Published by Joey Manley Edited by Tom Hart A Modern Tales Joint
What's Up With Serializer?

A while back, our server suffered a massive hard drive crash, in part occasioned by insecure PHP coding. Despite how "big" we look, the reality is that this is a one-person business, and the recovery has been difficult, and has been constantly interrupted by other things (like, for example, the need for that one person to file income taxes after two extensions). At present, the serializer relaunch is top priority, and will be announced as soon as is feasible. Everybody who was a subscriber at the time of the crash will receive either a refund, or an equivalent amount of free time on serializer or one of the other Modern Tales family sites (depending on how long after the crash the subscriber stuck around -- those who understandably cancelled two months after the crash will get two months' free time, and so on). Those who have stuck with us the whole time (and there are a lot of you) will get a special bonus. However, neither the free time, nor the extra bonus, will be available until after the serializer relaunch (because we won't know how much free time to give you until, you know, we know how long the site was actually down).

Thanks for your patience, everybody.

Meanwhile, if you are coming here due to recent press relating to Renee French's Micrographica, you can find the comic here

Joey Manley

All Serializer Comics: