


Today is the most anticipated day of the year!

Why, you say?

Because today is United Nations Day, you silly.

It’s time to rejoice. It’s time to celebrate. It’s time to honor that most cherished of all the cherished organizations. No other assemblage of the most esteemed and renowned citizens has done more good for us poor slobs than the folks at Turtle Bay.

Why, what would those sexually deprived Congan girls do without the kind and gentle raping they received from the esteemed loins of the UN peacekeepers my ass. The Congan wenches should be grateful for this loving and tender care. Otherwise they wouldn’t get any, eh?

And let’s all rejoice and praise the UN for allowing Iran, Libya and China to investigate human rights abuses. Surely, these wonderful paragons of liberty and democracy are a shining beacon to all freedom-loving people.

UPDATE: (Via the Opinion Journal)


Happy UN day!

And to add to the triumph of the UN over the unilateral, militant, arrogant, bushishitler Texan, the United Nations adds to its repertoire of accomplishments:

UN office doctored report on murder of Hariri

THE United Nations withheld some of the most damaging allegations against Syria in its report on the murder of Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese Prime Minister, it emerged yesterday. The names of the brother of Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria, and other members of his inner circle, were dropped from the report that was sent to the Security Council.


Plan "moonbat"

Isn’t this precious? What is supposed to be a labor organization is spending their member’s resources promoting moonbats. No wonder they are falling apart.

“… keynote speaker, U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich, will speak about various options for ending the Iraq conflict.”
This event took place on the very day millions of Iraqis voted for a Constitution in defiance of murdering pigs insurgents.

- Iraqis are voting and Kucinich offers plan B.
- Democracy is advancing and Kucinich offers plan B.
- Press sees hope after Iraq vote and Kucinich offers plan B.

An example…

“The fact that cannot be denied or concealed is that Iraqis have defeated their enemies: terrorists, dark forces and those who dream of a return of the unfair equation. What has been achieved for Iraq would not have seen the light of day had it not been for the sacrifices by Iraqis and their friends. The time of coercion and pressure has gone for good, and the time of freedom and democracy has come. Democracy and freedom have been created in Iraq by all the honourable men in the world who have stood by Iraq in its ordeal, offering all that is dear
to them.”
Not everyone is satisfied, but this is what Democracy is all about.

Meanwhile, Kucinich is offering plan B.

Must be that same plan that suggested handing over Iraqi security functions over to the UN.

Yeah, right. The same UN that ran from Iraq with its tail between its legs after they were bombed. The same UN that wasted million in the Oil for Food scandals. The same UN that allows its so-called peacekeepers to rape.

Dennis Kucinich – the king of the Barking Moonbats™



When the murderous swine insurgents blow up mosques, polling places, police and army recruiting centers, markets and bazaars, and all sort of civilian targets, Muslims who, according to our esteemed President, are mostly peaceful my ass practitioners of Islam, do not utter a word.

But put their book of myths on the toilet, and it’s the freaking end of the world.

Now why is that?

Why do they value a book infinitely more than the life of a human being?

I never thought I would agree with a liberal, but this is surely a sign of awakening. (Author’s response to comments here)

Is religion the sole cause of IslamoFascism? Perhaps not.

But it’s certainly worth a serious discussion.

Ayman al-Kennedy speaks

Back in January the lard tub from Massachusetts called the war in Iraq “George Bush’s Vietnam”.

The circumferentially-challenged cretin actually announced that America is losing the Iraqi war in the same way we “lost” the war in Vietnam.

The maggot-pie is not a traitorous liberal, oh no! How dare you invoke such a preposterous accusation at the abdominous patriot!

But guess who concurs with the fat sac from Brookline?

(Emphasis mine. Full document here)

"The aftermath of the collapse of American power in Vietnam - and how they ran and left their agents - is noteworthy. Because of that, we must be ready starting now, before events overtake us, and before we are surprised by the conspiracies of the Americans and the United Nations, and their plans to fill the void behind them."
Yes. That is right. That wonderful human being who sees eye to eye with Teddy is none other than Ayman al-Zawahiri.

A lucid take on Bush's prescience from Wall Street Journal.

"Ayman al Zawahiri and George W. Bush don't agree on much. But al Qaeda's No. 2 leader and the U.S. President are in accord on one thing: Iraq is the central battlefield."


"The long Zawahiri letter is a rough roadmap of the strategic vision for al Qaeda's intentions in Iraq and the global jihad. If it has a familiar ring, that's because George Bush has been warning the world about it for several years."


I wrote this back in October '04. Since my previous entires were "lost" I was asked to post this one again.

He gave me a mind
But I was as a babe
Not understanding
Not knowing
I have not yet tasted of the fruit of knowledge
So how could I have known?
Does a responsible being temp a tot with peril?
And then punishes it for not comprehending the difference?
So how could I have known?
Have you ever given your child matches and said “if you light it you will die?”
Is this not insane?
Does a God not understand the idiocy of doing this?
So how could I have known?


Need to chime in

I am not so much dissatisfied with President’s latest judicial pick itself as much as I am with his defense of the choice. The rationale for the nomination, as he presented at Tuesday’s press conference, seems to be as follows:

Harriet Miers’ lack of experience as a judge or any renown as a Constitutional expert adds an element of diversity to the court packed with legal intellectuals.

“I also remind them that I think it's important to bring somebody from outside the judicial system, somebody that hasn't been on the bench. And, therefore, there's not a lot of opinions for people to look at.”

Aha! So, if the objective of the President is to bring diversity to the court, let’s gamble and appoint someone whose Constitutional philosophy may turn out to be second-rate. Who needs all those experts on the court? Let’s add some mediocrity to an institution that requires nothing les than excellence.

Harriet Miers will not change her mind.
"I know her well enough to be able to say that she's not going to change; that 20 years from now she'll be the same person, with the same philosophy that she is today. She'll have more experience, she'll have been a judge, but nevertheless, her philosophy won't change.”
This is outright scary. Strict Constructionism does not require intellectual and philosophical rigidity. We need a judge who, when confronted with sufficient and compelling evidence, will absolutely change his/her mind. The only things that do not change is the Constitution and the principles on which it is based. If these principles run counter to someone’s personal philosophy, the Constitution must take precedence. This is the hallmark of our judicial system.

And did Bush really think the nation will be impressed by Miers’ Meals On Wheels stint? How pathetic.

I admit my reaction is purely emotional without a shred of rationality. But what do you expect? How can we discuss Miers’ judicial philosophy – and whether or not she will change it – if we do not know what her judicial philosophy is?

My final judgment will be withheld until the hearings. We need to know her stand on 1) Separation of powers and 2) The role of the courts in our society.

She certainly does not need to share opinions on any particular issue, but it is imperative that she eloquently and clearly describe her judicial worldview.

GW may have picked an extraordinarily well-qualified individual. It’s unfortunate we will not find out until after the confirmation.