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you cant trust a man

with a gun at all

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    lost now is the innocence of childhood, with her failed manuscript and his failed everything. the urgency of reality seemed to set in. but they were part of the same disease that they had infected each other with; they were contagious with passion and their host was inspiration. and when they met they were sick with each other. and at their birthplace it was recalled to be said that they would always be together; they would always be together in mind, body, and faith. and a year passed in moments; a few short, sweet motions of hands drawing patterns of wings on each others backs. it was their devotion that carried them to such great heights; her pen was once again flowing, and his heart was once again open. so in soft words he spoke "like a wax flower found in the forest we shall forever be unharmed by winters touch." "yes, but we may melt at the wrath of the sun." as they spoke of seasons, the seasons pressed onward. as he dwelt on what she meant, a few words became a sonnet and the sonnet became a chronicle; and on and on until her masterpiece was complete. and in her play known as 'nouveau' one man is irreparably helpless when faced with the questions of the world. and somehow, every audience could relate and it grew out of her control. so in soft words she spoke "when two angels are charged with the burden of surveying heaven, one angel must stay to play the harp, for music by which the other can test her wings. but you see there's only so much heaven to cross so they must meet again; in this life or the next."... in this life or the next.
    through all days to come there is one image in his mind of a glowing white deity surrounded by a sea of dark, and he a small figure latched onto her arm. and some years later, he will lose his desperate grip with that effigy he clung to through his every hour. and he will float thereon in endless black; the body of her memory is the only light escaping into that night.
    and consequence, it comes down heavy, in this life or the next. and there's too much to regret before we die.
    as she was swarmed onto the train car, he saw her hand waving and her voice shouting "you will take half of me with you!" and he whispered back to her "girl, you've got all of me. girl, you've got all of me."

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