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Afghan protesters run for cover from Afghan police gunshots in Kabul, Afghanistan, on May 29, 2006. (Photo by AP/Rodrigo Abd)

All unquiet on the eastern front

With Afghans enraged by a worsening security situation and the West's failure to improve their lives, Afghanistan is in danger of falling back into violent chaos
War Room Playing "Survivor," Guantánamo style. Plus: Bush on Rove, Kerry vs. Clinton and Iraq and 9/11, again
By Tim Grieve
Rove in civvies isn't such an ugly sight Why Fitzgerald's decision not to indict "Bush's brain" is good for the nation (and even the Democrats)
By Walter Shapiro
How the World Works Chinese gaming: A new dynasty in the making? Plus: How cool is working on an iPod Nano assembly line?
By Andrew Leonard
Since you asked... I've had it with my immature younger brother. With all the cancellations and the craziness, I almost want to write him off
By Cary Tennis

Now in Blog Box

  • Audiofile A free Arab Strap track from a Japanese release
  • Broadsheet What else we're reading
  • The Daou Report The "Bush recovery" narrative: How Dems might squander their '06 opportunity
  • How the World Works Chinese gaming: A new dynasty in the making?
  • Video Dog New short: a terrifying police chase that leaves hilarity in its wake
  • War Room It's like "Survivor," only Rumsfeld gets all the votes

King Kaufman's Sports DailyKing Kaufman's Sports Daily

Dwyane Wade's spectacular fourth quarter saves the Heat. Can he do that three more times? Plus: World Cup. And: Bud Selig's "everyone"


The FixThe Fix

Lohan skirts Hilton scuffle. Is Cruise making a play for the Jolie-Pitts? Plus: Screech needs your help!

Arts & Entertainment

All unquiet on the eastern frontAll unquiet on the eastern front

With Afghans enraged by a worsening security situation and the West's failure to improve their lives, Afghanistan is in danger of falling back into violent chaos


Rove in civvies isn't such an ugly sightRove in civvies isn't such an ugly sight

Why Fitzgerald's decision not to indict "Bush's brain" is good for the nation (and even the Democrats)


Remembrance of things pastRemembrance of things past

Modern living is very civilized, but sometimes I long to buy some smokes, lock the kids in the laundry room and crank the Sinatra


The Abu Ghraib Files

279 photographs and 19 videos from the Army's internal investigation record a harrowing three months of detainee abuse inside the notorious prison


Since you asked...Since you asked...

I've had it with my immature younger brother. With all the cancellations and the craziness, I almost want to write him off


The K ChroniclesThe K Chronicles

How to place a curse on family, friends, co-workers and neighbors...


King Kaufman's Sports Daily

The U.S. pratfall in its World Cup opener didn't kill some coming soccer boom. Plus: Pong? And: Stanley Cup


The Fix

Madonna ticked at Britney? Deeply disturbing Michael Jackson photos. Plus: Jack Black, "best daddy on the planet"?

Arts & Entertainment

Starving season

World hunger is by far the worst crisis humanity faces, and it's getting worse -- especially in Africa. Until the West overcomes its apathy and works toward long-term solutions, millions of people -- many of them children -- will continue to die unnecessarily


Reefer madness

Michigan's Rainbow Farm was a utopia for stoners, gays and dissenters. Then America's anti-drug insanity erupted in its ugliest form


A veil of uncertainty

While some Arab women embrace the rise of Islamist political parties, others fear they could end up groaning under Taliban-like regimes


Since you asked...

My wife wants to join the Peace Corps. She would be away for two years -- twice as long as we've been married!



Money Mountain is getting ready to blow!


King Kaufman's Sports Daily

Mavericks shut down faltering Shaq, and if Pat Riley keeps getting outcoached, this is going to be a short NBA Finals. Plus: World Cup


The Fix

Spears denies marital breakup, defends parenting style, gets sued by paparazzo. Plus: Naomi Campbell's anger explained?

Arts & Entertainment

How much is that blogger in the window?

In Las Vegas, Democrats court the netroots as if it were the AFL-CIO


Salon interview: Harry Reid

The Senate minority leader on why he supports Joe Lieberman, how blogs help the Democrats and why he doesn't support impeachment (hint: President Cheney)


The new true West

From Larry McMurtry and Thomas Berger to "Deadwood" and the gay cowboys of "Brokeback Mountain," the American West is alive and wilder than ever


Supermarket sleuth

Stalking the aisles of America's grocery stores, "What to Eat" nutritionist Marion Nestle tells you how to keep junk food from sneaking into your cart


This Modern World

Follow the bouncing rationale...


Locking out New Orleans' poor

Almost a year after Katrina, public housing residents can't return home. Critics blame government negligence -- and hushed plans for big redevelopment


Illegitimate election

A key source for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. responds to criticism of his analysis of the 2004 election


I Like to Watch

It's "Deadwood"-speak week, cretins and miscreants of every stripe! Those with frail temperaments and delicate sensibilities should seek solace elsewheres!

Arts & Entertainment

Did Al get the science right?

The usual oil industry flacks and dogmatic skeptics have surfaced to denounce Al Gore's global warming movie. But climate scientists say that, basically, he got it right



Will the GOP's bluster about gays and flags drown out the Democrats' call for a new energy policy?


Not just Bush-haters in bathrobes

Forget starry-eyed idealism. The liberal bloggers gathered in Vegas for YearlyKos want to win any way they can


King Kaufman's Sports Daily

Mavs tell Shaq's Miami teammates: Go ahead, shoot. They do. And Game 1 goes to Dallas. Plus: Promises, Cuban's blog


The Fix

Preparations afoot for Jolie-Pitt clan's U.S. return. Alba wins "Sexist Performance"? Plus: Three words you should never, ever say to Russell Crowe

Arts & Entertainment

The incredible shrinking U.S.

Despite the death of Zarqawi, Bush's huge gamble in Iraq has failed. As a result, the U.S. is weaker everywhere in the world -- and that's not all bad


"A Prairie Home Companion"

Garrison Keillor and Robert Altman gather an all-star cast to sing an ode to the good old days and an anthem for the future

Arts & Entertainment

Good things, bad presidents

Zarqawi's death -- and its potential to raise Bush's ratings -- reminds us that in the White House, luck matters as much as competence



This animated tale from Disney/Pixar is sleek and shiny, but is it anything to get revved up about?

Arts & Entertainment

Ask the pilot

Should America emulate Israel's crack air security? Only if we want to turn ourselves into a full-blown police state

Technology & Business

Are you ready for some futbol?

The World Cup is the Godzilla of sporting events -- it wreaks more havoc on more people around the world than anything else


Since you asked...

At what point can I just give up on my son? I'm at the end of my rope


Death of a useful demon

Zarqawi's death is good news. But for the White House, which used him to falsely link Saddam and al-Qaida, it's too late


State of the union

Is it "gay marriage" or "civil union"? And is the battle over same-sex matrimony really "the most important issue in the nation today"?

King Kaufman's Sports Daily

Baseball's drug scandal gets bigger again after a journeyman pitcher's house is raided. Nobody should be surprised


The Fix

Britney manny rumor goes bust. Brad and Angelina have no marriage plans. Plus: Katie and Tom's prenup!

Arts & Entertainment

George Bush Sr. asked retired general to replace Rumsfeld

The former president's secret campaign to oust the secretary of defense was rebuffed by President Bush, a source says


MySpace or OurSpace?

School administrators and even cops are policing the social networking site. For teens used to living their lives online, that isn't fair


Beyond the Multiplex

A must-see film about a German transsexual and her much stranger brothers. Plus: Terrific films from France and Istanbul

Arts & Entertainment

"You want to shoot them"

Convinced that kids were spying on them, sick of seeing buddies blown apart, the Marines accused of the Haditha massacre cracked


Since you asked

My queer radical feminist peers are aghast that I want to marry


Tom the Dancing Bug

Is pollution causing global warming? Ask Hollingsworth Hound


King Kaufman's Sports Daily

NBA Finals: The Mavericks have too much speed, depth and, yes, Dirk for the Heat. Plus: New baseball stat update


The Fix

Jolie-Pitt baby pic leaks out online! Plus: Britney falling for the nanny? Piven morphing into Ari Gold?

Arts & Entertainment

How to humanize a killer

Defense teams in capital cases research their clients' childhood -- and conduct often-harrowing interviews with the clients' families -- to evoke sympathy from juries. Critics call mitigation evidence the "abuse excuse"



Philip Roth subjects his unnamed hero to innumerable physical maladies -- a bad hernia, heart surgery, a burst appendix and more -- in his new, death-obsessed novel


Since you asked...

My family gives me no respect. I'm accomplished and responsible but they treat me like a loser


San Franciscophobia

We're stuck with a terrible war and a worse president, and all the GOP can do is scream, "Pelosi and her Nancy boys are coming"? This is pathetic


The K Chronicles

What does it take to break a vegetarian down?


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Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006