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July 4, 2007
  7/04/2007 11:21:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

More tributes to Jim Capozzola
skippy has the lists.

Fractal bouquet, from here.
  7/04/2007 11:16:00 AM: link to this post 0 comments  

"You're insulting our intelligence"
White House spokes-liar Tony Snow meets the press:

Q: [L]et me ask you this. The President and other White House press secretaries would not touch this question of Joe Wilson during the height of the investigation. I'm going to ask you now, since the President is now basically saying this is over and he's done what he's done -- Joe Wilson asked for an apology for the American people because of the situation. Is the White House now willing to give the American people --

MR. SNOW: I'm not going to get into --

Q: Why not?

MR. SNOW: Because --

Q: Why not? It's over now. You didn't want to talk about it then. Let's talk about it now. Do you think the American people are owed something because of the breach?

MR. SNOW: Number one, there is still considerable controversy about the facts of the case, including Joe Wilson's veracity. Number two, there is also --

Q: What's in question about his veracity? Detail that, please. ...{a bit later}...

MR. SNOW: There are two things to note. We have also said that we do not -- we are not going to make comments in detail until the legal process is over. And it is not; there is still an appeal through --

Q: You just put out a two-page statement. He commented --

Q: Wait a minute, he just put out this statement, and it's it's over.

Q: He commented -- how could you not --

Q: Yes, he's commented now, so that's a big -- we can shoot holes in that statement.

MR. SNOW: No, on follow-on issues like this that still may have bearing and an issue that may return to trial, I'm not going to comment on it.

Q: How can you stand there with a straight face and say that this is not a political act? What he did was inherently political.

  7/04/2007 10:02:00 AM: link to this post 0 comments  

Defending the indefensible
But ultimately - in conservotard comments on liberal blogs and front-page posts on Rightie blogs, the view that is emerging seems to be that old favorite, Clinton did it, too.

That's a mighty long way to fall for an administration that vowed to 'change the tone' and 'restore honor and dignity to the White House.' When the only thing you've got left is to compare yourself to that which you took office loathing, to justify your own disregard for the Rule Of Law by stacking yourself up against someone else's disregard for the Rule Of Law (real or perceived), then it's crystal clear that all those high-minded platitudes about being better than The Great Democratic Satan were nothing more than fucking lies to sucker the rubes.

Game over, Republicans. Bush has done nothing less here than confirm that you are the squalid, corrupt, law-breaking pigs that you love to condemn so much.
-- Stranger, at Blah3.

  7/04/2007 09:44:00 AM: link to this post 0 comments  
The Uniter is Unitin'
Let it never be said that Pretzenitwit O'Fuckstick doesn't deliver on his campaign promises. As he promised , the Commander Guy has turned out to be a uniter, not a divider.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez sealed their anti-American alliance Monday by laying the foundation stone of a joint petrochemical plant.
The two leaders pledged to “stand against all enemies,” a reference to the United States, as they inaugurated construction of a 700-million-dollar methanol plant in the Asaluyeh industrial zone on the Gulf coast.
The devil was just here and the stench of sulpher is in the air.... NOW we can bomb the fuck out of Venezuela so that the future neocon retirement villas in Paraguay are safe.

~Undeniable Liberal~
  7/04/2007 09:40:00 AM: link to this post 0 comments  

Keith Olbermann: Mr. Bush, you ceased to be the President of the United States

It is nearly July 4th, Mr. Bush, the commemoration of the moment we Americans decided that rather than live under a King who made up the laws, or erased them, or ignored them — or commuted the sentences of those rightly convicted under them — we would force our independence, and regain our sacred freedoms.

We of this time — and our leaders in Congress, of both parties — must now live up to those standards which echo through our history:

Pressure, negotiate, impeach — get you, Mr. Bush, and Mr. Cheney, two men who are now perilous to our Democracy, away from its helm.
Crooks and Liars has the video and the entire transcript. A must-read, on today of all days.

  7/04/2007 09:25:00 AM: link to this post 0 comments  
July 3, 2007
  7/03/2007 11:59:00 PM: link to this post 2 comments  

RIP, my friend
James Capozzola of the Rittenhouse Review has died after a long illness.

Damn. I met Jim when I started this blog. He was one of our first commenters, and he even paid the Blogger fee that removed their ad from the top of this site. He was so supportive, helping me with links and html, and he'd send me emails to cheer me up when I'd get discouraged... In fact, he was helpful to a lot of us bloggers. I can't believe he's gone. : (

We'll miss you! ♥♥♥♥
  7/03/2007 04:19:00 PM: link to this post 2 comments  

Rule of law! Rule of law!
Blowjob! Blowjob!

Why we can never, ever deal with scumbags like this:
"Why the commutation makes sense: Libby was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice - but even if you accept that these convictions were just, what Fitzgerald did not demonstrate was that any kind of harm was done."
-- the incredibly stupid John "Pud" Podhoretz, in National Rectum Online.

  7/03/2007 04:18:00 PM: link to this post 2 comments  

A 4th of July message
From the Preznit Boy King of the United Sta Bushistan:

Thanks to Jerry for the link.
  7/03/2007 04:17:00 PM: link to this post 2 comments  

"The jury's sentence was extreme and unjustified" -- the man who signed death warrants for 154 people in Texas.

With liberty and justice for all -- if by "all" you mean "friends and cronies of the Bush/Cheney misadministration." Dem pantywaists get their knickers in a twist prior to lapsing back into their pussywhipped comas, plus other reactions from around teh intarwebs:

"The Constitution gives President Bush the power to commute sentences, but history will judge him harshly for using that power to benefit his own vice president's chief of staff who was convicted of such a serious violation of law. Libby's conviction was the one faint glimmer of accountability for White House efforts to manipulate intelligence and silence critics of the Iraq war. Now, even that small bit of justice has been undone, said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "Asshat."

"Accountability has been in short supply in the Bush administration, and this commutation fits that pattern." -- Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.

"When it comes to the law, there should not be two sets of rules - one for Bush and Cheney and another for the rest of America. No one in this administration should be above the law." -- Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. "And they call me 'dick'!"

"This is exactly the kind of politics we must change so we can begin restoring the American people's faith in a government that puts the country's progress ahead of the bitter partisanship of recent years." -- Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.

"Only a president clinically incapable of understanding that mistakes have consequences could take the action he did today. President Bush has just sent exactly the wrong signal to the country and the world. In George Bush's America, it is apparently okay to misuse intelligence for political gain, mislead prosecutors and lie to the FBI. George Bush and his cronies think they are above the law and the rest of us live with the consequences. The cause of equal justice in America took a serious blow today." -- former Sen. John Edwards, D-NC. "Though maybe 'blow' was the wrong word to use here."

"This commutation sends the clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice." -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-NY. "I'm taking this awfully well, aren't I?"

"The president said he would hold accountable anyone involved in the Valerie Plame leak case. By his action today, the president shows his word is not to be believed." -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who branded it a "betrayal of trust of the American people."
"It is time for the American people to be heard - I call for all Americans to flood the White House with phone calls expressing their outrage over this blatant disregard for the rule of law." -- Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del. "And if you can't phone, just leave a flaming bag of poo on the front steps."

"President Bush's 11th-hour commutation of Scooter Libby's sentence makes a mockery of the justice system and betrays the idea that all Americans are expected to be held accountable for their actions, even close friends" of that arch-criminal Dick Cheney. -- Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.

"By commuting Scooter Libby's sentence, the president continues to abdicate responsibility for the actions of his administration. The only ones paying the price for this administration's actions are the American people." -- Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn.

"This decision sends the wrong message about the rule of law in the United States, just as the president is meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. How can we hold the line against injustices in other countries when our own executive branch deliberately sets out to smear its critics, lies about it and then wriggles away without having to pay the price in prison?" -- Rep. Tom Lantos, D-Calif. "Shit, the commies know rule of law better than this misadministration."

"The arrogance of this administration's disdain for the law and its belief it operates with impunity are breathtaking. Will the president also commute the sentences of others who obstructed justice and lied to grand juries, or only those who act to protect President Bush and Vice President Cheney?" -- New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson. "Yeah, I thought so."

"As Independence Day nears, we are reminded that one of the principles our forefathers fought for was equal justice under the law." -- Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY. "This commutation not only completely tramples on that principle, but takes a shit all over it."

"This is a complete departure from the usual procedure. Scooter Libby is getting a very special brand of justice. He is getting enormous privileges that are not available to ordinary criminal convicts." -- CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who looked very pissed off last night.

"Demonstrating his complete contempt for trial by jury, rule of law and his own Department of Justice appointees, George Bush thumbed his nose once again at the very concept of democracy and the Beltway Brahmins are cheering. The dirty unwashed masses who populate our juries are fit to judge each other, but evidently not the ruling class. David Broder can breathe a sigh of relief that People Like Him are safe from those overly zealous US Attorneys who might want to hold them accountable to the same absurd standards that the little people must live by. How quaint." -- FDL.

"President Bush's commutation of a pal's prison sentence counts as a most shocking act of disrespect for the U.S. justice system." -- the Seattle Post Intrelligencer.

"Do the crime, do the time... Bush sent a terrible message to citizens and to government officials who are expected to serve the public with integrity." -- the Chicago Trib.

Trial judge Reggie Walton, a Bush appointee who had called the evidence against Libby "overwhelming," would not comment on this travesty of justice.

Keith Olbermann on the pardon.

Other quotes from here, here, here, here and here.

Profiles in courage: some republicans weigh in --

"I am very happy for Scooter Libby. I know that this is a great relief to him, his wife and children. This will allow a good American, who has done a lot for his country, to resume his life." -- Saint Fred Reaganson.

"After evaluating the facts, the president came to a reasonable decision and I believe the decision was correct." -- America's Fucktoy Rudy Giuliani.

The prosecutor "went after somebody even when he knew no crime had been committed. Given that fact, isn't it reasonable for a commutation of a portion of the sentence to be made?" -- the Dog Torturer, who has never pardoned anybody while governor.

"Mmmmph blrgh rr llphphm mmm. Glllll." -- misadministration sausage jockey Joe Lieberman.

Oh, and the "harsh punishment" that remains in place for Libby? It's a $250,000 fine -- one that will be paid for by the The Scooter Libby Defense Trust, which has collected close to $5 million from buddies, cronies and freetards.

Honor and integrity to the White House: restored! Happy Fourth of July and God bless America.

  7/03/2007 04:13:00 PM: link to this post 1 comments  
I might be fuckin' the dumbass, but I am NOT one of your servants, bitch.

That's the best I have, YOUR turn, caption funtime is in session.
~Undeniable Liberal~
  7/03/2007 04:08:00 PM: link to this post 11 comments  
Reactions From Aspen to D.C.
Fitz weighs in on Libby's term being commuted by Pretzeldunce McChimptard:
We fully recognize that the Constitution provides that commutation decisions are a matter of presidential prerogative and we do not comment on the exercise of that prerogative. We comment only on the statement in which the President termed the sentence imposed by the judge as “excessive.” The sentence in this case was imposed pursuant to the laws governing sentencings which occur every day throughout this country. In this case, an experienced federal judge considered extensive argument from the parties and then imposed a sentence consistent with the applicable laws. It is fundamental to the rule of law that all citizens stand before the bar of justice as equals. That principle guided the judge during both the trial and the sentencing.
Every 2008 Republick-an candidate for any office should be on the record with their reaction to this, in light of the opinion of WE THE PEOPLE.......

SurveyUSA has released a poll
• 60% say the prison sentence should have been left in place.
• 21% agree with the commutation.
• 17% say Libby should have been pardoned entirely.
Flashback to September 30, 2003, just after this investigation began, the President said:
"If there's a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is . . . If the person has violated law, that person will be taken care of."
Indeed, that person was taken care of.

Rudy the crossdressing aldulterer throws in His two cents:
"After evaluating the facts, the President came to a reasonable decision and I believe the decision was correct."
Get used to it, this is only the first of many uses of Presidential pardons and commutations that Chimperor Fucktardius Maximus will use during his remaining term to cover up six years of free-fire, unconstitutional lawlessness.
We've only just begun........
Bbbbut Clinton!
Now we return you to your regularly scheduled Paris Hilton updates and "Foiled British Terror" plots.

~Undeniable Liberal~
  7/03/2007 04:04:00 PM: link to this post 3 comments  
Another straw--but the camel's back was broken long ago

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. --Emerson

The commutation of Scooter Libby's sentence by the president of our frat--I mean country--was eminently predictable. Whatever else you can say about Bush, he's consistent.

I hope that the outcry after this legal but unethical act will be unpredictably large enough to let Bush and Cheney know that they have finally gone too far.

Actually, this whole matter began with the consistency of the Republicans.

Whenever they can't prove something negative about themselves to be untrue, they attack the character of the messenger. Prove your innocence, they say, in a twisted version of our judicial process.

They couldn't deny that John Kerry was a war hero in comparison to the AWOL Bush, so they slandered him.

They couldn't prove that what Joe Wilson said was wrong, so they outed his wife as a covert agent of the CIA, and attacked his character and hers when they made these offenses public.

And experience has shown that the White House is never louder and more vicious than when it is in the wrong.

Eugenia Ginzburg, a political prisoner in the Soviet Union for ten years, once said of Stalin: "He'll never forgive you for how he has wronged you."

In other words, as long as you're still alive to prove that crimes and injustices were committed against you, your existence irks the hell out of delusional despots who want to see themselves as benevolent.

David Brooks is such a weaselly little apologist for the Misadministration. I'll never forget a performance of his two years ago on PBS's NewsHour, when he said something to the effect that Karl Rove was trying to HELP the poor reporters get their stories straight on the Plame leak.

(Interestingly enough, this transcript never appeared on the NewsHour website, as ALL others from the same time period did. I know, because I was waiting to link it.)

Then as now, Brooks is either A) delusional or B) a bold liar in his assertions of blamelessness for Rove and Libby. Either circumstance disqualifies him from wrapping himself in the credibility of the New York Times.

Bush does what Cheney wants (don't kid yourself it was anyone else) and commutes Scooter's sentence, and then they let out their lickspittle Chihuahuas like David Brooks to yap their talking points.

I don't know if there is a special hell reserved for cowards and chicken hawks and hypocrites and their enablers, but I hope so.

They'll never forgive us for how they have wronged us.

I wouldn't be surprised if the lot of them don't go hide in Paraguay after January, 2009, to live off Halliburton war profits.

But since they've let the "extraordinary rendition" genie out of the bottle, they might just wake up in irons, on a plane to The Hague.


  7/03/2007 01:51:00 PM: link to this post 4 comments  
July 2, 2007

Egads! Did I miss Bunnday??
  7/02/2007 11:52:00 PM: link to this post 3 comments  

Special treatment: Scooter Libby, the misadministration's Paris Hilton
Well-- NOW can it be impeachment time, please??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

Words fail me.
Except for "you goddamn fucking asshole." And "if you Democrats can't fucking get your fucking SPINES after THIS, you can fucking kiss it all goodbye, you fucking PUSSIES."

Jesus Christ in a handcart.

Eat me.

  7/02/2007 06:13:00 PM: link to this post 14 comments  

Rule of law! Rule of law!
Jesus K. fuck. Preznit Asshole McFuckinstein has commuted convicted criminal Scooter Libby's prison sentence, because it was "excessive." I'm sure any or all of us can hope for the same treatment if we ever need it. Fuck me and excuse me while I BARF MY FUCKING COOKIES. Fuck.

  7/02/2007 06:06:00 PM: link to this post 3 comments  
Wingnut bloggers grasping at... wait, what's something less than a straw?

Seriously, guys... grow the fuck up. Oh wait, you already are grown up. Okay then, just fuck off, please.
"Two of the five terror suspects being held in the wake of the failed car bombings in London and Glasgow are hospital doctors working in the UK," reported Sky News.

A number of right wing bloggers seized on the information and connected it to Moore's new film Sicko. The film criticizes the for profit health insurance system in the United States, and praises the United Kingdom's state-run health care system.

One writer, Mark Steyn, who contributes to the National Review Online's Corner blog, posted an e-mail he received in order to identify the connection between Moore's Sicko and the British terrorists.

"'Would these be Doctors who work for the U.K. health care system so lavishly praised by Michael Moore? ...Perhaps they are not Jihadists at all but simply men driven insane by their employer? Maybe Michael Moore has spawned an entirely new breed of suicide bomber — the alienated UK health care worker'" Steyn quotes from one e-mail, after noting "I've been getting more than a few letters along these lines."
And these people are taken seriously, why exactly? The mind, she boggles.

  7/02/2007 05:25:00 PM: link to this post 2 comments  

Bush's crimes that will get him impeached
Impeached, tried, removed from office and tried again as a common criminal

1. Bush 2000 Election Theft: A Coup d'Etat!
2. Lied on Iraq to Congress, the Public, and the United Nations.
3. 9-11 Cover-Up and Obstruction of Justice.
4. Violated Rights of Citizens including Habeas Corpus.
5. NSA Program to spy on Citizens without Warrant.
6. Violated International Treaties Including Geneva Convention.
7. Actively Encouraged, as a Policy, Use of Torture.
8. Gross Negligence on Hurricane Katrina.
9. Iraq Contract Corruption--Bremer "Lost" $8 billion in cash, sole source awards, and gross negligence in managing the peace.
10. Stole Ohio election in 2004.

-- more at The Existentialist Cowboy.

  7/02/2007 04:20:00 PM: link to this post 2 comments  

The WaComPo is smokin' the WH bone again.

  7/02/2007 04:19:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

Court tells Libby to go fuck himself

In a 'dramatic setback,' the US appeals court rules Scooter Libby must go to prison while appealing his conviction for obstruction in the CIA leak probe.

The wails of "buh... buh... but... Sandy Burgler!" could be heard above the accompaniment of a teeny violin throughout Circlejerk Central before RimJob was finally forced to lock the threads.

Fun fact from FDL: "A quick pardon for Libby would go against Justice Department guidelines, which recommend that a supplicant wait five years after conviction or release from confinement before seeking a pardon."

Fun fact 2: It was three Republican appointees who denied Scooter’s request to remain free on bail pending appeal.

The vice preznit plans another "hunting trip."
  7/02/2007 04:16:00 PM: link to this post 2 comments  

Serial adulterer to run in 08 if fellow horndog craps out
The douchebag of liberty reports:
[Slovenly wife-abuser] Newt Gingrich is telling Republican insiders that his decision in September on whether to run for president in 2008 depends on the progress of Fred Thompson's imminent candidacy. If Thompson runs a vigorous and effective campaign, Gingrich says privately, he probably will not get in the race. If Thompson proves a dud, however, the former House speaker will seriously consider making a run. That implies that the others in the field look to Gingrich like losers in the general election.
Well, let's see... a gay-loving, baby-killing cross-dressing man-whore; a flipflopping dogtorturing religiously-suspicious former* gay-loving baby-killer; a psycho immigrant-loving Bush ballgargler; and ummmm, who're the other guys? Yeah.

  7/02/2007 04:12:00 PM: link to this post 1 comments  
Another Milestone
Happy bring them on day! Exactly four years ago, Our beloved Idiot-in Chief, with his typical faux cowboy swagger declared:

There are some who feel like that if they attack us that we may decide to leave prematurely. They don't understand what they're talking about, if that's the case.
Let me finish. There are some who feel like -- that the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is, bring them on.
They heard ya, fucktool, and they brought it. Since then 3,372 U.S. families have lost a loved one. Mission accomplished infuckingdeed.
Oh, Where’s Osama, you fucking idiot?

~Undeniable Liberal~
  7/02/2007 04:10:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

Lieberman: "mmmmph! Bllrgh nnphph mrrrrrg!"
The insufferable dipshit continues to happily swallow WH talking points, dick.
Vichycrat and rethug towelboy Joe Lieberman is praising Republican presidential candidates John McCain and Rudy Giuliani for "not blindly following their political base" on issues such as immigration and abortion.

In contrast, Lieberman said, Democratic candidates including Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards oppose the Iraq war out of deference to "vested interest groups within the left," but stopping short of calling them minions of Satan.

"It's a very disappointing issue," Lieberman said, preznental cum-bubbles dribbling from his mouth. "The leading Democratic candidates for president are competing with each other to see which one can more quickly pull more of our troops out of Iraq, while our troops are there fighting and now succeeding with a lot on the line."
Including their very lives, you stupid fucking ass. I don't think there are enough words to describe what a total fucking douche this guy is, or a toilet bowl disgusting enough for me to want to jam his head into. Idiot.

  7/02/2007 04:10:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

Makin' significant progress
With the insurgency in its last throes and the enemy on the run, five more US troops -- four soldiers and one Marine -- were killed in attacks in Iraq on Sunday.

After a lobster dinner, Preznit Awol joins the troops on the front lines.
  7/02/2007 04:09:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

Contempt of Congress
Yeah, we all have it, but maybe this will help: Pat Leahy is ready to tell the White House to go fuck itself.

The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, newly-engorged mansack in hand, said Sunday he was ready to go to court if the White House resisted congressional subpoenas for information on the firing of federal prosecutors. Here he is yesterday on MTP:
Tim Russert: "What happens if the White House just does not respond to these subpoenas? They invoke executive privilege, it’s take it or leave it. What do you do?"

Sen. Leahy: "Well, then, of course, you have to go to the next step, determine whether they have a legitimate claim of executive privilege. Based on the court cases, it appears they do not... then you invoke the contempt citation."

Timmeh: "Are you sure the US Attorney would prosecute?"

Leahy: "It would be very difficult for them not to."
Heh. Oh please oh please oh please oh please...

  7/02/2007 04:07:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  
I'm So Dizzy, My Head is Spinnin'
It's really hard difficult to keep up with these sub-human, carbon-based life forms and hemmhoroidal secretions known as neocons. First, everybody in Iraq magically is transformed into al Qeada and now we find out that Iran is using Hezbollah as a proxy in Iraq.
Iran's elite Quds force helped militants carry out a January attack in Karbala that killed five Americans, a U.S. general said Monday. U.S. military spokesman Brig. Gen. Kevin J. Bergner also accused Tehran of using the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah as a "proxy" to arm Shiite militants in Iraq.
Holy Shiite, Batman! But wait, it gets even better as Chimpy McFightsuit hails the even more astonishingly normal metamorphosis of armed sectarian death squads into "neighborhood watch groups" as as sure sign of yet another corner turned and fantastical progressive progress in Iraqnam.
Bush also said in his speech that one of the encouraging signs in Baghdad is that "citizens are forming neighborhood watch groups." It is not clear what the difference is between those groups and armed militias, which U.S. officials have said in the past must be disbanded or incorporated into Iraqi security forces.
Radicals from all over the world with Iranian support are apparently descending on Iraq, due to nearly non-existent support for the Commander Guy's debacle. After all, it just can't be HIS fault, you know. What next could they possibly come up with?
My bets are on Chavez....he has ALOT of oil.....

~Undeniable Liberal~
  7/02/2007 04:07:00 PM: link to this post 1 comments  

Huge safe falls on head of paper of record
Well, something smacked some sense into them. Finally.

From a blistering op-ed in the NY Times:
After six years of kowtowing to the White House, Congress is finally challenging [the Dictator-tot]’s campaign to trample all legal and constitutional restraints on his power. Mr. Bush’s claim of executive privilege in the attorneys scandal is especially ludicrous. The White House has said repeatedly that Mr. Bush was not involved in the firings of nine United States attorneys. If that’s true, he can hardly argue that he has the right to conceal conversations and e-mail exchanges that his aides had with one another and the Justice Department.

Last week, in a bit of especially mendacious spin, Tony 'Stinkfingers' Fratto, the White House deputy press secreliar, responded to the subpoenas on the illegal wiretapping by saying, “It’s unfortunate that Congressional Democrats continue to choose the route of confrontation.”
These guys are unbelievable. Ummm, PS, asswipe: Republicans joined the Dems in calling for the subpoenas. Jerkoff.
Actually, Mr. Bush chose that route long ago by defining 'consultation' as a chance for lawmakers to hear about decisions he had already made, 'bipartisanship' as a chance for Democrats to join Republicans in rubber-stamping those choices and 'Congressional oversight' as self-serving and possibly seditious. At this point, confrontation is far preferable to the path the Republican majority in Congress chose for so many years — capitulation.
Whoa! After six years of kowtowing to the White House, the NY Times is finally challenging [the Dictator-tot]’s campaign to trample all legal and constitutional restraints on his power! Jeepers!

  7/02/2007 04:05:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

Strange things happen when you can't sleep at night and you fire up Photoshop. . .

--divageek, with apologies to happycat
  7/02/2007 10:36:00 AM: link to this post 4 comments  
July 1, 2007

Joe Lieberman: Quisling
Right on cue, and embarrassingly predictable, Chimperor Fucktardius' second favorite poodle steps up to the plate to exploit FLAMING CARS IN ENGLAND to support Darth Cheney's Republicunt attempt to convert the United States of Amnesia into a one party, totalitarian, fascist police state.
Appearing on ABC’s This Week, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (Wankrag-Israel) used the foiled terror attempts in London to call for greater domestic spying here in the United States. Lieberman said, “I hope these terrorist attacks in London wake us up here in America to stop the petty partisan fighting going on about…electronic surveillance,” in apparent reference to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subpoenas for documents related to Bush’s NSA warrantless wiretapping program.

He also added in the same interview, “The surge is working.” And of course, mmmmppphhttt, sssshhhluuurp.....gag!
According to LIEberman, it is really simple: In order to keep our freedom we must give up our freedom. Why there are even questions about this? They hate us because they hate our freedom. So take away our freedom and there's nothing left for them to hate.

Victory is imminent.

~Undeniable Liberal~
  7/01/2007 01:37:00 PM: link to this post 1 comments  
June 30, 2007

It's Caturday! Yay!!
  6/30/2007 11:58:00 PM: link to this post 2 comments  

Ooga Booga! Episode #911 of a Neverending Series
In a piss-poor yet astonishingly normal attempt to steal Bin Ladens Giuliani's message, and demonstrate the evil forces behind our failure to secure Iraqnam, The Commander Guy mentioned Al Qeada at least 27 times in a recent speech stammering collection of gibberish, sentence fragments and scary talking points.
Facing eroding support for his Iraq policy, even among Republicans, President Bush on Thursday called al Qaida "the main enemy" in Iraq, an assertion rejected by his administration's senior intelligence analysts.
The reference, in a major speech at the Naval War College that referred to al Qaida at least 27 times, seemed calculated to use lingering outrage over the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to bolster support for the current buildup of U.S. troops in Iraq, despite evidence that sending more troops hasn't reduced the violence or sped Iraqi government action on key issues.
Bush called al Qaida in Iraq the perpetrator of the worst violence racking that country and said it was the same group that had carried out the Sept. 11 attacks in New York and Washington.
Oooookaaaay. So when do we invade Saudi Arabia? But really, The flypaper strategery is working! Freedom is on the march. Welcome to perpetual war, the never-ending war on a noun. CARS ARE CATCHING FIRE IN ENGLAND!! The "terrorists" are ready to follow us here.
Reich-Wingtards are currently cowering under tables in a pool of urine.......

Tomorrow's propaganda Circle jerks talk shows should be hilarious.




Ahm stayin' the course!


~Undeniable Liberal~

  6/30/2007 02:53:00 PM: link to this post 4 comments  

Boy, do I feel like an ass
Here I am whining about how much pain I'm in from my root canal yesterday, and then I read Jane Hamsher's just finished her chemo treatments. I feel about three inches tall right now.

For Jane.
  6/30/2007 11:22:00 AM: link to this post 4 comments  

I'm sure someone can convert this into Friedman Units for him...
"I talk to General Petraeus all the time. I say 'all the time' -- weekly; that's all the time -- on secure video from Baghdad."
-- Preznit GameBoy, June 28, 2007.

"Aw shit, hold on, Petraeus is on the phone again..."
  6/30/2007 10:44:00 AM: link to this post 0 comments  

"The president’s mojo is completely gone”
For a president who once boasted that he had political capital and intended to use it, the back-to-back desertions demonstrated starkly just how little of that capital is left. With the nation turning its attention to who will succeed Mr. Bush — and Republican presidential candidates increasingly distancing themselves from him — even allies say it could become increasingly difficult for the president to assert himself over his party, much less force the Democratic majority in Congress to bend to his will.

After years of demanding that Republicans work in service of his agenda, the [squinty-eyed little smackhead] has “very little good will stored up."

"Mojo? Is that like ice cream?"
  6/30/2007 10:31:00 AM: link to this post 0 comments  

Bob Geiger has the Saturday toons up!

  6/30/2007 10:16:00 AM: link to this post 0 comments  

What, he can't work without a script??
The English Leather-soaked horndog climbed out from his trophy wife's cleavage only to totally disappoint audience of voters.

When Fred Thompson made his debut on the presidential stage here this week, he left some Republicans thinking he needs more work before his nascent campaign matches the media hype it's gotten in advance.

The former Tennessee senator with the baritone drawl showed up Thursday in New Hampshire, the site of the first primary voting, and gave a speech that lasted only nine minutes, skipping over hot-button issues such as Iraq and immigration to invoke platitudes about freedom and strength.

He left more than a few Republicans disappointed.

"I plan on seeing a whole lot more of you," Thompson told about 200 New Hampshire Republicans who paid $50 each to hear him — and to benefit state Republican legislators.

He'd better, because many present came away decidedly under-whelmed.

"It was short," said Richard Heitmuller of Nashua. "He's got a nice voice. But there was nothing there. People want to get to know him. He hasn't been here, and he gives a nine-minute speech," he said dismissively. "And even so, my clothes reek of cigar smoke."
  6/30/2007 09:44:00 AM: link to this post 3 comments  

Dems to White House: you have 10 days, a-holes
From John Conyers' and Pat Leahy's letter to White House shyster Fred Fielding:

Please provide the documents compelled by the subpoenas without further delay. If you continue to decline to do so, you should immediately provide us with the specific factual and legal bases for your claims regarding each document withheld via a privilege log as described above and a copy of any explicit determination by the President with respect to the assertion of privilege. You have until July 9, 2007, at 10 a.m. to bring this and any other information you wish to submit to our attention before we move to proceedings to rule on your claims and consider whether the White House is in contempt of Congress.
TPM explains what could happen next:
A contempt vote in committee is the first step, to be followed by a vote in the full House or Senate. Experts say the process has never gotten further. But if the clash between Congress and the White House continued, the next step would be a referral to the District of Columbia’s U.S. attorney to enforce the subpoena by seeking an indictment from a grand jury.
Like any of that will happen... still, its nice to dream.

  6/30/2007 09:25:00 AM: link to this post 1 comments  

Rats, ships, sinking...
Not fast enough, though. In a Friday night news dump, a seventh official quits the Bush Justice department.
Rachel Brand, an assistant attorney general at the Justice Department, announced her resignation on Friday, becoming the seventh official to quit the department since Congress launched an investigation in March into the firing of nine federal prosecutors.
  6/30/2007 09:12:00 AM: link to this post 0 comments  
The Congressional Glory Hole
Shorter Bob Geiger
I suppose life is so much easier when you have no shame.
From Bush's rubber stamps in the 109th Congress to roadblocks in the 110th… These guys must feel very proud to go to work in the morning.
We are being ruled by immature morons. And are allowing it.

An unidentified republicocksucker prepares to meet with lobbyists
~Undeniable Liberal~
  6/30/2007 09:08:00 AM: link to this post 1 comments  
June 29, 2007

Noooooo! Stupid Nancy Pelosi! Pic from here. See below for story.
  6/29/2007 11:57:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  
Chimpy's Legacy
With an abundance of political capital and on the heels of his stunning triumph on immigration policy, Pretzeldunce McChimptard now has his eyes set on more lofty accomplishments including a bold new approach to the Middle East
President Bush held up Israel as a model for defining success in Iraq, saying Thursday the U.S. goal there is not to eliminate attacks but to enable a democracy that can function despite violence.
Arabs around the world must be rejoicing. Can the bar be set any lower?

~Undeniable Liberal~
  6/29/2007 04:11:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

Stupid Dems
From BuzzFlash:

On a Thursday phone call with bloggers, Nancy Pelosi reconfirmed that her eyes are on winning the White House for the Dems in 2008 rather than pursuing impeachment. She sincerely believes that an incremental series of revelations of GOP illegalities will sink the Republicans. {Yeah. Like that's worked so far -- Ed.}

The challenge to that viewpoint is that Cheney and Bush still have the power to precipitate an international crisis to get Americans to "rally around the flag." Secondly, if they are not held accountable for their flagrantly illegal behavior, how can you expect anyone charged in our court system to respect the rule of law if the President and Vice President of the United States violate it with such impunity?

It's also hard to maintain control of Congress when you have a 14-21% approval rating, largely because the public perceives the Dems as weak and unable to end the war or rein in the power of a rogue, lawless Executive Branch.
Indeed. Dickheads. Thanks for nothing.

  6/29/2007 04:11:00 PM: link to this post 2 comments  

Sniffin' the Aqua Velva, republican buttcheeks
Chris Matthews, 'already positioned for a lifetime achievement award,' wins BuzzFlash's first Media Putz of the Week for 'reporting that is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism.' Kudos, asshat!

  6/29/2007 04:11:00 PM: link to this post 1 comments  
Scooter "28301-016" Libby

Scooter Libby has a new name: Bubba's Bitch inmate number 28301-016. That's according to the Bureau of Prisons, which is ready and waiting for Libby's arrival, not to mention quite a few lonely inmates well experienced in salad tossing and bunghole bingo.
Pic swiped from: dubyaD40
~Undeniable Liberal~
  6/29/2007 04:10:00 PM: link to this post 3 comments  

House continues to assume the position for Cheney
By a 217-209 vote, the House on Thursday rejected an attempt to eliminate the vice president's executive office budget, which would have caused him to lose his home, his office, his entertainment expense account, and his undisclosed bunker on the Death Star.

Cheney prepares to consume a bowl of bunny hearts.
  6/29/2007 04:10:00 PM: link to this post 1 comments  

House cats' wild ancestor found
Origin of lolcats traced to ancient rock carvings in the remote deserts of the Middle East.
The transformation of a vicious predator into a docile tabby who will still try to bite your feet off at the ankles took place some 10,000 years ago, a new genetic analysis suggests. That is the same time humans adopted an agricultural lifestyle in the Fertile Crescent. So the first of the friendly cats likely acted as a mouse hunter for grain-storage areas.
Yep, something cat owners have long suspected: kitties 'domesticated' themselves after figuring out humans would supply all their food.

Pic by nero design.
  6/29/2007 04:09:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

Makin' significant progress
Reminder: an increase in horizontal metric units does not constitute failure, citizen!
With the insurgency in its last throes and the enemy on the run, five more US soldiers were killed and seven injured in a coordinated bomb attack on their patrol in Baghdad on Friday, bringing this month's death toll for American forces in Iraq to 100. Insurgents quickly followed with small arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades, according to a statement.

Preznit Awol, on the front lines with the troops.
  6/29/2007 04:08:00 PM: link to this post 4 comments  
June 28, 2007

If this is your pic, plz let me know. It's pretty cool.
  6/28/2007 11:45:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

No, fuck you, Mr Cheney
Video of Rep. Rahm Emanuel on the House floor today, offering an amendment to defund our branchless vice president.

  6/28/2007 04:59:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

Poised for a political comeback, Bush plunges to new low in poll
The popular war preznit has regained his footing... oh, I'm sorry, Mr Broder, make that Tipsy McStaggers' job approval rating hit a new low with 31 percent -- in a Fox News poll.


  6/28/2007 04:56:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

What's with rethugs and animals?
At least Bill Frist's cats were hopefully dead before he got to them (and don't get me started on Rick Santorum). Ladies and gentleman, meet Mitt Romney, dog torturer.

  6/28/2007 04:56:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

That tingly feeling
Tweety's throbbing mancrush just got a bit more overheated as the list of paeans to the burly, cigar-smoke-wreathed Fred Thompson can now include "conservative, yet not stupid."

Pic from DemoUnderground.
  6/28/2007 04:55:00 PM: link to this post 1 comments  

"Cost of living"?

Because they're all doin' such a heckuva job, House Dems and Republicants will vote themselves a $4,400 pay raise that would increase their salaries to almost $170,000.

  6/28/2007 04:54:00 PM: link to this post 4 comments  

The US Supreme Court again votes in favor of their preznit.

  6/28/2007 04:54:00 PM: link to this post 1 comments  

Vote for my guys or yore all gonna die
An' since you all have got all this time on yore hands now that ah've blocked them suhpoenas...
Smirky McFuckwit on Thursday called for the Senate to quickly confirm his choices for his top military advisers and warned that the risk of new attacks on the United States had not ceased.
Senate capitulates in 3... 2... 1...

  6/28/2007 04:53:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

White House tells Congress to go f*ck themselves
Hmmmm. Whuz th' best way to rally support for muh war and for immigration*... ah know! Refuse tuh answer suhpoenas over them fired prosecutors! Heh heh: "poenas."
Bush on Thursday asserted executive privilege over documents sought by Congress on the firings of federal prosecutors, likely setting up a lengthy court fight.

"Increasingly, the president and vice president feel they are above the law --- well, this is America, not the planet up their own asses," Judiciary Chairman Pat Leahy should have said in a statement.

"This White House cannot have it both ways. They cannot stonewall congressional investigations by refusing to provide documents and witnesses, while claiming nothing improper occurred," he added. "Fuck that."
House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers was none too happy either:
"The President's response to our subpoena shows an appalling disregard for the right of the people to know what is going on in their government. The executive privilege assertion is unprecedented in its breadth and scope, and even includes documents that the Adminstration previously offered to provide as part of their 'take it or leave it' proposal. This response indicates the reckless disrepect this Administration has for the rule of law. The charges alleged in this investigation are serious - including obstruction of justice and misleading Congress - and the White House should be as committed to this investigation as the Congress. At this point, I see only one choice in moving forward, and that is to enforce the rule of law set forth in these subpoenas."
And from Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA):
"It's tough to get lectured on the Constitution from the same Administration that said the Vice President is his own branch of government..."
Ya rly.

  6/28/2007 04:52:00 PM: link to this post 2 comments  

Republicans are revolting
Against Bush

So, Senator... when did you stop beating your wife?
Awol McChickenshit is sending Stephen Hadley, his top aide on national security affairs, to Capitol Hill on Thursday to strongarm confront what has become a tough crowd on the Iraq war.
Oh, here we go again. We know what this means -- he's going to threaten Lugar to take back what he said the other day about changing course in Bunnypants' Iraq fiasco. Blah blah blah. I hope I'm wrong, but is there an over/under on when Lugar backtracks?
A majority of senators believe troops should start coming home within the next few months. A new House investigation concluded this week that the Iraqis have little control over an ailing security force. And House Republicans are calling to revive the independent Iraq Study Group to give the nation options.
Yep, the WH has photos of repugs fondling little animals.

  6/28/2007 04:50:00 PM: link to this post 1 comments  

Preznentin' is hard!
Taking into accountthe fact that he has screwed up everything he touches, the White House is lowering expectations for Stupie McFuckupson's meeting with Russian President/soulmate Vladimir Putin that begins Sunday.
Bush and Putin are expected to talk about the Middle East, Iran's nuclear ambitions, missile defense, and the US preznit's Pokemon collection. But, WH spokes-tool Tony Snow said,"If you're expecting some sort of grand initiative, a bold announcement, or argument over ice cream — no. The Decider has already chosen strawberry."
  6/28/2007 04:48:00 PM: link to this post 1 comments  

Makin' significant progress
The United States taxpayer has sunk more than 19 billion dollars into training Iraqi forces, but new army and police units still cannot enforce security, a congressional report warned Wednesday.

  6/28/2007 04:48:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

Astonishing signs of normalcy
Things continue to go remarkably well in Iraq

With the insurgency in its last throes, a car bomb killed 25 people on Thursday in Baghdad, while 20 beheaded bodies were found on a river bank south of the capital. See, we are making headway!

  6/28/2007 04:47:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  
Tossed Salad, Anyone?
In an astonishing acceptance of responsibility for Darth Cheney being a power mad, democracy shattering, constitution shredding psycopath, the latest republicunt Talking Point is, ever so predicably, that it isnt Cheney's intention or fault, blame the lawyers.
Two senior Republican officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that the rationale had been the view of the vice president’s lawyers, not Cheney himself.
Yeah, trust me, I promise I won't cum in your mouth. THIS time But Rly:
The vice president's lawyer advocated what was considered the memo's most radical claim: that the president may authorize any interrogation method, even if it crosses the line into torture. U.S. and treaty laws forbidding any person to "commit torture," that passage stated, "do not apply" to the commander in chief, because Congress "may no more regulate the President's ability to detain and interrogate enemy combatants than it may regulate his ability to direct troop movements on the battlefield."
It all makes sense now. And anti sodomy laws won't prevent them from sticking their tiny inoperative fucktools up all of our asses.

~Undeniable Liberal~
  6/28/2007 04:08:00 PM: link to this post 1 comments  
Breaking News!!
THE Most trusted name in news: CNN covers the arrival of Paris Hilton to CNN studios for an interview to be aired on CNN.
~Undeniable Liberal~
  6/28/2007 04:05:00 PM: link to this post 4 comments  
Why does the White House hate you?

"It's unfortunate that congressional Democrats continue to choose the route of confrontation," presidential spokesman Tony Fratto said after the Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed the White House and Vice President Dick Cheney's office.

I am fucking tired of White House pressbots and Dick "Dick" Cheney and that puppet in his lap we call the President spitting "Democrats!" every chance they get when referring to our House and Senate.

At least we are sure we elected this Congress, which is more than can be said about officeholders Snarly McCrashcart and Drooly McFucktard.

The electorate should be a lot more upset about their dissing our duly elected Congress by defying subpoenas (and whining like little bitches about them), because it's the same as dissing Us The People.

So stop dissing us by pretending that we are HURTING YOUR WITTLE FEEWINGS by issuing subpoenas and FORK OVER THE MOTHERFUCKING DOCUMENTS.


  6/28/2007 09:23:00 AM: link to this post 5 comments  
June 27, 2007

Thank God and the FSM for our contributors! Yes, I'm looking at you, Undie Liberal! I played hooky yesterday because of the heat. Well, not so much the heat as the humidity. Well, actually, it was both. This afternoon we finally set up the AC in the bedroom, leaving the window fan free to put in the computer room. It still sucks -- blows? -- but not quite as badly. But I may have to shut down soon due to thunderstorms! Stupid weather.

  6/27/2007 11:56:00 PM: link to this post 5 comments  
Can Ya Smell That Smell?
In addition to what maru said..........
As the foul stench of the dumpster behind Red Lobster permeates the air one has to wonder if MAnn Coulter just entered the room?
Think Progress reports on MAnn Coulter's appearance yesterday on ABC's Good Morning America. The seafood smelling skank spews:
"[I]f I’m gonna say anything about John Edwards in the future, I’ll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."
Would FUCKING CUNT be too strong of a term? The difference between Coulter & the dumpster behind Red Lobster: the dumpster has a smaller entrance, and doesn't Smell of rotten fish so badly.

Apparently, Liz Edwards has heard enough , see for yourself.

Edwards Smacks Down Coulter

Bonus Quote of the Week from The Rude Pundit:
The great thing about attacking Ann Coulter is that you're free to say anything you want about her, no matter how dark, twisted, or violent. Because, you know, if you've constantly called on public figures to be murdered, well, shit, you kind of don't have a twiggy long leg to stand on. So the Rude Pundit can say that he wouldn't care if Ann Coulter was sliced from kooz to sternum and then fucked simultaneously in her bleeding, viscera-spilling gut by three raging rhinos until the force of their cum popped her eyeballs out. He can say that and still respect himself in the morning.
  6/27/2007 04:12:00 PM: link to this post 3 comments  

GOP support for the Iraq war is slipping by the day
Another Republican senator hates America and is undermining our troops.

Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH) has joined Richard Lugar (R-IN) in calling for a course change in Iraq.

"I think everybody knows that we fumbled the ball right from the beginning on this," Voinovich said, fumbling at his own newly-reattached balls.

Bonus: "The harsh judgment from [Senator Dick Lugar,] one of the Senate's most respected foreign-policy voices was a blow to White House efforts to boost flagging support for its war policy, and opened the door to defections by other Republicans who have supported the administration despite increasing private doubts." Hee!

  6/27/2007 04:12:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

Doughy pantload: "I love Dick!"
Because nothing gets his sweaty parts moister than a reptilian slimebag who's constantly telling the people he's ostensibly working for to go fuck themselves. Asshat.

  6/27/2007 04:11:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  
Spreadin' Murkin Values
Just in case anybody is wondering if the rabid "pro-life" Reichwingnuts have noticed the family values that the Cheney Menstruation has installed in Iraqnam (yes it IS our fault) and how fucked up it all is:
Pregnant Iraqi women who have been forced from their homes by worsening violence are obtaining illegal abortions because they are unable to get medical care for themselves and their unborn, according to a new report by a national humanitarian group.
Astonishing signs of normalcy, ya comrade? It only can get better. Things are looking up, corners are being turned, the surge is splurgin'.

~Undeniable Liberal~
  6/27/2007 04:08:00 PM: link to this post 0 comments  

Poll: even more of a majority of Americans hate America, troops
A new low of 30 percent of Americans say they support Bush's war in Iraq and, for the first time, most say they don’t believe it is morally justified, a poll released Tuesday said. Moreover, 63 percent of Americans are ready to withdraw at least some troops from Iraq. Forty-two percent of Republicans agree.
  6/27/2007 04:04:00 PM: link to this post 1 comments  

Elizabeth Edwards asks should-have-been-strangled-at-birth troglotard to shut its twathole
Ms Edwards pleaded Tuesday with syphilitic harpy skank mAnn Coulter to "stop the personal attacks," a day after the bottom-dwelling taintface said she wished John Edwards had been killed by terrorists. From TP, via FDL:
Yesterday on ABC’s Good Morning America, Coulter said, “[I]f I’m gonna say anything about John Edwards in the future, I’ll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot.” She has previously called Edwards a “faggot.” In 2003, she wrote a column claiming that John Edwards drove around with a bumper sticker saying “Ask me about my son’s death in a horrific car accident.”

During an hour-long interview with Coulter today on MSNBC, host Chris Matthews announced that Elizabeth Edwards was on the line. Edwards referenced the attacks above, saying, “I’m the mother of that boy who died. These young people behind you… you’re asking them to participate in a dialogue that is based on hatefulness and ugliness instead of on the issues, and I don’t think that’s serving them or this country very well.” The live audience cheered.

"It debases political dialogue," Edwards added. "It drives people away from the process. We can't have a debate about issues if you're using this kind of language."

Coulter responded with a laugh and charged that Edwards was calling on her to stop speaking altogether. She questioned why Elizabeth Edwards was making a phone call on behalf of her husband, and she criticized John Edwards for "stealing doctors' money" during his successful career as a trial lawyer.
Unbelievable. Chris Matthews really needs a major bitchslapping, while that oozing fuckpipe needs to have her venomous head ripped off her shoulders and her neck-stump repeatedly violated by large sharp objects. Think I'm being a hypocrite? Meh. There are some people you just can't deal with as human beings. Video here. Unfortunately it's not the neck-stump one.

The suppurating c*nt.
  6/27/2007 04:00:00 PM: link to this post 5 comments  
