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Joe Versus the Volcano (1990)

Joe Versus the Volcano Directed by
John Patrick Shanley

Writing credits (WGA)
John Patrick Shanley (written by)

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Genre: Comedy / Romance / Drama (more)

Tagline: An Average Joe. An Adventurous Comedy. (more)

Plot Outline: When a hypochondriac learns that he is dying, he accepts an offer to throw himself in a volcano at a tropical island, and along the way there, learns to truly live. (more) (view trailer)

User Comments: A sweet, wonderful romantic movie! (more)

User Rating: ******____ 5.3/10 (9,474 votes) Vote Here

Cast overview, first billed only:
Tom Hanks .... Joe Banks
Meg Ryan .... DeDe/Angelica Graynamore/Patricia Graynamore
Lloyd Bridges .... Samuel Harvey Graynamore
Robert Stack .... Dr. Ellison
Abe Vigoda .... Waponis Chief
Dan Hedaya .... Mr. Frank Waturi
Barry McGovern .... Luggage Salesman
Amanda Plummer .... Dagmar
Ossie Davis .... Marshall
Jayne Haynes .... Nurse
David Burton .... Mike
Carol Kane .... Cassandra (hairdresser) (as Lisa Le Blanc)
Jim Hudson .... Fred (Guard)
Antoni Gatti .... Italian tailor
Darrell Zwerling .... Underwear Salesman

Runtime: 102 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Color: Color (Technicolor)
Sound Mix: Dolby SR
Certification: Canada:G (Nova Scotia) (original rating) / Spain:13 / Canada:PG (Nova Scotia) (re-rating) (1994) / Argentina:13 / Chile:TE / Finland:K-10 / France:U / Sweden:7 / UK:PG / USA:PG / West Germany:12 / Singapore:PG / Canada:PG / Australia:PG

Trivia: The books that Joe shows to Mr. Waturi describe the plot of the film: "Romeo and Juliet", "Robinson Crusoe", and "The Odyssey". (more)

Goofs: Continuity: When DeDe walks into Joe's apartment at the end of their date, she places her handbag on the floor a few steps across from the door. When she comes back in to get the bag because she forgot it after she leaves, she reaches for the bag just inside the door. (more)

Quotes: Samuel Harvey Graynamore: Well, does it take more guts to twice traverse a staircase in a burning building, or to make a one-time leap into a volcano? Damned if I know, Kemosabe. (more)
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Joe Versus the Volcano at Amazon.comJoe Versus the Volcano DVD available at Amazon.comJoe Versus the Volcano VHS unavailable at Amazon.comJoe Versus the Volcano CD unavailable at
Joe Versus the Volcano at Amazon.caJoe Versus the Volcano DVD available at Amazon.caJoe Versus the Volcano VHS available at Amazon.caJoe Versus the Volcano CD unavailable at
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User Comments:

8 out of 10 people found the following comment useful:-
A sweet, wonderful romantic movie!, 9 December 1998
Author: jcosper from New Albany, IN

It starts dark and dismal. It has to. The lower it starts, the higher the climax at the end when Joe is able to release his fears and live life to the fullest. A man is told he's dying of a "brain cloud" and has 6 months to live. Suddenly a stranger offers him a deal: live like a king for a month, die jumping into a volcano. With nothing to lose, he sets out for a tiny island. Along the way he discovers how wonderful life is. Not even a shipwreck can bring down his spirits. The ending is terrifically happy. The music is great. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are just as wonderful here as in Sleepless in Seattle. Abe Vigoda rocks. Watch for Nathan Lane as one of the islanders. But the ultimate scene stealer is the luggage salesman. All in all, a sweet, wonderful romantic movie.

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Was I the only one who liked this movie?tvdramafreak
what a gorgeous main theme..stephen-kee
The Lampgumboja
This movie never apealed much to me untilNealClarkReynolds
Hanks not happy with Joe?teako170


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