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Breaking Alternative News and Media MP John Mann's 'Early Day' Motion on Salvia Divinorum
EDM 792 is shoddily written, badly thought out, misleading and inaccurate. It's in the same class as this year's Clause 21 ‘War on Drugs' legislation.
Daily World News British-trained police in Iraq 'killed prisoners with drills'
Britain has been dragged into the growing scandal of officially condoned killings in Iraq. British-trained police operating in Basra have tortured at least two civilians to death with electric drills.


Al-Qaeda the Database Unbound
As previously noted by British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook , “al-Qaeda” has nothing to do with a terrorist organization, as the neocons and the corporate media tell us over and over, ad infinitum, but is in fact a database.

Britain to Deploy Roadside 'Big Brother' System
ANPR cameras are being used to create a "24x7 national vehicle movement database" that will log the movement of every vehicle on the United Kingdom's roads. Your every move will be retained in the system for two years.

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How to Conquer the World (Live from Bohemian Grove)
The otherworldly sounds of the newest Ewigkeit “Conspiritus” may persuade many a burned out soul to experiment with hallucigenic substances to enhance the listening experience. It's anyone's guess why this U.K. based solo outfit of James Fogarty decided to write an album about conspiracies and set it to the tune of ambient, space rock.

Germany poised to check on secret CIA flights
The new German government is under pressure to seek a clarification from the United States on reports that several secret CIA flights with terrorist suspects aboard landed in Germany.

UK Media Gagged Over Contents of Bombing Memo
On Tuesday, Britain's Daily Mirror published an explosive story riddled with implications concerning the character and intent of the US president when pursuing his so-called 'war on terror', and perhaps, shedding light on the bombing of Al Jazeera's offices in both Kabul and Baghdad.

Displeasure in Paris
Why aren't writers concerned with the current crises in and around Paris at least making a passing note about La Haine ? Hate , the celebrated ‘95 Cannes winner, is an excellent introductory film for those interested in some of the bases for the violence. And…it doesn't simply repeat what's already been documented or take any easy roads. It's a relevant, beautiful work of art which invites one and all to make necessary connections. And do something.

Not Stopping Global Warming: Earth to America!
At the phoney peace conference held at Versailles, following WWI, William C. Bullitt resigned from the American delegation. Forthrightly, he declared that he was “going to lie on the sands of the Riviera and watch the world go to hell.”

Sign-ups start for medical marijuana ID cards
Medical marijuana users may be protected from arrest for possession of marijuana if they present a driver's license-type card issued by the state government.

Public divided on ID cards, poll reveals
The public is evenly divided on whether or not identity cards are a good idea, with 50 per cent supporting the introduction, and 48 per cent opposing it, according to a new poll conducted on behalf of campaign group No2ID.

Madonna's 9/11 Comments Underline Danger Of Political Celebrity Bandwagon
In one sense it's a positive development, Bush-bashing has reached an all time high of 'trendyness'. Hollywood celebrities are falling over on e another in the scramble to give their two cents about recent events. It has turned into a bandwagon.

Medical supply firm to sell patient RFID chips for Implantation
Medical-supply company Henry Schein has agreed to distribute implantable radio frequency identification chips to doctors' offices across the country--the first major sales push for the technology since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved it for medical use last month.

An Illuminati Primer
Politics has banished Religion from public discourse but Religion still offers the best description of political reality. The essence of political struggle is actually spiritual, a cosmic battle between God (Good) and Satan (Evil) for the soul of man.

The Internet vs. the State
At the 1977 Libertarian Party Convention, mind-expansion advocate and LSD guru Timothy Leary gave a speech that few of us took very seriously. He spoke of something called the Internet, a network that would connect computers worldwide, allowing participants from around the globe to sign on and retrieve text, photographs, audio and video instantaneously, and to communicate in realtime with anyone in the whole world who also had a computer and a connection.

Key Bush Intelligence Briefing Kept From Hill Panel
The administration has refused to provide the Sept. 21 President's Daily Brief, even on a classified basis, and won't say anything more about it other than to acknowledge that it exists.

CIA Whitewashing Torture
Porter Goss, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, has made misleading statements about the CIA's use of torture and mistreatment of detainees, Human Rights Watch said today. Goss was quoted today in USA Today stating that the CIA does not use torture and that the CIA's interrogation techniques are legal.

Children Sacrifice Claims Made
A British police report claims that children are being trafficked into the United Kingdom from Africa and used for human sacrifices.

Decision on smart-card biometrics due soon
The administration is expected to make a decision as early as next week about the standard type of biometric identification for governmentwide smart cards under Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12.

The Lucifer Project
This is a documentation and study of the feasibility of creating a sustainable fusion reaction from an initial fission reaction on Saturn caused by a significant quantity of Plutonium-238 being inserted deep into the atmosphere. 

Disturbing Facts About Google
R.F.I.D. Highway Surveillance 'CHECKPOINT' System Online and Growing
Bilderberg News Tycoon Stole Millions
Action on compensation bill for Martial Law victims sought
New Laws Characteristic Of Police State
Sony Rootkits: A Sign Of Security Industry Failure
Google is watching you
Bush's Betrayal of History
The New World Order has run into some nasty bobcats who prefer their own world
Globalists Seek Control Over Internet
Deadly Military Sonar Threatens Whales Around The World
UK police chief admits shoot-to-kill error after London explosions
HAARP Project Proceeds; Said to Be Record-Setting HF Project
ID cards won't make us safer
A tangled web of lies
Rosslyn, Templars, Gypsies and the Battle of Bannockburn
Political Murder? Secret Service Critic Gunned Down
Bird Flu - WMDs Part 2?
Still More 'Miraculous 911 Evidence' Found!
Prominent Conservative Leader: Government in Hands of Psychopaths


People Vs. Banks

John Ruiz Dempsey BSCr, LL.B, a criminologist and forensic litigation specialist filed a class action suit on behalf of the People of Canada alleging that financial institutions are engaged in illegal creation of money. Part One & Part Two
Classification: Conspiracy
Source: BlackOp


» The Cuban Five
» The Age of Terror: In the Name of the State
» David Icke Videos

Disclosure Propaganda Machine? (Audio)

Polaris Project
Dr. J. chats with Derek Ellerman, co-founder and co-director of the Polaris Project, an organization combating human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Download
Classification: Conspiracy
Source: Dr. J


» The Illuminati
Bush Family Funds the Third Reich
» Posthuman Conflict

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» Over 80 000 held by US since 9/11
» Ex-MI5 boss criticises ID cards
» Tube police 'used banned bullets'
» US used white phosphorus in Iraq
» X-ray screening on UK rail
» UK troops out of Iraq 'next year'
» US Admits Use of White Phosphorus
» Gov had knowledge of OKC bombing
» Why Did WTC Buildings Collapse?
» Did U.S. gov lie about deadly virus?
» Our own 'police state'?
» FBI mines records of Americans
» Oceania and Bush's America
» Super-soldiers may get brain-chip
» RFID will invade privacy
» Beware of 'police state' risk
» Big Brother law in action
» FBI had DNA before 9-11
» Da Vinci Code faces truth test
» Gov tested AIDS drugs on kids
» Libby historically echoes Watergate

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