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dialogue before direction the path may not be clear, but the journey is An anabaptist meeting place in the 16th Century! onwards and upwards!

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Devil of the gaps? (Aikido, energy and the unknown)

When I was younger, I remember hearing a couple of Christians speaking about the 'God of the gaps' concept. If I remember rightly, it was within a Creation vs. Evolution argument (O, how that debate bores me like no other!) and they were discussing whether or not Science was a challenge to the Christian faith.
The term goes back to Henry Drummond, a 19th century evangelical lecturer, from his Lowell Lectures on the Ascent of Man. He chastises those Christians who point to the things that science can not yet explain – "gaps which they will fill up with God" – and urges them to embrace all nature as God's, as the work of "... an immanent God, which is the God of Evolution, is infinitely grander than the occasional wonder-worker, who is the God of an old theology." [source]

Such reasoning seems to be less popular nowadays (as we run out of gaps!), but it still exists. However, what is not so rare is a "devil of the gaps" belief. I've heard Christians claim that both David Blaine and Derren Brown were using Satanic power. Why? Well, how else do they do it?! (It seems to me that there is something inherently arrogant about such claims. What it boils down to is the assumption that if I can't explain it then there cannot be any earthly explanation.)

Anyway, that's all a precursor to saying that on Sunday night, I saw a 5-year old boy focus his mind and manage to make himself too heavy for two grown men to lift.

I've also seen a 9-year old relax their arm such that a grown man could not bend it. It was so cool that I laughed out loud!

How do you explain that?

I think the answer lies in an understanding of God's presence in the world, a robust Creation theology, appreciating the ability to co-ordinate body and mind, the importance of good balance and breathing - and possibily even employing the Orthodox notion of God's "energies."

But the short-hand for that is "Ki".

published by: graham @ 18:01   0 comment(s) | Doctrine > General | Permalink

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Dissident Discipleship: Tenacious Serenity

Serenity with tenacity is the heart of anabaptist spiritual devotion. It unites the passive "not my will but yours with the active "Thy will be done on earth." (P. 88.)

Chapter 3 of David Augsburger's Dissident Discipleship has to be one of the simplest. Yet, it may have been the chapter more than any other (apart from the intro) that had me umming and arring in agreement all the way through. On re-reads, I found it to be even more profound - especially in its implications - than I had originally thougt. Read more...

published by: graham @ 17:59   7 comment(s) | Spirituality | Permalink

Saturday, June 10, 2006

On the final innings!

Firstly, thank you so much to those of you who have given so generously to help me in my quest to buy a laptop. Read more...

published by: graham @ 01:18   8 comment(s) | Personal | Permalink

Friday, June 09, 2006

Jubilee and my one point

I can't help it; I have a one-track mind.

Everywhere I turn it's the same. It doesn't matter if I'm with Ruth or Mary, or even Paul - it's all I can think about! Read more...

published by: graham @ 14:49   4 comment(s) | Elsewhere... | Permalink

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Aikido Spirituality?

As an aspect of our committment to non-violence - and to take part in some enjoyable exercise - my daughter and I have begun studying Aikido. My brothers and I have studied Martial Arts (mostly Kung-fu) pretty much for as long as I can remember, but I stopped about 16 years ago. However, Aikido is fairly unique in having peace (or 'harmony') as a key foundation and aim.

At some point, I'd like to get round to posting more about the philisophy of Aikido and how it sits in harmony with the teachings of Jesus, but for now I thought I'd quote my good friend Solly: Read more...

published by: graham @ 13:35   5 comment(s) | Spirituality | Permalink

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Who to give to?

When I've got the lap-top and can thus stop all of the begging posts, I think I'll begin posting on a number of worthy causes that you might want to give to. (In fact, I did this recently.)

Apparently, some people have been mightilly offended that I asked those of you who could spare it if you would gladly donate £1 towards my fund to buy a new lap-top. (To see how that's going, click "Practice Generosity" at the top of the left-hand column.) Aside from my shameless begging, I believe that we need to be talking more, not less, about money. Especially because of the crap that is sometimes spouted from folks who should be giving instead of receiving, we need to be preaching the liberating message of Jubilee more often, more clearly, more radically.

So, if you give to someone, or are aiming to, or if you support a particular charity, or would like to encourage others to, etc., please let us know. I'll then consider adding them to the list of "opportunities for generosity" that people might want to look at.

published by: graham @ 02:14   16 comment(s) | Spirituality | Permalink

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Pentecost as a noun?

If I get a chance later today, I'll post up a Pentecost Sunday sermon. And it's a real sermon too, before the days when I got all precious about such things!

Anyway, somewhere in my files I found the following. I'm not even sure if I wrote it , or if it's a quote from somewhere else! Either way, it didn't make the cut to my manuscript last year: Read more...

published by: graham @ 17:18   3 comment(s) | Spirituality | Permalink

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Remember Limited Atonement?

I've just been reading through a post by someone wavering between belief in Limited and Unlimited Atonement. I can remember when this was the issue that I loved to study/debate. It involves a clash of paradigms, theological systems, hermeneutics and detailed-systematic exegesis. I used to giggle with joy over the stuff!

Now, I find it very difficult to take it seriously. You may as well ask me if I believe that God is blonde or brunette! Why do we have this tendency to frame our questions and/or discussions in such a way that only 1 or 2 answers are possible?

Yes or No? Determinism or Free-will? Heaven or Hell? Gay or Straight?

Do we really think that we can capture the wonder of God with the toss of a coin?

LwC Keywords: , ,

Technorati Tags: , ,

published by: graham @ 16:31   9 comment(s) | Doctrine > General | Permalink

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I am an advocate of an agent of Hell!

Yesterday morning I received an email from a man I had never heard of, but who apparently has quite some following. I'm not quite sure why he emailed me, but I've since seen that he has also posted it online.

Feel free to check it out. If I can be completely honest, I'm always slightly relieved when folk like this label me a heretic!

published by: graham @ 17:24   17 comment(s) | Elsewhere... | Permalink

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

You might want to cover your ears or close your eyes!


We found out this afternoon that our local Anglican "Vicar" is quitting! Read more...

published by: graham @ 22:07   7 comment(s) | Personal | Permalink

Saturday, May 27, 2006

No greater joy than abusing your kids?!

You'll have to excuse me for ranting. Some things deserve getting worked-up over...

I was reading on Bene Diction Blogs On - having found it via Richard - about the tragic case of Seth Paddock, a 4-year old boy who recently died of suffocation.

A few years ago, Lynn Paddock sought Christian advice on how to discipline her growing brood of adopted children.

Paddock -- a Johnston County mother accused of murdering Sean, her 4-year-old adopted son, and beating two other adopted children -- surfed the Internet, said her attorney, Michael Reece. She found literature by an evangelical minister and his wife who recommended using plumbing supply lines to spank misbehaving children.

It sends chills up my spine.

published by: graham @ 19:36   31 comment(s) | Ignore me, I'm ranting! | Permalink

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Update on the (re)quest for a laptop

Because I know some of you are eager to know how it's going, I thought I'd provide some stats on my quest towards getting a laptop. (You can see the original post here.)


published by: graham @ 21:07   11 comment(s) | General | Permalink

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