Below is user information for David. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Personal Information page.
User: | daveman692 (1356357) |
View all userpics |
| If Only You Knew The Things |
Name: | David |
Location: | San Francisco, California, United States |
Birthdate: | 1986-09-04 |
E-mail: |
daveman692 | @ | |
Memories: | 22 entries |
Pictures: | over 800 public |
Interests: | 150: action movies, aim, alcohol, apple, ati, baja fresh, barenaked ladies, beach, biking, bmw, boobs, bowling, breasts, calvin & hobbes, canned peaches, carbon fiber, cars, cats, cell phones, champagne, chicks, city life, coffee, columbia sportswear, computer games, computers, criminal justice, css, cuba, databases, debian, dogs, dried mangos, drinking, driving, dsl, dvds, emacs, family, fast cars, fast servers, fiji, fire, firefox, firewire, fixing bugs, fleece, frank the goat, free software, friends, fun, futurama, g5, games, gaming, girls, goat, goathack, good food, google, helpful people, html, ical, icq, imdb, imovie, iphoto, itunes, jabber, jack daniels, jackie chan, james bond, jennifer gardner, jessica alba, lava lamps, law and order, law enforcement, linux, lips, livejournal, macintosh, macs, magazines, martinellis, mexican food, milkshakes, motorcycles, movies, mp3's, mp3s, music, mysql, networking, new zealand, omsi, oregon, osx, pepitas restaurant, perl, php, pizza, playstation2, png, porn, pornstars, powerbooks, privs, procrastinating, programming, ps2, pumpkins, rafting, raisins, rc airplanes, replay tv, science, scuba diving, set construction, sex, simpsons, slashdot, sleep, smf, snow, sony, sports illustrated swimsuit edition, sql, starbucks, steak, subaru, subarus, sushi, thai food, theatre lighting design, titanium, tivo, tommy lee jones, tuxracer,, verizon wireless,, water, web design, websites, weezer, white chocolate, white water rafting, wireless, xbox, zilla. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 149: | aempirei, ailetoile, andrewanker, angrychicken, anildash, antipex, arie, astronomermadi, authenticgeek, baychic, bighoy, bleything, brad, brad9310, bradfitz, bramcohen, brij2cros, brocklisoup, btrott, bubba, bulknews, burr86, byrnereese, cameo, carmelly, coffeechica, crankygirlie, crucially, crw, d64valo, dammitchloe, daveman692, daveswork, denisep, desh, deveiant, dina, dives, dorkmatt, dr0tter, eaglescout799, ebcase, enigma_lab, erinearl, esoterico, evan, ferrell, folk, frank, fryguy1979, fuzzyfruit, griff, groundup, henrylyne, hepkitten, hiddentriumph, idonotlikepeas, infodrenched, iseebi, jamisononfire, janinedog, jayallen, jeresig, jlangdon, jproulx, jtrevino, jwz, kah3b, kevink, krow, kwchrissy, lauriebreaker, lisa, littledee5, ljkrissy, lolasangel, lostinlaura, lyzibang, mahlon, malerin, markf, markpasc, marksmith, mart, matthew, menatrott, mine_major, miz_ginevra, mizoreo, mjschwartz, msippey, neloangelio637, nick, niftybitch, nkaramooz, non_alcoholic, obra, peter_zaitsev, pmmarcov, poisonself, politicianjon, rahaeli, rainingtulips, randompenguin, ravingcommie, revmischa, ricewithoutrain, rit_earplugs, runningfirewolf, rustnroses, ryanfitz, rynfitz, schmerbinator, schomer, scotterdooo, scsi, secstate, sfgabe, shamanix, sherm, sjascie, skimlm, spiralg00, starvingnerd, status, stephaluffagus, stevieg, swerved, swisskemobob, techneaux, technopatra, theargentinean, themabbi, themightynush, ups3055, uschickens, vanbeast, vanessa6a, veroz, waterspirit2307, wcu, whitaker, windwalker13th, winniewong, wyntarvox, xb95, xevinx, ydnar, ymmat | | 65: | 6a, abuse_lj_abuse, abusefest, butthut, cg2004, changelog, cookiesforlj, damnportlanders, dontlookhere, emerald_curtain, evan_tech, feedback, filmgold, fotobilder, fotobilder_cvs, fotobilder_user, frankthecomic, helpscreening, irctownhall, lj_abuse, lj_ads, lj_backend, lj_biz, lj_codingstyle, lj_core, lj_design, lj_dev, lj_docadmin, lj_everywhere, lj_feedback, lj_interns, lj_maintenance, lj_poll, lj_schools, lj_spotlight, lj_support, lj_supportadmin, lj_translate, lj_userdoc, lj_volunteers, ljcoredev, mobilereviews, netflix, news, overheardinsf, paidmembers, privchange, rit, ritv2, roch_ny, rochester, sanfrancisco, sf_muni, suggestions, support_bugs, support_comms, support_interim, support_issues, support_mobile, support_sb, support_web, supportlounge, we_love_carrie, we_love_nopeas, webreviews | | 42: | aa_mobile, aduim_feed, angrypharmacist, antipex_blog, authenticgeek_s, bart_rss, brock_blog, calnhobbes, calvinesrss, cerberus_dev, ceruleanstudios, daveman692flicr, dilbertdaily, gablarski, google_news_sci, google_news_usa, googleblog, heimidal_syn, jay_allen, jeff_blog, jeffandtrey, jernst_syn, ljseek_syn, mobile_barak, msinfeen, phpeverywhere, phpnet, povpod, presentationzen, pvrblog, q_syn, rittechcrew, rssphilwindley, scsi_dj_syn, sitepoint_php, six_apart, sixapart_flickr, theplanetintern, ubuntu_syn, verdana_net, wes_gruver_syn, zefhemel |
Mutual Friends: | 121: aempirei, ailetoile, andrewanker, angrychicken, anildash, antipex, arie, authenticgeek, baychic, brad, brad9310, brij2cros, brocklisoup, btrott, bubba, bulknews, burr86, byrnereese, cameo, carmelly, coffeechica, crankygirlie, crucially, crw, dammitchloe, daveman692, desh, deveiant, dina, dives, dorkmatt, ebcase, enigma_lab, erinearl, esoterico, ferrell, folk, fryguy1979, fuzzyfruit, groundup, henrylyne, hepkitten, hiddentriumph, idonotlikepeas, infodrenched, iseebi, jamisononfire, janinedog, jayallen, jproulx, jtrevino, kah3b, kevink, krow, lisa, littledee5, ljkrissy, lolasangel, lostinlaura, lyzibang, mahlon, malerin, markpasc, mart, matthew, menatrott, mine_major, miz_ginevra, mizoreo, msippey, neloangelio637, nick, niftybitch, nkaramooz, non_alcoholic, peter_zaitsev, pmmarcov, poisonself, politicianjon, rahaeli, rainingtulips, randompenguin, ravingcommie, revmischa, ricewithoutrain, rit_earplugs, runningfirewolf, rustnroses, rynfitz, schmerbinator, schomer, scotterdooo, scsi, sfgabe, shamanix, sherm, sjascie, skimlm, spiralg00, starvingnerd, stephaluffagus, stevieg, swerved, swisskemobob, techneaux, technopatra, theargentinean, themabbi, themightynush, uschickens, vanbeast, vanessa6a, veroz, waterspirit2307, wcu, whitaker, winniewong, wyntarvox, xb95, ydnar, ymmat |
Also Friend of: | 63: 314159265, _mabby_, a_kiss_so_fatal, aduina, antiques, axtty, babyconfucius13, bad, balaklavaris, bluekyrodragon, brett, bsdguru, chelsea_spjute, cop7, cosign_me, crazycooli0, dark_iris_eyes, decibelrit, driggle, dropkick_drew, emilymikitish, funzoneq, gamerunlimited, girl_clone, gordonjarrett, gripkid, hachi, ilarion, ivyinurarm, jameth, johnsedwick, kababs, kdlb, keys39, leafs___1976, legomymalfoy, lovebug_lmc, luvmeblind0665, mac_cain13, merry_xmas_dave, midendian, mischa1234, mobiletesting, nit, ohyoshimi, robynnwarner, rufusthevictor, samuel_lee, selyavi, sharks_inbay, soccer_playa17, sokrlvr101, sweetlysmiles, sweetnlovble, tami6677, teddybeargrurl, teknikill, tjackson, trynottodie, tux13, violaking, wmhsreject, y0000_h0ller |
Member of: | 65: 6a, abuse_lj_abuse, abusefest, butthut, cg2004, changelog, cookiesforlj, damnportlanders, dontlookhere, emerald_curtain, fotobilder, fotobilder_cvs, fotobilder_user, frankthecomic, frogger_support, helpscreening, irctownhall, lj_abuse, lj_biz, lj_codingstyle, lj_core, lj_design, lj_dev, lj_docadmin, lj_everywhere, lj_feedback, lj_maintenance, lj_poll, lj_russian, lj_schools, lj_spotlight, lj_style, lj_support, lj_supportadmin, lj_translate, lj_userdoc, lj_volunteers, ljcoredev, mobilereviews, paidmembers, perl, rit, ritv2, roch_ny, rochester, show_your_boobs, support_bugs, support_clients, support_comms, support_embed, support_general, support_interim, support_issues, support_mobile, support_pics, support_sb, support_syn, support_upi, support_web, supportlounge, we_love_carrie, we_love_nopeas, web_training, web_ui, webreviews |
Account type: | Permanent Account |