orleans. "Ash Wednesday" sings of flooding and murder in the Lower 9th Ward. "Forget-Me-Not" sings of losing your mind, getting picked up by the police in Bywater for murder, and waking up on the 3rd floor of Charity Hospital, a mental health ward of New Orleans' public hospital.

The Happy Talk Band's songs are of New Orleans: the Huey P. Long Bridge, being drunk and naked with a girl on the levee, Collins-mix and Methadone, and the melancholy jealousy of dating a stripper. Luke even has an eye for the city's ubiquitous flora and commented on the angel's trumpets blooms, the smell of jasmine in a woman's hair when she walks in from the street, and the cat's-claw vines that creep up anything that sits on the ground for more than a few minutes in our rich swampy soil.

When do you ever hear New York's "it bands" singing about Bellevue Hospital or East New York?

The Happy Talk Band's sense of place was mirrored throughout the local music scene, filled with people who fell in love with the city as one enters a deeply dysfunctional love affair. Many came to New Orleans like sailors drawn to the sirens and crashed against the rocks, but no less smitten.

But now they are scattered around the country. When I talked to Luke Allen on the phone from Lafayette, Louisiana, he mentioned that his upright bass player, Mike Lenore, was tending bar in a restaurant on the Lower East Side in New York, his drummer, Andy Harris, found work as a cook in Peachtree City, Georgia, and his guitar player, Bailey Smith, who was to marry his wife Emily in New Orleans last month, is trying find gigs with another New Orleans rock band, the raucous Morning 40 Federation (http://www.morning40.com/). Though the Happy Talk Band remains committed to staying together and telling the stories of its city, it is hard to imagine them either playing their beloved Circle Bar or coming to a town near you any time soon.

Here in New York, Alex McMurray (http://alexmcmurray.com/), who sang his strange and beautiful songs in gravelly tones at the Circle Bar every Wednesday for years, is now playing on the Lower East Side a couple times a week. I haven't been but its hard to imagine where he is going to find a tubaist or washboard player with an ear for his sound in this town or if people will appreciate, or relate to, the drama of selling your plasma. Who knows, maybe his perfect tuba-washboard-rock will be the next big thing in the Big Apple?

In short, though everyone was always talking about leaving New Orleans for some other city to find work, decent public schools for their kids, or a music business that might allow them to stop singing first person non-fiction narratives about doing medical testing for money, these bands and musicians don't make much sense living anywhere else because the real, sad, living New Orleans fed their art at the very same time as it was eating its young.

For my part, I have spent too many nights sitting half drunk in the Circle Bar staring up at the old florescent clock from K & B, a defunct, nostalgia-prompting, local drug store chain, listening to music about floods, poverty, and urban decay. Now, it breaks my heart that there is no one left in New Orleans to play these songs and that the rest of the country is forced to hear about these same horrors on the television in their living rooms while politicians claim that what unfolded was unforeseeable.

Too bad that Bush didn't spent more time in places like the Circle Bar in his wild, younger years visiting New Orleans. Sure, he might have gotten drunk and obnoxious, but it would have provided a much needed education.

Billy Sothern is an anti-death penalty lawyer and writer from New Orleans. He can be reached at: billys@thejusticecenter.org


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Grand Theft Pentagon:
Tales of Greed and Profiteering in the War on Terror

by Jeffrey St. Clair