Devil of the gaps? (Aikido, energy and the unknown)
The term goes back to Henry Drummond, a 19th century evangelical lecturer, from his Lowell Lectures on the Ascent of Man. He chastises those Christians who point to the things that science can not yet explain – "gaps which they will fill up with God" – and urges them to embrace all nature as God's, as the work of "... an immanent God, which is the God of Evolution, is infinitely grander than the occasional wonder-worker, who is the God of an old theology." [source]
Such reasoning seems to be less popular nowadays (as we run out of gaps!), but it still exists. However, what is not so rare is a "devil of the gaps" belief. I've heard Christians claim that both David Blaine and Derren Brown were using Satanic power. Why? Well, how else do they do it?! (It seems to me that there is something inherently arrogant about such claims. What it boils down to is the assumption that if I can't explain it then there cannot be any earthly explanation.)
Anyway, that's all a precursor to saying that on Sunday night, I saw a 5-year old boy focus his mind and manage to make himself too heavy for two grown men to lift.
How do you explain that?
I think the answer lies in an understanding of God's presence in the world, a robust Creation theology, appreciating the ability to co-ordinate body and mind, the importance of good balance and breathing - and possibily even employing the Orthodox notion of God's "energies."
But the short-hand for that is "Ki".
published by: graham @ 18:01 0 comment(s) | Doctrine > General | Permalink