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Iraq War

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Iraq War, articles 1 - 13 of 650 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  

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The subject is Iraq, but it's all about 9/11 again

Think Progress posts what it says is the House majority leader's plan for the Iraq debate.

Clinton, Kerry: Different approaches, different reactions on Iraq

Kerry draws cheers for saying his vote was a mistake. Clinton gets boos for opposing a timeline for withdrawal.

Can a chicken hawk fly?

White House counselor Dan Bartlett looks sharp in camo. Maybe he could get his own set.

The questions that won't be asked

From the White House, word of a "press availability" that doesn't exist.

For one war supporter, an order of crow, please

National Review Online's John Derbyshire says his colleagues are lying if they still say they'd do it all over again.

Home from Iraq? 2039 or bust

Gen. George Casey is predicting troop withdrawals again. We've heard this one before.

Bush on Zarqawi, by the numbers

The president has plenty to say about Zarqawi now, but he wasn't a central part of the justification for war.

George Bush Sr. asked retired general to replace Rumsfeld

George Bush Sr. asked retired general to replace Rumsfeld

The former president's secret campaign to oust the secretary of defense was rebuffed by President Bush, a source says.

"You want to shoot them"

"You want to shoot them"

Convinced that kids were spying on them, sick of seeing buddies blown apart, the Marines accused of the Haditha massacre cracked.

Wait, you mean we didn't find any WMD?

It's apparently news to the newsmen at CNN.

"This is completely unacceptable"

The new Iraqi prime minister says U.S. violence against innocent Iraqis has become a "daily phenomenon."

Fleeing the battle

Fleeing the battle

With all the invective it has spewed at the antiwar Jack Murtha, why isn't the GOP helping Diana Irey, his opponent in November?

When diplomacy is the "last resort"

Is Bush's overture to Iran a test designed for failure?