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Russ Feingold is Proud to Support Barack Obama for President

Meet Our Newest 'Progressive Patriot' - Heather Ryan



In the News

AAUW gives Feingold perfect score on women's issues
The Reporter - Fond du Lac, September 22, 2008

Constitution Day 2008
ACLU Blog of Rights, September 17, 2008

Feingold Blasts Constitutional "Wreckage" Bush Leaves Behind
The Huffington Post, September 16, 2008

Feingold offers business development bills
The Post-Crescent, September 15, 2008

Campaigning to Restore the Constitution
The Nation, September 15, 2008

Feingold to meet with GM official about Janesville plant
The Capital Times, September 12, 2008

Feingold To Chair Hearing On Restoring The Rule of Law
CommonDreams.org, September 10, 2008


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Heather Ryan

Meet Our Newest 'Progressive Patriot' - Heather Ryan


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  Senator Russ Feingold The Progressive Patriots Fund
is dedicated to promoting a progressive reform agenda and
 supporting candidates across
 the country.

- Senator Russ Feingold

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PO Box 628008
Middleton, WI 53562
Phone: 608.831.1308
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