Home : About LiveJournal : Features By Account Type

Features by Account Type

The following is a comparison of features that are available to our free and paid accounts. Please see the About Paid Accounts page for pricing details.

Most Popular Features Free
No banner ads or pop-ups
Upload multiple userpics that appear next to each of your posts and comments 6 301
Display and organize your photos using ScrapBook and 1 GB of storage space - 2
Post to your journal even when you're not at your computer, via your phone or mobile device -
Create and customize the look and feel of your journal Limited
Use the advanced search feature to find users by city, state, country, age, friends -

Easily Create Your Own Online Journal Free
Create your own journal
Create and customize the look and feel of your journal Limited
Upload multiple userpics that appear next to each of your posts and comments 6 301
Choose from dozens of mood themes and icons to express your mood in each post
Specify what music you're listening to for each post
Write a subject title for each entry
Fill out your user info page with your biography, friends, interests, communities and more

Connect with LiveJournal Users and Communities Free
View all your friends' latest journal entries from your friends page
Create and post your own polls and surveys -
Comment on posts or reply directly to other comments (threaded comments)
Join communities to interact with users who share your interests
Start a community to express your hobbies and interests
Tag each of your entries with one or more keywords
Search for other users by username, email address, interests, AIM, Yahoo!, and MSN
Use the advanced search feature to find users by city, state, country, age, friends -
Send text messages to other users without knowing their phone numbers
Receive text messages without having to share your phone number -

Set your own Privacy and Security Levels Free
Decide who is allowed to read each of your individual posts (public, friends, custom, private)
Create subgroups of your friends and write posts that only they can read
Decide who can view individual photos and galleries in your ScrapBook -
Manage comments in your journal

Fully Customize Your Journal Free
Create and customize the look and feel of your journal Limited
Display and organize your photos using ScrapBook and 1 GB of storage space - 2
Create and edit your own entirely new set of styles -
Create sets of personalized mood icons from your own pictures -
Tag each of your entries with one or more keywords
Set your domain name to forward to your LiveJournal -
Utilize a LiveJournal.com email address -
Purchase an add-on of extra storage space (up to 10 GB) -
Purchase an add-on of up to 100 userpics -

Use Mobile Posting Features Free
Post to your journal even when you're not at your computer, via your phone or mobile device -
Create a voice post from your phone that posts directly to your journal (mp3/wav/ogg) -

Utilize Advanced Features Free
View external content feeds via XML/RSS/Atom on your friends page
Archive and backup your journal with our export tool
Create new syndication accounts -
Utilize your PGP/GPG key -
Download clients which enable you to post from your desktop without opening a browser

1: Additional userpics are available for purchase.
2: Additional space is available for purchase.
3: Additional space is available for purchase.
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