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theexploitedgrl's Journal

Created on 2001-10-19 13:35:09 (#372956), last updated 2003-04-01

1,211 comments received, 870 comments posted

Basic Info
Name:~*~The Cruel Mistress~*~
Location:Hobbiton, United States
Website:Trilliums page

I Adopted A Monkey!

It's name isSPLOMIE Name here!
Adopt one too!

Hey im jessy. hehe I love LOTR, music, art-espically painting, photography and i love writing.

Im offically:
a bitch hehe

a future'll be seeing my art in galleries one day!!! DAMN IT!

I love the following people:

.Dominic Monagahan <3
.Orlando Bloom
.Jude Law <3
.and afew others

LIKES: LOTR, tattoos, Celtic art, body piercings, Viggo Mortenson, X, poetry, slash,Tolkien, acting, drama, painting, photography, designing tattoo flash, DOminic Mongahan, Viggos art, reading, work by Terry Brooks, anime, Hamtaro, lj, internet, movies, death, haunted cemetaries, graves, vampires, the exploited,Chris, Orlando Bloom, Jude Law, hobbits,suicide,taking photos dealing with death,MArk Unseen, the unseen, Paul Unseen,wicca, voodoo, witchcraft

DISLIKES: Racism, sexism, control freaks, people who tell me what to do, annoying people, stupid people,homophobics, and afew other things....ask me and i'll tell you

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i used my username is theexploitedgrl because ive been lied to and used! WHy me?

"Precious, precious, precious! My Precious! O my precious."

I amar prestar aen…

The world is changed.

han mathon ne nen…

I feel it in the water.

han mathon ne chae…

I feel it in the Earth.

a han noston ned gwilith.

I smell it in the air.

Much that once was is lost. For none now live who remember it.

its my baby!

Legolas! I'm
Lovin' Legolas!

remember the flowers I picked for you from your best friends back yard? you said that you'd never let them die

"Viggo will go on about Elves and how they're always doing their nails and brushing their long blond hair and being all prissy. And i just say: 'well, at least I'm going to live forever. Got that? Live forever!'"- Orlando Bloom

"If I hear not allowed much oftener I'm going to get angry."
Sam Gamgee

"I have never been out of my own land before. And if I had known what the world outside was like. I don't think I should have had the heart to leave it."
Merry to Haldir in Lothlórien

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