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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Russia, yes? Canada, no?

Well, if her proximity to Russia is qualification... How will that measure up to Obama's time on the Foreign Relations Committee AND his proximity to Canada. In fact, by not recognizing Barack's closeness to our neighbor to the north, McCain and friends have insulted our largest trading partner.

Shame on you, Canadian-hating Republicans.

By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy get honest

Two right wingers come clean on what Peggy Noonan calls "Political bullshit." Too bad for them they didn't know the microphones were still on.

By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Monday, September 01, 2008


Let's say you ran a blog and next week you were going to give a Roy Cohn Award to someone in a very high position, toiling behind the scenes to help an anti-gay politician, which material would you create the award from?

Brushed metal? Because these losers brush off their own community.
Cherry? Cause these guys CAN tell a lie.
Stainless Steel? So they can see their hypocrisy reflected.
Walnut? They're nuts.
Mahogany? Do They Know Where They Are Going To?
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Leighton Woodhouse: The Palin Trap

Everyone's laughing... but it's not funny. Remember these are people that held the White House in 2004.

Leighton Woodhouse: The Palin Trap
My suspicion is that the McCain campaign doesn't really care that Palin undermines McCain's case for experience, because they're not planning to use that argument anymore. They've decided that the experience argument is ineffective against Obama's change message, and they're more or less giving it up. Moreover, they know how to respond to attacks on Palin's total lack of qualification for the office, and are in fact inviting those attacks as a way to build sympathy with working class independent voters. That's where Palin's value lies."
Never underestimate the enemy.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Do not understimate her

People are already saying how great she is for us because she is so radical and so young and so not ready to take over. Don't get too excited, it worked for Bush I and Quayle quite well.

This comes via Jesus' General:

By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Friday, August 29, 2008

Any questions?

By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Did NBC News political director out Charlie Crist?

Chuck Todd suggests Charlie Crist has a sham marriage:
Via Matt Yglesias, MSNBC pundits this morning discussed potential running mates for John Mccain and whether there is a “glass ceiling” for unmarried individuals in politics. After Andrea Mitchell floated Gov. Charlie Crist (R-FL) as an example, Joe Scarborough noted that Crist is engaged. Chuck Todd suggested the engagement may be staged so Crist can be Vice President

By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Monday, August 25, 2008

Howie's friends get GOP convention scedule...

A sample.
8:05 pm – Gay sex party in Men's Restroom hosted by Senator Larry Craig
9:05 pm – Guest speaker ex-Florida Congressman Mark Foley 'Joys with Young Boys'
10:00 pm – Gay sex party in Men's Room hosted by Ken Mehlman and Geraldo Rivera
Howie has it all here.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Potecting marriage in Idaho...

Apparently blow jobs in train station and airport bathrooms is not enough to put Larry Craig's marriage on the rocks... But a same-sex wedding card? Whoaaaaaaaaaah!

Hallmark stores refuse to sell company's own wedding cards:
NAMPA, Idaho - A manager says seven Hallmark greeting card stores in the Treasure Valley will not carry the company's new same-sex marriage cards.

Cassi Jacobsen, an assistant manager for the Jordan's Hallmark store in Nampa's Karcher Mall, says the family that owns the seven area stores has decided against carrying the new line of greeting cards. She said the owners were out of town and not immediately available for comment.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Sunday, August 24, 2008

NYT profiles Pam

An article in the New York Times about political blogging highlights Pam Spaulding's trip to Denver. (Philip Anderson of The Albany Project is in there, too.) NYT: The Year of the Political Blogger Has Arrived
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Drilling deep for answers...

Tooth-gate? Which is it? The American people need to know!

AP via Raw Story:

AP via Yahoo! News:

By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pot or the closet...

Raw Story... Fox host: 'A lot of pot smokers are coming' to DNC:
'Apparently in Denver, they have made it a low priority to make arrests for people who are smoking pot, caught with pot, whatever,' said Gretchen Carlson. 'So, what's the concern now? They think that because all the security is coming to the city, there's gonna be more arrests for people who are smoking pot?'

At which point, Briggs asserted that the news implied 'a lot of pot smokers are coming to town.'
I hope FOX covers the high (no pun intended) number of closet cases in St. Paul.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

How John McCain sees the world

The Democrats' Rapid Response YouTube Channel:

By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Why closets must be busted open...

Besen on how the closet assists the homophobes:
Sadly, 2008 is looking much like the last two elections, where a compliant media joins forces with chest thumping evangelicals and closeted homosexuals to further degrade America's greatness. If McCain is inaugurated, we will all be invited to the barbecue on his million-dollar Arizona ranch, blissfully unaware that our future is the roasting pig with a rotten apple sticking out of its bloated mouth.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I can't give clues as to where I have been recently (with your help), I thought I would share a couple of pictures I took on a trip earlier in the year.

By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Getting to a fillibuster-proof majority...

I've talked with folks much more knowledgeable than myself about the possibility of election day results bringing us a filibuster-proof majority of Senators who support LGBT equality. Barring a story that turns a Senate race unexpectedly on its head, chances of it happening are pretty slim.

So, I've been working almost full-time to do just that.

After recently writing about my travel, I got a bunch of email with guesses about my destination, all of them wrong. I don't let folks know where I am headed as it can start rumors, compromise sources, or put research in jeopardy.

While I was on the plane home from my last trip (I'm now in DC) I started to make a list of the places I've been for story research. Of course, posting the list of all of the cities and towns would raise eyebrows; could you imagine if I announced a few years ago that I was off to Boise, Idaho? The list started to get long, so at home, I looked back at the boarding passes I had collected and put them all together to see what they look like.

The boarding passes below are for my travel after the Larry Craig story was reported in 2006. The support of BlogActive readers helped to fund this work, but before this election, there is much more to be done. In some cases folks have been able to help by providing tickets and places to stay, in other cases though, the trips were so secret that I couldn't turn to anyone for help. And even on trips with support, additional expenses away from home pile up quickly.

In the past, I've made sure to ask for support from readers only after the successful reporting of a hypocrite in the government. But, with more tips than ever, and a pro-gay filibuster proof majority at stake, I hope you can help out now by making a gift toward the expanded work now. (With PayPal it's super easy... Just click here.)

As the media becomes more focused on the election, I have redoubled my own efforts and am working virtually full-time on cases and efforts to close other cases. With your help, the momentum will continue.

I hope that after you scroll the image below that you will help out with the work. It seems that I've been on the road more than I have been at home, and with your help, I'll be able to keep on researching and reporting on these hypocrites.

Traveling for work like this is nothing like a vacation... If you've never had a job with travel, you are going to have to trust me on that. (I'll admit that I did see this one really neat museum in --- oh, wait, if I tell you that, you'd know where I visited.)

As always, THANK YOU so much for your help and support. When others have asked me to jump through hoops only to see promised support vanish, it's readers that are the loyal supporters of this work.


To help out, click on the image above or here.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Go Jared!


Donna Edwards scared them when she beat back Al Wynn. This time around, the establishment wanted Joan Fitz-Gerald to win over Jared Polis. With so few role models in Congress for young gay kids, you think that large gay donors would understand how important it was to support Jared's candidacy. They didn't. We did. They lost. We won.

So, good bye to Joan Fitz-Gerald and the the establishment that supported her. It's over. You can't always get to call the shots. Jared is one of the candidates who originally presented The Responsible Plan and will serve as a role model for millions of gay and lesbian kids.

Go Jared!
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Sunday, August 10, 2008

What really bothered me most...

The USA is odd. In France both the wife and mistress attended François Mitterrand's funeral; the USA likes to pretend that getting some on the side is a rarity. But, that's the way it is. What bothered me most was to see that John Edwards was willing to put his party's quest for the White House at risk, it was one of the most selfish acts I can imagine in the world of politics.

David Bonior, former Edwards' campaign manager said "You can't lie in politics and expect to have people's confidence." Edwards is done.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Saturday, August 09, 2008

John Edwards... Hypocrite?

More than a ton of ink will be spilled on this story. Is he a hypocrite? Hmmmmm..... Interesting question and I am not sure of the answer.... I can tell you this... A woman as amazing as Elizabeth Edwards deserved a lot better than a dumb fuck like him. (I had always said she would be a better President than he would, anyway.)

To think he tried to grab the party's nomination. I wonder what would happen in November if it was Edwards in the presidential slot and this came out a couple of weeks before the Democratic Convention.

At this point John Edwards is a private citizen, so I am not sure why the press covers this and continues to ignore similar stories with men who have sex with men. If someone one has a better answer than "homophobia" I'd like to hear it.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Monday, August 04, 2008

From the road...

Yep.... it's election season... more travel. When I get home this time, I'll be turning around in less than 12 hours to get out again...I'll try to post some interesting things I come along.

While I can't report anything right now, I'd like to share an awesome commercial from one of the few House candidates I have contributed to.

Matt Stoller of OpenLeft has a good analysis of Darcy's ad compared with the ad her opponent used to define her two years ago.

Congress needs 435 Darcy Burners. If you want to support Darcy, her campaign has kept pressing on even after her home was gutted by fire, you can do so here.

By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Sensible requests

This letter to Obama on a host of issues was brought to my attention by Steve Clemons of The Washington Note. He's signature number 12,180. I'm number 12,275. Will you sign? Steve did a great job summarizing the letter. It touches on everything from a woman's right to chose to withdrawal from Iraq. You can read his post here.

Steve notes some of the power names that have signed on
Katrina vanden Heuvel, Jane Hamsher, Juan Cole, Gore Vidal, Robert Greenwald, Matt Stoller and others headline a letter to be delivered to Barack Obama before the Democratic National Convention.
One of the neat things is that when folks like these write to Obama, the letter actually will get to him.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Friday, August 01, 2008

Corruption trumps gay

Margaret Carlson:
Let's take a civics quiz. In Congress which is worse: being corrupt or being gay? Time is up. Pencils down. If you answered being gay, you've been paying attention, class. Of the 10 Commandments, it is much better to break the one about stealing than the one about sex.

This teaching moment comes to you courtesy of His Holiness, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, who took a powder from reporters crowded into the Capitol this week after the indictment of Ted Stevens, the Senate's longest-serving Republican and once third in line to the presidency.

You would think McConnell had been ambushed by the National Enquirer. He punted, saying he had just learned of the news and would ``have more to say about it later.'' In less than 30 seconds, he was gone.

No disgust. No outrage. No pressure on Stevens to skulk back to his much-improved chalet in Alaska.

Contrast this with McConnell's instant reaction upon finding out that Senator Larry Craig had pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for disorderly conduct stemming from a foot-tapping encounter with an undercover cop in a Minneapolis restroom.

That, McConnell said, was a ``serious matter'' that he immediately referred to the Ethics Committee. He vowed he would look at ``other aspects of the case to determine if additional action is required,'' with the implication that tarring and feathering Craig might not be harsh enough.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Monday, July 28, 2008

Did you see...

The strange thing about the web is that pictures of you can wind up anywhere.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Friday, July 25, 2008

Quick history lesson

In 2004, who heard about Ed Scrock first? BlogActive Confidential subscribers.
In 2006, who heard about Larry Craig first? BlogActive Confidential subscribers.
It's 2008, you'll want to be a subscriber.

Note: This is a new email system. To receive the free newsletter, you must rejoin:
the list.


By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why we are better than they are

Elaine Donnelly shows what an idiot she is.

Quotes from gay service members sometimes make me cry. Dana Milbank at WaPo:
[Wounded Iraq war veteran Eric] Alva spoke of his lost leg and how he 'nearly died to secure rights for others that I myself was not free to enjoy.'
I was once stuck in the Charlotte, NC airport overnight. Late in the night, amid hundreds of Red Cross cots, I got involved in a discussion with about seven others. Some civilian, some military, all ages. We disagreed on some things, mostly the war in Iraq. This, of course was not a shock to hear from young men trained to kill on command.

On some things we did agree. Everyone there, from the 20 year old flying to his first assignment to the retired policeman and everyone in between acknowledged that the days of Don't Ask, Don't Tell are numbered. And, as long as Obama stays away from dopes like Nunn as VP, the next administration will repeal the pathetic law. (Sam Nunn fires gay people because they are gay.)

Nunn has not said DADT should be repealed, but only that Congress should review the matter. Well, Sam, you now have available the video of the hearing. Watch it and take a stand. Or are you, a veteran, too wimpy to take a postition?
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

It's a joke, until someone ends up dead

When I first heard that anti-gay Oklahoma legislator Sally Kern was caught taking a gun int the state capitol, I made a joke out of it...

I decided to go a more sious angle after Howie Klein reminded me of a much more serious angle:
My panic was based on another local legislator, Dan White, sneaking a gun into City Hall in November, 1978 and murdering a friend of mine, San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, and Mayor George Moscone, the father of another friend. It was a traumatic day for the entire city of San Francisco but especially for the gay community, Harvey having been the first openly gay man elected to any high profile office in America.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Nothing like being ridden out of town AND looking like an idiot

Senator Larry Craig maintains support of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell':
As a Congressional panel hears the case for, and against, repeal of the controversial 1993 military policy preventing gay and lesbian personnel from serving openly, some Republican representatives maintain that the policy ought to remain in place.

Among those supporting the status quo is Senator Larry Craig (R-ID). 'Current policy has served us well,' Senator Craig told 'I think we ought to sustain it. I see no evidence that it should be repealed.'
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Vanquish them

Religion Dispatches - Gay Marriage to End “Culture Wars”?:
"If we lose California, if they defeat the marriage amendment, I’m afraid that the culture war is over and Christians have lost,” said [The American Family Association's Don] Wildmon, “I’ve never said that publicly until now—but that’s just the reality of the fact."
"Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory."
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

A Netroots Nation side trip...

The Rude Pundit and Mike Stark took a field trip from Netroots Nation over to some right-wing nutjob gathering in Austin. John Fund and Grover Norquist on a lunch date... how sweet...

If you don't know who Stark is, you ought to. Well, at least the New York Times thinks you should.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Greetings from Netroots Nation

I rarely write about my travel and in most cases when I do, I make it a point of doing so after I return. This is for a host of reasons. When traveling to a city, I like to travel and research "below the radar" and I am also well aware that on more than one trip I have been followed as I investigate.

The current trip I am on is of a much different natures... investigating leads and getting tips... A LOT of them. Netroots Nation i Austin, TX is the premiere conference for the progressive on-line community.

Sometimes there is a coming together of factors that makes the whole MUCH greater than the sum of it's part. Start with an upcoming national election with 1/3 of the Senate and the entire House; add 1500-2000 progressives with information about politicians in their state; toss in a bit (er, a lot) of frustration at the GOP and you've got a recipe for tip after tip.

Much to do once I get home... Looking forward to the next few months.
By: Michael Rogers | permanent link


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