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  • Last published on November 13, 2008
The Boiling Point by Mikhaela Reid

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Comments (23)

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cfortunatoPro says:

While many people are very disappointed about Prop.8, I have absolutely no worries about the subject whatsoever. Same-sex marriage is an inevitability. Guaranteed.

If not this year, next year. Or the year after that. But it’s inevitable. Gay people will NOT go back into the closet. Within a few years, same-sex marriage will be the law in the West and the Northeast. And then the rest of the states, one at a time, in fairly rapid succession.

Economic issues swing back and forth like a pendulum. But - as long as we have a democracy - civil rights issues can go in one direction only - forward. Same-sex civil rights is a rather large change, and progress has been EXTREMELY rapid. Yes, I understand that for people on the other side of the line who are still waiting to be acknowledged as legitimate it hasn’t been rapid enough. But by the normal standards of such things, it’s been VERY fast. Most members of the younger generation don’t even UNDERSTAND homophobia - its a closed book to them. And those young people will just get older, and soon run society.

Proposition 8 was one step backwards. It may actually be ovetturned by a court anyway, but even if it isn’t, it will still be succeeded by two steps forward. Guaranteed.

Patience. It’s coming. And it can’t be stopped.

  • Posted: 2008-11-07T18:33:35Z
Kingof01 says:

I am a man that loves women. I am trying to invent a drug that would make all men (accept me) gay. It will make women bisexual. I will put it in the water supply. Then I am going to finally get my share. Life will be good.

  • Posted: 2008-11-08T05:35:32Z
doctortoon says:

The battle for civil rights is far from over. Obamas’ election was truly historic, but there are still people who did not vote for him based on his race. If the civil rights movement has taught us anything it is that separate but equal is not good enough. There was a time that interracial marriage was considered immoral. Most of us find this thinking archaic today. Civil unions are separate but equal. Eventually gays & lesbians will have to be granted their full civil rights and allowed to marry. I just hope it doesn’t take our country as long to grow up on this one, and that we do not see the kind of violence it took for racial civil rights to bring it about.

  • Posted: 2008-11-08T07:34:20Z
doctortoon says:

However, as a straight man, I can identify with Kingof01 in a sense.
I love gay men, they leave more women for me

  • Posted: 2008-11-08T07:36:24Z
Nipponkid says:

Yea dont worry. Im not homophobic and noone i know is…and one day we shall rise up and rule the world. Kids shall inherit the earth.

  • Posted: 2008-11-08T15:58:31Z
KingRat says:

Nipponkid you need to read Lord of the Flies if you think kids rule would be a good thing.

As far and the gay marriage thing is concerned yes for a lot of the 30 and younger crowd it is a non-issue, even amongst the conservative religious crowd.

I always thought it was ironic that the most vocal anti-gay people are:

  1. Men (I haven’t heard of many anti-gay women)

  2. Men who say it will destroy marriage and have 3 or 4 ex wives.

  3. Men who say it will destroy marriage and have mistresses.

  4. Men who say it will destroy marriage and are closet gays themselves.

  • Posted: 2008-11-08T16:32:35Z
runarPro says:

I have yet to hear of any straight couple who can claim that gay marriage caused their divorce.

  • Posted: 2008-11-08T19:03:43Z
Nipponkid says:

KingRat:Ive read Lord of the Flies and techincally you were once a kid/teenager (well most likely) and now your generation is the one who makes the world go round. That all i was saying was that my generation will grow up and this will hopefully not be a problem at all.

  • Posted: 2008-11-09T07:02:50Z
KingRat says:

nipponkid my generation Is more like Prince Charles once the baby boomers give up the real power we will be to old to do anything with it so the power will skip a generation.

  • Posted: 2008-11-09T11:55:44Z
Nipponkid says:

So it’ll skip to mine then?

  • Posted: 2008-11-09T13:31:12Z
KingRat says:

日本の子供 depends on how long the boomers live it may skip yours too.

  • Posted: 2008-11-10T02:26:19Z
Nipponkid says:

Lol. Using the old translator huh?

Well unfortunatly i can only read
日本の. 日=ni/nichi(day) 本=hon(book) and の=no(particle).(Nihon is also Nippon{more proper name})

Dont know these because theres thousands of Kanji but educated guess is its kid/child(子供).

の is not kanji. Its hiragana which is used for words not foriegn to them but they dont use much because of Kanji. Theres only 47 hiragana(not including if the have marks on them).

For foriegn words its Katakana which is also 47..Same i know but different characters. They just change the word a bit to fit what they can say like:

Sorry about that. Had to explain for..some reason… ^_^

  • Posted: 2008-11-10T07:25:52Z
KingRat says:

子 = child
日本= japan
の makes it of nippon (japanese)
供 = attendant, companion, retinue

I’m not sure why the 供 is there but all three of my trusted translators said it should be there.

  • Posted: 2008-11-10T10:21:05Z
Nipponkid says:

Dont even wonder why its there. Weird combonations keep popping up all around me.

Yea the particle の makes things possesive like:

I need to find a program so i can type hiragana but I dont need to write papers for school yet so theres no pressure on me and become lazy about it.

  • Posted: 2008-11-10T12:19:53Z
totallygomer says:

The issue here is not about civil rights. It is a defining of “marriage”. It most certainly not any kind of ban on homosexuality. If 2 homosexuals want to have a lifetime commitment they should, and do, have every right to do so, but whateever that relationship is, it is not “marriage”. Call it something else because it is something else.
For the record, I don’t agree with legal benefits for married couples. It is a religious ceremony and ritual, not a leagal one.

I voted for prop 8 in California because it defines marriage. If you ask me, all marriages should be “gay”. Right? Gay means: happily excited, exuberant. It one example of how definitions and words are being stolen by the homosexual community, along with the rainbow, et al.

  • Posted: 2008-11-10T18:18:13Z
doctortoon says:

Maybe government just needs to quit issuing marriage licenses altogether. If ALL couples were issued a civil union instead that would remove the problem for politicians. Any couple - straight, gay, or lesbian all get the same form. Then marriage becomes a religious issue where churches decide who can get “married in the eyes of God’. Not all churches are against gay marriage. Some would perform the ceremony, some would not. This way the government couple uphold equal civil rights for all, and the social conservatives could still ban gay marriage in their own churches.

  • Posted: 2008-11-11T01:05:42Z
Kingof01 says:

doctortoon, your idea is perfect. Kind of like the “do not call list”, should have been the “do call list”. lot less paperwork.
totallygomer–does this mean you are “gay” like gomer, you know, Jim Nabors. Anytime someone tries to impose their religious views on everyone through law, this is a violation of civil rights, period.

  • Posted: 2008-11-11T03:53:39Z
cacolley7811Pro says:

I believe a true marriage is between two people, or maybe three, add a farm animal or two and certain household appliances… Or is that just me?

  • Posted: 2008-11-11T08:24:01Z
doctortoon says:

cacolley7811 - My personal policy regarding household appliances and farm animals is: Don’t ask, don’t tell.

  • Posted: 2008-11-11T08:35:33Z
Nipponkid says:

cacolley7811: Thats not a marriage. It is one weird farm, though.

  • Posted: 2008-11-11T09:19:37Z
jerim01 says:

Loners don’t have this problem.
Can one marry yourself?

  • Posted: 2008-11-11T09:32:32Z
KingRat says:

jerim01 says:
Loners don’t have this problem.
Can one marry yourself?

that is illegal in 38 states and 57 countries.

  • Posted: 2008-11-11T13:07:49Z
runarPro says:

“You can point to any item in the Sears catalog and somebody wants to sleep with it.”

— Max Gail

  • Posted: 2008-11-12T06:58:31Z
Posted: November 07, 2008
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The Boiling Point by Mikhaela Reid

Self–described “angry cartoonist” Mikhaela Reid’s multi–panel weekly strip The Boiling Point offers up her unique and steaming blend of passionate political satire, darkly whipsmart humor, moral outraged–ousness and fully engaged give–a–damn fun. From “Dick Cheney’s Magical Universe” to “The Brighter Side of Middle East Violence”, from “Bush Versus My Cat” to “Every Sperm Is Sacred!”, Reid’s boldly drawn and ingeniously conceived commentaries offer those steamed off by these ill–tempered times a well–crafted outlet for mental venting.

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