
Friday November 25, 2005 AEDT

Doyle slumps in poll

PAUL AUSTIN | As speculation continues about Robert Doyle's hold on the Victorian Liberal leadership, a new AgePoll shows his approval rating has slumped.

Whitlam blasts Singapore over Nguyen

Gough Whitlam hits out at the "Chinese rogue port city" that will execute Nguyen Tuong Van.

Squeeze on at Games village

PETER KER | Commonwealth Games teams may be forced to rent hotel rooms for some athletes, or to give them only brief rotational stints in the Parkville Village.

Lifesavers Will Penney and Sophie Riddell take to the water at Port Melbourne

In the swim for another summer

Victoria's lifesavers gear up for a busy summer of patrols when they head back to beaches across the state this weekend. 
Picture: Angela Wylie

An open apology

Jim Schembri Attention, please. This is important, writes Jim Schembri.

Rusty hits Melbourne

Russell Crowe VIDEO Russell Crowe is in town for the AFI Awards.

Daydream believer

Noel Gallagher Noel Gallagher knows the score, says Michael Dwyer.

'Shameful' ethical row fells stem cell expert

South Korean scientist Hwang Woo-suk. DEBORAH CAMERON, TOKYO | A leading stem cell scientist resigns in disgrace saying that he had to "tell the public words that are too shameful and horrible".

Wounded Iraqi boys are treated at Yarmouk hospital

ER Baghdad

Violent death is part of life in the Iraqi capital.

Jake, 17 months, with parents Jodie Edwards and Sam Bringans

Turning toes into fingers

Surgeons perform the first dual toe transfer on an Australian child.

Cracking the IVR codes

Bypassing firewalls between a company's staff and its customers.


Legalising abuse of power

John Howard, by Spooner Without safeguards, the new anti-terrorism laws open the way for serious mistakes and abuses.



Doyle should fear IR laws

Potential backlash looms as more bad news for the Liberal leader.

This could be the start of a new era for Australian film

A few good films

Jim Schembri wonders what went right in Australian film this year.

Brian Lara

Windies look to Lara

West Indies bank on a youngster, a veteran and an all-time great.

Sporting Life

Chris Grant is one of the biggest bargains in AFL draft history.