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Cag;e's Campaign 2008 Cartoons!

Republican National Convention by RJ Matson

Obama's Nomination by Nate Beeler

McCain Picks Palin by Daryl Cagle

Media Loves Obama by Nate Beeler

New Yorker Obama Cover by Daryl Cagle

Obama Moves toward the Center by Nate Beeler

Not Enough Experience by Nate Beeler

Hillary for V.P. by RJ Matson

Hillary Keeps Going by Sandy Huffaker

Hillary vs. Obama by Joe Heller

Obama's Preacher by Brian Fairrington

Final Three by John Darkow

3am Phone Call by Mike Lester

Obama's Plagiarism by John Cole

Texas Primary by John Darkow

Conservative McCain by Mke Lester

Mitt Splits by Pat Bagley

Super Tuesday by Taylor Jones

Racial Politics by John Darkow

Crying Hillary by Pat Bagley

Change For America by Mike Lester

Oprah Endorses Obama by John Darkow

Robertson Endorses Rudy by RJ Matson

Hillary Debates Herself by RJ Matson

Hillary's Healthcare by Eric Allie

Campaign Fundraising

You Tube Debates

President in 2008?
Lipstick on a Pig by Daryl Cagle

Palin's Pregnant Daughter by Daryl Cagle

Obama, Britney and Paris! by Christo Komarnitski

Obama's World Tour by John Darkow

Jackson's Cutting Remarks by Pat Bagley

Obama Vs. McCain by Eric Allie

Hillary is OUT! by RJ Matson

Rev. Wright Rants by Mike Lester

Obama's Bitter Words by Mike Lester

Hillary Under Fire by Pat Bagley

Nader For President by Pat Bagley

McCain and the Lobbyist by Sandy Huffaker

Superdelegates by Sandy Huffaker

Rush Turns on McCain by Joe Heller

Thompson Drops Out By Nate Beeler

Where's Rudy? by Sandy Huffaker

Hillary Loses Iowa by Eric Allie

The Clintons by Olle Johansson

Bloomberg For President? by Eric Allie

Hillary Plants Questions by Eric Allie

Crazy Kucinich by Brian Fairrington

Hillary 2008

Obama for President?

Thompson for President

Edwards for President

Campaigning With Cancer