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loon's Journal

Created on 2002-08-04 16:25:49 (#656048), last updated 2010-05-16

545 comments received, 490 comments posted

Basic Info
... to the livejournal Harmoniashipping visual novel project!

What is Harmoniashipping?
Harmoniashipping is a subset of Coronationshipping that focuses on the abusive relationship of Pokemon Black and White's Ghetsis and N.

What's this about a visual novel?
A group of people off of 4chan's /vp/ decided to band together and make a visual novel for Harmoniashipping. Why? Because we want to, of course!

What should I expect to see in here and in the VN?
Incest, violence, rape, shotacon and pretty much anything else we can come up with. Basically, it's not for the lighthearted, so you should approach with caution if you're not into that kind of stuff. Recommended age is 18+ for explicit content.

That's gross, why would you even think about doing this?
Fetishes are beautiful things, as well as psychological analysis. For Harmoniashipping, it touches on a lot of taboo and sensitive topics. Some of us can relate to it, some just like it for what it is-- there are so many reasons as to why. Either way it's appealing, but if it's not exactly your cup of tea then please feel free to leave.

I'm not a writefag or drawfag and I'd like to join. Can I?
Absolutely. Not only do we put up random discussion posts, we also have artists and writers who love feedback on their work. You can also help us with plotting and chime in with suggestions, especially since this will be our first VN.

I feel uncomfortable when I'm not anonymous. Can I still comment?
Unfortunately, most of the posts are locked, but we plan on trying out a discussion/spam post where anon is allowed. See the rules for more details on why we don't make most of our posts public or allow anonymous comments.

Why don't I see any Harmoniashipping threads on /vp/? Can I make one?
The reason why we don't have one up every other day is because of spam and lack of content. While the first handful of threads were packed with stuff, it soon became just padding of old stuff and nothing new. Sooner or later we'd like to shimmy on over there again, but for now we'll stick to here until we feel like it's appropriate enough to go back. You're free to make one on your own, of course, but don't troll around with our stuff. We're actually pretty nice people and would like to avoid any drama.

Are you trolls?
Nope, but you can find plenty of them on /b/

Ginny | PM
| PM
Snake | PM
Espy | PM

CREDITS: profile
prompts | ask | tumblr | deviantart


Treat others with respect. We all have opinions and jokes that are funny, but no trolling prease. As much as we love our trolls on /vp/, this place just isn't for that. Unless we make a post about it, of course.

No spamming. If you have something to share, please do! Just remember that if you have more than one discussion idea, don't spam the community with it all at once. Spread it out over time 'cause we'd like to have something to talk about between VN-type stuff!

Keep your things locked. The reason for this is mainly to prevent trolls from invading, but also for keeping the content under lock & key. These topics are obviously not about fluffy bunnies and pretty rainbows. You can always C+P a fic or post an image up on 4chan, after all.

Use an lj-cut for fics and art. This is to keep the community clean. Don't know how to use an lj-cut? Look here for a visual on how it's done.

Fill out the following prompt table when posting up fics.

Just highlight, copy, then paste into a new entry. Again, it's to keep the community clean and to also make things easier to read.

Use the tags provided. We have tags and it would be super if you used them. If you want to add one, just make a small note on your post about it so the mods can officially add it for you.

Keep things Harmoniashipping-related. Or anything to do with the pair involved. Good example: "What are your thoughts on Black/N in accordance to Harmoniashipping?" Bad example: "What do you think of Black/N?" Discussion is cool, but a general discussion that isn't Harmoniashipping-related would be better suited at [info]pokemon.

VN-related things will be done when it's done. This community was mostly created for the visual novel project we'll be working on, but keep in mind that we're all busy fellows and getting together to talk about these things isn't easy. Discussion about it will most likely take place here, and anyone not on the project is definitely more than welcome to stalk. Just don't expect us to have anything up right away! We're still at the pre-"doing anything" stage.

Speak up! As much as this is mainly for the VN our group is making, you are more than welcome to pop in and say hi at any time. See an art or fic post and want to comment? Do so! Join in on the discussion posts, we'd love to touch have you.
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