LiveJournal Support
Welcome to the LiveJournal community support center. Listed below are some of the most frequent questions people ask. If you don't find what you're looking for, you can submit a support request below.
Known Issues
At any time, you are welcome to check out lj_releases,
lj_maintenance, and the status page LiveJournal maintains on a separate server.
- Posting polls through the Rich Text Editor
- If you can't receive email from LiveJournal
- If you can't see new versions of a page
Last updated on 25 July 2007 2:29PM EDT by legomymalfoy
Search the FAQ
Most Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I delete my journal?
- How can I reset my password?
- How do I change my username?
- How do I make my whole journal Friends-Only, Private, or Public?
- Where do I go to make a custom mood theme?
- How can I add or remove someone as a friend?
- How can I make a suggestion?
- Why can't I have a particular username?
- How do I use an lj-cut?
- Why isn't my friends page updating?
Support Areas
Here are the three major things you can do here in the support area.
- Read the Frequently Asked Questions
Try and solve the problem first by yourself before asking other people. You'll probably get the answer faster, too! - Ask a question
Is your question not in the FAQ? Click "Ask a question" and you can submit a new support request and somebody in the LiveJournal community will read it and get back to you with an answer. If they don't help you, your support request stays open until somebody does help and you confirm that your problem is solved. - Help somebody out
Got some extra time on your hands? Help out a LiveJournal user that has an open support request. Users that help other users out will get "support points" that will show up on your userinfo page. There are multiple reasons for helping other users out:- Just to be nice
- To get points just for fun and competition
If you're curious, check out the list of high scores, showing who helps the most.
If you want to be notified when new support requests come in, set your notification settings.