McCain: Blasting Wall Street, But Relying on its Lobbyists

The GOP candidate has denounced Wall Street greed and pledged to curb "special favors" in Washington. But McCain's campaign is loaded with more than 80 lobbyists who have represented Lehman, Merrill Lynch, AIG, and other Big Finance firms—the very sort of game-riggers he's decrying.
—By David Corn, Jonathan Stein, and Nick Baumann

Palin Blames Wall Street Woes on Lobbyists: The Same Ones Who Work for Her Campaign?

The Republican vice presidential nominee faulted lobbyists for the current financial meltdown. She must not be referring to the legion of Wall Street lobbyists working for the McCain-Palin campaign.
—By Jonathan Stein

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Mission Creep Dispatch: Robert Kaplan
The first in a series of exclusive essays from top military thinkers on the subject of global Pentagon strategy.  —By Robert Kaplan

McCain vs. The Economy
McCain: "I think, still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong." Palin: "I'm just your average hockey mom." —By Mark Fiore

Return of the Geeks
For eight long years, the Bush administration has trashed and politicized the government's science agencies. How to kick out the hacks and flat-Earthers and let the nerds reign. —By Chris Mooney

Palin Contradicts Palin on Troopergate Explanation
Palin's attorney filed papers on Monday claiming that Palin fired Alaska's public safety director Walt Monegan because of his "outright insubordination" regarding policy and budgetary matters. The problem with this explanation: It directly contradicts Palin's own story.  —By David Corn


Can the FDIC Weather the Financial Storm?
If Washington Mutual falls, all it could take is a few more bank collapses to wipe out the FDIC's reserves.  —By James Ridgeway

The McCain-Lehman-Gramm Connection
McCain decries Wall Street's failure. But he neglects to mention his close friend and adviser Phil Gramm greased the way to this crisis. —By David Corn

Has the U.S. Invasion of Pakistan Begun?
The strikes against Pakistan represent a desperate bid to salvage a war that was never good, but has now gone badly wrong. With VIDEO.  —By Tariq Ali

"Another Walter Reed-Type Scandal"
Soldiers at the military hospital languished in part due to incompatible databases and dismal record keeping. Welcome to the Pentagon's $20 billion medical-records boondoggle. —By Niko Karvounis

A Taste of the Glass-Steagall Lash for Lehman
A reformed Wall Streeter on unreformed Washington. —By Nomi Prins

The Great Unraveling
While you were sleeping, the US financial system entered a new phase of historic turmoil.  —By Nick Baumann

How to Stay in Iraq for 1,000 Years
Is there a way for U.S. negotiators to finagle permanent bases without permission from Congress? Yep. It's called a SOFA.  —By Frida Berrigan

Sarah Palin's Wasilla Emails
Did Palin violate the law by using official resources for partisan activity? —By David Corn

The Pentagon Legacy of the MBA President
Bush will leave the Pentagon bloated almost beyond recognition and crippled by its dependence on private military corporations.  —By Frida Berrigan

Sex, Drugs, and Oil
Sex toy "presentations" for industry reps and other new details about the Interior Department's taxpayer funded free-for-all.  —By Josh Harkinson

Weakened Warriors: When the Military Gets Combat Fatigue
Has the Bush administration maxed out the military?  —By Bruce Falconer

Memo to 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists: You Can't Handle the Truth
In search of intelligent life among the 9/11 tinfoil-hatters.  —By Dave Gilson

McCain's Fannie and Freddie Connections
John McCain says lobbying by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac "was one of the primary contributors to this great debacle." If that's the case, McCain should look first to his campaign staffers as the cause of that "debacle." —By Jonathan Stein

Is the Fannie/Freddie Bailout "Socialism"?
Conservatives are using the S-word to describe the government takeover of the mortgage giants. Try corporate welfare. —By James Ridgeway

Homesick for Camp Justice
Exiled to make way for a US military base, the islanders of Diego Garcia are still fighting to get home.  —By David Vine

The De-Elitification of the USA
"Regular Guy" Lardbottom is here to out elite politicians on the left and on the right. A political cartoon.
 —By Mark Fiore

What Was Really Up To?
Historians warn that missing White House emails may leave "an enormous gap in the documentary record." Here's what you need to know about Bush's final pre-presidency email. —By Daniel Schulman

Sarah Palin's Secret Emails
The Palin office won't release hundreds of emails, claiming they cover confidential policy matters. Then why do the subject lines refer to a political foe and a journalist? —By David Corn

Slaughter, Lies, and Video in Afghanistan
Playing With Fire: An Anatomy of Collateral Damage in the Bush Era.  —By Tom Engelhardt

Sarah Palin: A Big Boon for Big Oil
Palin has a rep for taking on oil companies, but if elected vice president she'll be positioned to deliver what the industry wants most—access to untapped Arctic terrain. —By James Ridgeway

America's Unwelcome Advances
The Pentagon's foreign overtures are running into a world of public opposition.  —By Chalmers Johnson

Worshiping the Indispensable Nation
The Bush/neocon attempt to transform the Middle East has failed. We need to face that before we can repair the damage.  —By Andrew Bacevich

Jesus Is Magic
Inside the Fellowship of Christian Magicians, where Scripture-quoting puppets and flaming Bibles win souls for the Lord.  —By Catherine Price

MoJo Video: Palin Puts the Party Back in GOP
Just because you don't love Sarah Palin doesn't mean Republican National Convention-goers don't. A video dispatch from the RNC.  —By Jonathan Stein | Edited and produced by Alexandra Bezdikian

Bush's Reign of Error: A Timeline
GW: "You never know what your history is going to be like until long after you’re gone."  —By Nick Baumann and Dave Gilson

The MoJo Interview: Sophie Uliano
The author of Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life talks about the Prius vs. Smart Car debate, ecofriendly yoga poses, and her one green sin. —By Brittney Andres

The Luxury of True Reproductive Choice
If John McCain wins the election, Sarah Palin will no doubt do what she can to overturn Roe v. Wade. Will she also support subsidized childcare and higher ed for teen moms poorer than Bristol?  —By Judith Lewis

Sarah Palin and the Alaskan Independence Party: What's the Connection?
In an interview with Mother Jones, a party official backs off his claim that John McCain's running mate was an Alaskan Independence Party member. But the question remains, was Palin a fellow traveler?  —By Jonathan Stein

Homeland Security and Other Boondoggles
The unintended consequences of the Bush administration's signature reforms. —By Bruce Falconer

Three Years After Hurricane Katrina, Homelessness Looms
Where are Katrina evacuee families supposed to go once FEMA kicks them out? A trailer park tale continues. —By Deepa Fernandes

MoJo Video: In Pursuit of High Rollers and Hennessy
Why can't government ethics watchdog Nancy Watzman get into the Democratic National Convention's smoke-filled back rooms? —By Jonathan Stein
Edited and Produced by Alexandra Bezdikian

The Chinavore's Dilemma
Pathogenic snacks. Deadly dog chow. Toxic seafood. Why is the FDA looking the other way on Chinese food imports? —By Joshua Kurlantzick

New Poverty Data Induces Clinton Nostalgia
Can we get back to the prosperity of 1999? —By Stephanie Mencimer

MoJo Video: Meet Nate Silver of
Nate Silver crunches statistics to predict election outcomes. Turns out he's pretty good at it. —By Nick Baumann

Mapping the Pentagon's Global Footprint
Exclusive: In a yearlong project, Mother Jones investigated US military activity around the globe, country by country. Presenting our new primer of the post-Bush world order.  


Mojo Blog


by Toby Morris/ZReportage

Soldiers have suffered post-traumatic stress disorder for centuries, yet the condition was not officially recognized until 1980. Army Sergeant Logan Laituri spent 14 months with a highly decorated combat unit in Iraq, where he developed symptoms of PTSD. Now discharged, he says the Department of Veterans Affairs has denied his claims... (continued)

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reader comments

RE: "Another Walter Reed-Type Scandal"

In 2002 I had open heart surgery at the VA Medical Center in La Jolla, California. That VA facility gave me the best medical care I have ever received in my life and their computerized medical records system impressed the hell out of a long time IT man like myself. My medical care is now provided by Kaiser Permanente of Southern California and is inferior to the care I received at the VA. Kaiser Permanente Southern California has implemented a computerized system similar to the one I saw in action at the VA when I was there. Since Kaiser has implemented their computerized patient records system I've noticed a significant improvement in the medical care I now receive from them. They haven't reached the quality of care and service I received at the VA, but they are getting close.

Posted by: Fred Scholl September 15, 2008 9:08 PM
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