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So yeah, I will.
So I figure I'll go ahead and make my journal friends only, at least for a while. Am I really worried someone from work is going to read it and get me fired? No! Jeeze, the only people who read this are Lori, who bitches just as much as I do, Mike who yes would rather me work at his store but still doesn't want me fired, and I've heard Sean occasionally reads some of the [info]bbv_drones stuff.

So why friends only? I've kinda been thinking about it for a while, but I never did mainly b/c Ryan doesn't log in when he reads LJ at work. So if I did friends only Ryan wouldn't be able to keep up with what I was rambling about while he was working. But recently they cracked down on that so I don't have to worry about that anymore. If they... uncrack then I'll probably make it public again. Another older reason for not doing it was b/c Mike used to read my journal before he got one. Well he has one now, I don't know how often he reads mine but as long as he has one (and yeah he's on my flist) he can still read it.

The main reason though is that my flist is simply too big. I honestly don't read a bunch of the posts on it anymore, I have NO idea who some of you guys are. O_O So yeah if you want to unfriend me NOW is the time. I may do a little unfriending when I do the whole "friends only" bit for real (I've started but only through this year) but last time I did that I accidentally kicked two people I actually cared about and I still feel bad for that. So unfriending me first is good. I'll also probably ban the people who have been unfriended for a while and not unfriended me, simply b/c I'm anal and those unhighlighted names bug me.

Aaaand that's all! Now to find a nifty "friends only" banner. And yeah, I'm a geek, that's the part I'm excited about. *L*

I feel...: determined

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Never well
Do you suppose there's an illness someone would have where their subconcious made sure they were in some way not well at all times? Because in all honesty I can't remember the last time I was healthy and there wasn't something wrong with me.

Right now it's the corners of my mouth. They're horrible and ugly looking and it's freakin' embarassing. I'm SICK of it. I do believe I'm actually going to call my mom and ask about a doctor's appointment. But that's not it, noooooooo. The rest well... it's TMI of course. Here ya go )

I feel...: uncomfortable

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He's thinking with SAND!
Right, so I finally started to play SH4 over. It took me around 7 hours to get to where I am now in my unfinished game so I expect this one to take... longer. YES longer! You'd figure shorter, right? But nah, I think I'll explore more, since I know what to look out for and all. ^^

Also, something I noticed about the subway world first time through. Wow, I forgot how to do a cut tag for a minute )

Awwww!!! I missed JFK! C'mon, gimme a hug! Gimme a big sandy hug! (No not you Kroenen, you stay where you are!) Aaaaaand Todd and Ryan (though not by choice on Ryan's part) will be the ONLY two to get that.

[Edit] Concerning the escalator. HA! )

[Edit #2] Concering hitting dogs. HA again! )

I feel...: geeky

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Like I've said, I'm trying to get back into Gaia. I've played around with my regular account a little bit and I've actually RPed on my new account a little bit too. My new account is definately a character and not in any way supposed to be me. *L* The first one, oh yeah that's me.

They have the same hair style! I'm excited about that apparently! ^^ Sooo yeah. And "Resting Comfortably" was taken from the Silent Hill soundtrack, I had the sleeve for it sitting in front of me when I went to pick and name and that's what I got. So my little Gaia girl's name is Res (pronounced Rez) and she's a former mental patient who was tossed out when the hospital shut down and she wasn't seen as enough of a threat to be transferred. Weeee!!! One day I'll build a whole story around her honest.

I feel...: chipper

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So this morning I open the door for the cat and the first words out of my mouth (because yes, I talk to myself when I'm alone in a room) were: "Holy shit! It's Silent Hill foggy outside!" Naturally I drop what I'm doing (folding clothes) and run to get dressed and grab my camera. Then I realize my camera battery was dead. WHY GOD?! I throw it on the charger for half an hour and head out. YAY! I looked like a freak carrying around my tripod, camera and discman (in the case from an old video camera we were given) but I think I got some decent pictures. FOG MAN! FOG!!!!

By the time I got home the front of my hair was literally dripping with fog-bits. ^^ I wasn't sweaty, it was very nice outside but the air was so moist that it clung to my hair like crazy. I found it kind of strange even though it made perfect sense.

I'm fighting the desire to take a nap. I want to toss in a horror movie and be all "oooh" but damnit the movies I have I haven't watched yet. I could put in Kingdom Hospital but I'd have to pay attention. -_- Same with Salem's Lot. Oh well, I guess CSI will work, I almost forgot I still had that!

I feel...: cheerful

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Douglas, Douglas
He's not really a true-blue P.I.
He gets up awful early and smells of the sea
Because he sells fish on the sly

Work = blegh. Work tomorrow = blegh. Todd, if you're reading this it's okay if I'm a little late so a ride would be heavenly. I'm sure I'll talk to you tomorrow though.

I'm almost done with Secret Window, then maybe I'll read... whatever other story is before it that I remember the title of. I also need to start watching Kingdom Hospital at some point.

Now I run off to bed for Pokemon, Secret Window, Mythbusters and of course the bestest one of all, snuggle time with my Ry ry. ^^

I feel...: content

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Stephen King... and idiots!
Work work work. No likey work! BEFORE work however, I started reading Secret Window which is so far rather good with only a few variations between the story (novella?) and the movie. Yay!

Then today we got in the first three volumes of Kingdom Hospital so I rented volume 1 and 2 of that. They don't come out until the 12th so I can rent volume 3 next week... and I'm just sort of assuming volume 4 will come next week b/c we didn't get it yet. I also rented the new version of Salem's Lot. It's a very Stephen King filled day apparently! Though I didn't realize how long Kingdom Hospital was so I'm not sure if me and Todd will be able to watch it or not. We're still trying to find time to watch The Stand!

In other news, this is a perfect example of how NOT to have a conversation:

GVB and MWB: wuts ur e-mail?
me: why?
GVB and MWB: chain letter
me: -_-
GVB and MWB: my address book got deleted
GVB and MWB: lolz
me: right. i'm going to give you my e-mail address for a chain letter
GVB and MWB: it's fun 2 annoy ppl j/k
GVB and MWB: ok den
me: how do i know you again?
GVB and MWB: i saw u liked Ex Driver
me: ah

Notice the lack of ability to spell in the young 'net loser, and the general obnoxiousness as well. Also, my love for eX-Driver has gotten me into trouble yet again. -_- Seriously... why? I have of course blocked this person because they are an idiot.

I feel...: calm

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more pictures
Okay here are those Heather-ey pictures. I only put the sweater and vest on, I didn't bother with anything else. Oh there's a little bit of makeup to give me that stressed out craptastic look (eye makeup and some white on my cheeks) but yeah the rest of that's all me. *L*

ghetto yo )

I feel...: dorky

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OMGWTFSTFU!!!! (huh?)





Okay I'll stop that now because I'm well aware I'm being incredibly obnoxious. I'm actually REALLY hyper for some reason despite having no caffeine. O_O Weeeeeird!!!

Anywho last night I took a buncha pictures, most of which were of me in this REALLY great bra that ya'll won't see 'cause... well dude, it's me in my BRA! BUT I cropped a lot of them down to just my face so maybe I can turn them into ID's for Deviant Art. This bra though... I love it, it's very cool. I should take a picture of just the bra. Anyway, I took other pictures too and here's one of them that I messed with. I was just being dorky 'cause y'know my bathroom is soooooo spooky. SPOOKY BATHROOM!!!

Totally work safe, just me being a dork.


I'll probably post the wannabe Heather-ish pictures later, since I haven't even edited them yet. XD

Ryan!!! I know it's stupid but if you get a chance feel free to call home y'know, just so I know you made it to work safe and stuff. ^^ I worry about yooooouuuuuu!!!!! ::love love love love love::

Todd!!! If you even HAVE 'net service! Have you seen the weather outside? What are the odds you'll still have class? If it keeps up like this (and it's supposed to) I'm not thinking we should go anywhere so if you want you can come over to watch the rest of IZ and maybe play some video games or something.

I feel...: crazy

Overlord of Female TMI
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Name: Overlord of Female TMI
Back February 2005