Introduction to the Republic of Un-America
Across the wild terrain of billowing pixels, the streaming
currents of tele-communicative information patterns, and the vibrant transactions
among biological embodiments of cognitive evolutionary particles, a nation
has begun to recognize itself. It is a nation like none other. Indeed, it
is an "un-nation". It is the Republic of Un-America, a nation
within, above, and beyond all nations. It is a cultural construct whose
boundaries are not written in land, law, or lease.
It was conceived within the social contract imposed by
political and corporate elitist minority upon the land-tilling, factory-working,
service-providing majority. This imbalance of power which has increased
within the last few hundred years has diverted global chi energies toward
the forces of subversion which, in synchronicity with the growth of the
empire of Pax Americana, has created a massive global transfer of intellectual,
social, and visionary capital.
A new awareness arises from the crumbling confines of
a super-structure based upon the accumulation of profit and capital interest
at the cost of societal, ecological, and psychological well-being. It is
an awareness of collective responsibility to a common future and mutual
allegiances to sustainable democratic development.
The concept the Republic of Un-America
is simple:
Pax Americana = The short-sighted economic
interests and exclusive ideology of white-minded, patriarchal authority
The Republic of Un-America = Everyone else.
In stark contrast to current imperial standards the citizenship
requirements for the Republic of Un-America is lax indeed. If you are able
to read this right now and recognize that you have little or nothing in
common with the elites who are in charge of the imperial government of the
United States then you are what we proudly refer to as "Un-American".
As the elites have co-opted the ideas of liberty and democracy for a self-interested
project of mass manipulation, deception, and imperial warfare, it has come
to be recognized that the label "Un-American" is a designation
of honor. As Americanism has come to mean blind patriotism, nationalistic
dogma, a culture of greed and fear, and violent expansionism in both economic
and geo-political contexts, Un-Americanism has come to be associated with
independent critical thinking, solidarity across borders, multi-cultural
interdependency, innovative forms of resistance, and creative resourcefulness.
The supreme good is like water,
which nourishes all things without trying
It is content with the low places that
people disdain.
-Tao Te Ching 8:1
Pax Americana as an imperial state of affairs has a profound
affect upon the collective destiny of the entire planet. Thus we are all,
in effect, "subjects" of Pax Americana regardless of our status
or location. As in the grand vision of Athens, it is only the elite citizenship
who are permitted to participate in the decision-making process. However,
a true democratic process of inclusiveness and equality would incorporate
the lives interests of all parties involved and affected by those decisions.
That process is holographically encapsulated in the cultural micro-film
that you are now observing: The Republic of Un-America.
Whereas Americanism is exclusive, Un-Americanism is as
inclusive as the arms of Gaia. Whereas Americanism strives for uniformity,
Un-Americanism manifests the dizzying diversity of gigantic gardens of creation
and re-creation. Whereas imperial Americanism has propagated structural
privatization, Un-Americanism responds with a movement to "Re-Public"
collective resources and common responsibilities. The Interim Government
of the Republic of Un-America is a representation of the will of a global
mass of humane beings to assert cultural and political control over their
destinies. The rhythm is the rebel. Hear the pulse. The Republic calls.
In order to visit this great nation, no passport is needed-
only imagination, awareness, and the will to act. Fly the friendly skies
of transcendental resistance. And, remember the tourist is the terrorist.
Obtain your permanent citizenship status via active commitment to the ongoing
struggle for balance within the force.
May the Tao be with you. |