Weather news

Crews battle S. Calif. wildfire

A 250-acre wildfire burned through brushy foothills in San Bernardino County on Wednesday but hot, gusty winds pushed it away from homes, authorities said.


2:00 AM 10/23/2008 EDT

Air pressure

Air pressure
2:00 AM 10/23/2008 EDT

Doppler radar

Doppler radar
3:58 AM 10/23/2008 EDT

Current temperatures

Current temperatures
2:00 AM 10/23/2008 EDT

Sea surface temps

Sea surface temps
8:00 PM 10/22/2008 EDT

Tropical Storm Tracker

   Storm Name: OMAR
   Strength: STORM
   Max Wind Speed(mph): 40.26
   Last Reported: 11:00 AM 10/18/2008 EDT
   See Details


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