by Rich Vos, Contributing Editor
05.03.06 | 10:46AM
Opinion | 71 Comments
I wish I had an excuse for my pessimism. Perhaps if I had recently finished reading the L.A. Times’ investigative report on wounded soldiers followed by a six-pack of Blue Moon, I may have a fallback for my emotions. However, I’m sitting in Baghdad across from an Iraqi who is happy with the liberation and I’m completely sober....
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by Aaron Margolis, Editor-in-Chief
05.02.06 | 4:29PM
Opinion | 8 Comments
This clever sign from yesterday's "protest/boycott" reads "No Illegals, No Burritos (You Better Think Twice America)."...
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by Frederick Meekins, Contributing Editor
05.01.06 | 7:46AM
Opinion | 2 Comments
If immigrants are no different than the rest of us, then why should this prestigious award go to a teacher noted for teaching students from immigrant backgrounds, 90% of whom are on public assistance? Apparently the parents are not so ignorant of American ways that they've never heard of welfare. If we are suppose to be color blind, why does...
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by Guest Contributor
04.29.06 | 12:24PM
Opinion | 6 Comments
This is the story of one such person who has followed all the laws and policies to immigrate to the United States, and the problems she and her American born husband have had with the United States bureaucracy.
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by Steve Bowers, Senior Editor
04.29.06 | 12:22PM
Opinion | 2 Comments
It was only a matter of time before someone floated the notion that the term "illegal alien" was a racial slur. The are no doubt, at least several million illegal aliens and their sympathizers that agree with the shyster attorney Domingo Garcia who floated this notion on a radio talk show earlier this week. It's not surprising however: This is...
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by Frederick Meekins, Contributing Editor
04.29.06 | 8:44AM
Opinion | 0 Comments
Throughout much of the 1990’s, prescient social analysts such as Pat Buchanan and Michael Savage warned of the changes that would take place in our nation should the government of the United States fail to get control over the flood of immigration that was pouring across the border. At the time, those viewing radical hypertolerance as more important than cultural survival dismissed such warnings as the ravings of lunatics. However, now that increasing numbers of Americans finally want something done about the matter, it may be too late.
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by Aaron Margolis, Editor-in-Chief
04.28.06 | 2:47PM
Opinion | 14 Comments
While they may not get all the millions of illegals to play dead on May 1, they will manage to get a few. Who cares?...
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by Aaron Margolis, Editor-in-Chief
04.28.06 | 12:17PM
Opinion | 11 Comments
I heard that Spanish version of our National Anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner" on the radio this morning while driving to work....
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by Aaron Margolis, Editor-in-Chief
04.27.06 | 10:13AM
Opinion | 15 Comments
Is it me or are msuciains these days losing a bit of their creativity? Take a look at Neil Young's sound "Let's Impeach The President" and look at the lyrics. What happened to the classic war protest songs that used metaphors and symbolism? Any idiot can write a silly song, but it takes an artist to do it in a...
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by Aaron Margolis, Editor-in-Chief
04.27.06 | 8:07AM
Opinion | 3 Comments
September 11, 2001
Four places were hijacked.
Three of them reached their target.
This is the story of the fourth.
Are you going to see United 93? Why, or why not?
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by Kerry Jacoby, Contributing Writer
04.23.06 | 10:32PM
Opinion | 46 Comments
Our next chapter of The Covenant with Black America is entitled, "Ensuring Broad Access to Affordable Neighborhoods that Connect to Opportunity." Sounds like the slogan for a real-estate developer, doesn't it? Well, that's kind of the point. Not only, in the opinion of the authors, are blacks disadvantaged by the way they live--they also have a considerable hurdle to overcome...
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by Steve Bowers, Senior Editor
04.23.06 | 9:23AM
Opinion | 40 Comments
In a speech at Brown University early last week, the Dems 2008 presidential darling gushed about
expanding the crown jewel of her socialist meddling during her years as co-president -- the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 proving, as if we didn't already know it, that her affinity for socialism is unabated.
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by Steve Bowers, Senior Editor
04.20.06 | 10:12PM
Opinion | 1 Comments
It's not like we actually NEED more evidence that the pinheads who have a stranglehold on power in the Democratic Party don't understand the fight we are in for civilization as we know it, but Teddy Kennedy provided it for us anyway....
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by Aaron Margolis, Editor-in-Chief
04.20.06 | 6:42PM
Opinion | 45 Comments
It’s becoming quite clear that the members of the Duke Lacrosse team accused of raping a stripper are being wrongfully accused, and shamefully, regretfully, this is not an isolated incident; it represents a disturbing trend.
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by Kerry Jacoby, Contributing Writer
04.17.06 | 12:58AM
Opinion | 41 Comments
We've been arguing a bit here about the private versus public rights in Cyberspace. I contend that the Internet is not and should not be considered "private" space, since posting something there is inviting an unknown number of others to see it. When I read this story, though, I couldn't help thinking it's too bad nobody notified the authorities of...
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by Steve Bowers, Senior Editor
04.16.06 | 11:52AM
Opinion | 9 Comments
Dick and Lynne Cheney gave an astounding amount of money to charities last year, but you'd be hard pressed to know it from reading the MSM stories on their taxes and income....
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by Aaron Margolis, Editor-in-Chief
04.15.06 | 3:36PM
Opinion | 0 Comments
Courtesy of our friends from MetroSpy is the new "No Amnesty for Illegals" t-shirt, and for a limited time, only $1.99 (limit one per order)...
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by Steve Bowers, Senior Editor
04.12.06 | 10:16PM
Opinion | 4 Comments
We all know McCain/Kennedy "immigration reform" sucks. It panders to illegals while doing nothing about border security. Opponents of the House bill (read illegals and their sympathizers from President Bush to Hillary Rodham Clinton) claim it is "draconian" when all it does is attempt hold illegals accountable for their criminal behavior. Some, including myself, would argue that the House bill...
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by Aaron Margolis, Editor-in-Chief
04.12.06 | 12:56PM
Opinion | 5 Comments
I love this story, it just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. A manager at a Detroit meatpacking plant said Monday that 15 immigrant women were fired last month after attending a protest for immigrant rights. He said they had been told that they would be terminated if they missed work on the day of the protest. But the workers...
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by Rich Vos, Contributing Editor
04.12.06 | 10:42AM
Opinion | 0 Comments
Prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003, President Bush had laid out a case for war with a country having nothing to do with the attacks on our homeland on September 11th. In the spirit of anger and retaliation, most of his base supported the action along with more than half of his political opponents in the...
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by Kerry Jacoby, Contributing Writer
04.12.06 | 9:55AM
Opinion | 83 Comments
I didn’t sleep very well last night. As is my usual habit, I turned on C-SPAN to wind down with. Though I am a political junkie, many times I find observing Congress and its ancillary activities a pretty good sleeping pill. But last night was different....
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by Aaron Margolis, Editor-in-Chief
04.11.06 | 12:08PM
Opinion | 33 Comments
Wow, the illegal aliens protesting today finally got the memo: "wave the American flag."
So what.
Even if you look beyond the scores of American flags that were disrespectfully waved upside down, one thing is certain, it was all an act.
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by Kerry Jacoby, Contributing Writer
04.11.06 | 10:08AM
Opinion | 3 Comments
[NOTE: The author of this article is a serial Walmart shopper with family and friends currently working in the Walmart system. If you think that’s a conflict of interest, consider yourself informed.] The nation’s number one retailer is expanding its horizons, or at least trying to. And, of course, the usual gaggle of anti-Walmart suspects is in full bay to...
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by Frederick Meekins, Contributing Editor
04.11.06 | 8:02AM
Opinion | 3 Comments
In the postmodernist rush to abolish all traditional values, Spain's socialist government is removing the terms "Mother" and "Father" from birth certificates and replacing these titles with "Progenitor A" and "Progenitor B" in order to accommodate the legalization of gay marriage in that European nation.
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by Steve Bowers, Senior Editor
04.10.06 | 9:20PM
Opinion | 13 Comments
Forget any "preemptive strike" the Bush Administration may be planning against Iran. Let's talk about the preemptive strike that hack Seymour Hersh and the New Yorker have launched against the Constitutional duty of the executive branch to develop contingency plans to "provide for the common defense" of our nation....
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by Kerry Jacoby, Contributing Writer
04.10.06 | 7:20AM
Opinion | 45 Comments
You may recall my November 2004 article, Inviting Iran to Dance, in which I suggested that the administration would have no qualms about pursuing a military action against Iran, should Iran not prove itself a good citizen of the global community. At the time, I also asserted that the president, having been just re-elected and no longer concerned about his...
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by Kerry Jacoby, Contributing Writer
04.09.06 | 11:08PM
Opinion | 31 Comments
Having hashed out the system of justice a bit, we now turn our attention in the ongoing discussion of The Covenant with Black America to the more specific topic of how to handle the problem of policing the community. The authors of the Covenant, however, leave little room for debate on the answer here. For them, "the mass incarceration of...
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by Rich Vos, Contributing Editor
04.09.06 | 4:17AM
Opinion | 5 Comments
For nonsmokers, there is nothing worse than coming home from a Saturday night at the bars reeking of cigarette smoke. It really is quite a nuisance. However, government has no right to stick its beak into private business practices and dictate what is and what is not acceptable is restaurants and bars....
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by Frederick Meekins, Contributing Editor
04.08.06 | 9:03AM
Opinion | 0 Comments
A Colorado school has banned camouflage as well as other assorted patriotic paraphernalia on the grounds that such raiment represents a divisive brand of patriotism (meaning any variety that does not support the sublimation of the United States into the New World Order) and thus presents a potential threat to public safety. In a similar decision in San Diego, a...
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by Aaron Margolis, Editor-in-Chief
04.07.06 | 12:57PM
Opinion | 4 Comments
Oh, the fun just never stops. Watching liberal Democrats act all "gotcha!" at the news that Lewis "Scooter" Libby alleges he was authorized by President Bush and Vice President Cheney to disclose intelligence on Iraq in July of 2003, as Libby alleges, it's a hoot....
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by Kerry Jacoby, Contributing Writer
04.05.06 | 7:43AM
Opinion | 2 Comments
On April 28, a movie will hit the theaters that some say the American people are not ready for. When the trailer for United 93, a dramatization of the events surrounding the fourth plane hijacked on September 11, 2001, has been shown, some in the audience have responded with cries of "Too soon!" Some commentators think the memories of 911...
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by Aaron Margolis, Editor-in-Chief
04.04.06 | 12:39PM
Opinion | 1 Comments
The best argument I heard that was favorable to Barry Bonds and his questionable substance abuse was that baseball fans will decide. They have. Opening day saw Bonds booed at every opportunity, and not to mention having a fan throw a syringe at him....
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by Steve Bowers, Senior Editor
04.04.06 | 12:51AM
Opinion | 10 Comments
The illegal immigration "reform" debate is getting pretty scary when George W. Bush's position on the issue is closer to that of a bunch of bratty illegals and their sympathizers than it is to any semblance of a conservative position. There's a name for it: Utter insanity and the total absence of common sense, reason and reality.
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by Kerry Jacoby, Contributing Writer
04.03.06 | 11:44PM
Opinion | 8 Comments
Local talk shows are full of Hoosiers complaining about the governor. Not because he's corrupt (to the best of our knowledge he's not.) Not because he's a Republican (we're pretty red around here.) And not because he's wasting money (as near as we can tell he's actually saving it. Somehow.) No, as of this morning, legions of Hoosiers are storming...
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by Aaron Margolis, Editor-in-Chief
04.03.06 | 1:24PM
Opinion | 4 Comments
It's a real shame that the real story behind Jill Carroll's release is not at all being discussed. While controversy is brewing over her forced statements, it seems like the heaviest criticism is being levied on "Right-wingers," according to the UK's The Telegraph....
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