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28th-Jun-2006 02:09 pm
[31] World Cup Icons. (mostly Zidane & Henry)

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( h e r e )
28th-Jun-2006 10:08 am - found something interesting
2 days ago found this program.
first what i have done was kate flint's photo and prodigy's song "out of space" and Germany team with mp3
P.S. i hope this would be usefull for someone
27th-Jun-2006 10:11 pm

I made a few Argentina Football team icons, mostly Messi. You see, I pretty much love him, so Im posting icons. Hope you like them

o1. Credit Furcia or Regulartweener@GJ.
o2. Comment if taking.
o3. Comments make me happy =)

Argentina 6  0 Serbia y Montenegro
Argentina 0  0 Nederlands
Argentina 2  1 Mexico

Da Cut )

27th-Jun-2006 07:59 pm - spain & france
is it just me or this ref [spain & france game] a lot more lax than the others have been as a whole?

[edit: i'm not complaining. i liked it too]
27th-Jun-2006 02:55 pm - 27 World Cup Icons: 16 Australia, 8 England, 3 USA
I finished up my World Cup icons and thought I'd share them even if I am very, very disappointed about Australia's loss yesterday.

16 Australia, 8 England and 3 USA World Cup Icons.

•Don't hotlink.
•Friend [info]pbicons or comment if you'd like affiliation.


And the FIFA World Cup Winner is...
27th-Jun-2006 01:43 pm - More analysis, commentary, etc.
Please visit Chicago Public Radio's very own World Cup Blog.
27th-Jun-2006 08:36 pm - Italy icons#4
+ 12 Italy icons (most of them from the last round of 16 match)
+ X-posted


F O R Z A  A Z Z U R R I
27th-Jun-2006 08:33 pm - icons
[20] russian football players 

more --->>>
27th-Jun-2006 11:02 am - Dave O'Brien is slowly driving me insane
Because it's reached the point where I have to watch the game on mute.

The rest are over here. Please comment and credit [info]dork_icons.
27th-Jun-2006 11:31 pm
If there are such things as truth, justice and God in this world, Ghana will give those over-hyped wanker Brazillians the spanking of a lifetime tonight. Discuss.
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