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A Rendezvous in Noir
with Neal Pollack

From the moment you walked into the class, you could see that he was trouble. Something about his gaze reminded you of a dog that had bitten you once. You'd shot that dog, and maybe now you'd shoot him, too. But first you had to see what was in his pockets.

Welcome to the world of noir, a genre that's undergoing an exciting revival. In this course, you'll learn how to avoid cliches like the ones above while also crafting gritty, original short stories. We'll cover all the basic elements of fiction-writing: Character, plot, setting, point of view, and so on. But we'll do so with a specific dark twist and an eye toward the unhappy ending. There will be small writing assignments leading up to a long final project, as well as supplemental reading from writers like Jim Thompson, Patricia Highsmith, Cornell Woolrich, Ruth Rendell, and others. Note that this isn't a course about "crime" fiction. Private detective and chief-inspector protagonists need not apply. If you've always wanted to write about nihilistic loners living in hopeless circumstances, then this is the course for you.

Admission requirements:
You should submit a letter of interest, including a brief work history, previous courses, and a writing sample of no more than 15 pages.

Neal Pollack (depicted here in an unusually colored shirt) is the author of three books of satire, including the near-legendary The Neal Pollack Anthology of American Literature and Never Mind the Pollacks: A Rock-n-Roll Novel. He writes a political satire column for Vanity Fair, the "Bad Sex" column for, and the "Soundtracks/Other" column for His short stories have appeared in various places. He lives in Austin, Texas, with his family.

Class rate: $395; $365 for Salon premium members.
Class structure: This is an online course which requires attendee participation, in addition to a respectable output of work. To learn more about how Salon eClasses are structured, visit the Salon eClasses information page.
Start date/duration:

6 weeks: July 19 - August 30
(skipping the week of July 26th)

Office hours: The instructor will be in the class chatroom for questions and conversation Thursdays, 9-10 p.m. EST.
Class enrollment/
deadlines :
Class is limited to 15 students. There is no application deadline: Admissions are rolling, so the first 15 qualified candidates will be admitted.

Email applications only to: classes AT salon DOT com. You should submit a letter of interest, including a brief work history, previous courses, and a writing sample of no more than 15 pages and no less than 2 pages. Your sample need not be of a screenplay. The subject line of your email must say: SANOPO/Your Name

More info: Call the Salon Education department at 212.929.2588 ext. 306, or email classes AT salon DOT com.

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