Conservative Republican Hypocrisy on Immigration
Johnny Wendell, a shock jock out of L.A. on KTLK AM 1150 made a good point yesterday that I think bears repeating.
For decades we have heard conservatives and Republicans bemoan the Federal Government. They have voiced their hatred and disdain for governmental agencies, programs, and its overall structure. The anti-government conservative movement really gained steam after Reagan’s election in 1980:
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help. – Ronald Reagan
Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. – Ronald Reagan
Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. – Ronald Reagan
Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them. – Ronald Reagan
Ok, so we get it. Ronald Regan, the Godfather of modern conservative Republicanism didn’t like government. This message has been preached by the faithful such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh ever since:
Roosevelt is DEAD! His policies may live on, but we’re in the process of doing something about that as well! – Rush Limbaugh
The conservative Republicans are the ones who tell us not to rely on government. They tell us not to look for government when disasters like Hurricane Katrina occur. They tell us not to expect any government handouts. They tell us we need to reform our entitlement mentality. And they constantly berate any government program that was put in place to actually help people as being wasteful.
Yet these same conservative Republicans today are screaming that they want their government to solve the immigration issue. They want more big government to come in and wipe their noses for them and check under their beds for illegals before they go to bed. Be it Pat Buchanan, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage Weiner, Limbaugh or any other right wing nut job, these guys are on the TV and on the radio spewing xenophobic hate demanding that our government build a great wall and seal off our borders.
They’re also demanding that our government detain, process, and deport all the individuals that either came here illegally or whose papers have expired. No one knows the exact number but it ranges between 12 and 20 million people that we’re talking about.
How much governmental bureaucracy will it take to process and deport 20 million people? How much money will it cost? What HUGE government program do these conservatives want to build? Sounds like something that might even dwarf the mammoth Department of Homeland Security, another conservative Republican invention meant to protect them from terrorism.
Now I know the ultra right wing rabid hate mongers who have drool running off their chin have a solution for that: Kill them all. But even trying to kill them all would be a monumental task involving a huge governmental bureaucracy, billions of dollars, and untold amount of man power. Who are we going to hire to run the ovens? Illegal immigrants?
Ask Hitler what trying to exterminate an ethnic group of people did for him and what it cost.
So what the wet nose conservatives are asking our government to do is create a huge immigration bureaucracy and spend tens of billions of dollars not just making the border safer but processing and deporting tens of millions of people?
Since when can government actually be a solution to a problem according to conservative philosophy?
Ever since the invention of the “global war on terror” I suppose.