Posted by: Kevin | November 10, 2008

A Note To Those Who Know Me Personally

I generally try not to avoid political discussions with my friends and family.  This policy (suspended only for elections) has helped prevent unnecessary arguments.  So I’m only going to say this once.  There is no such thing as an “Obama Recession”.  Our current economic troubles have nothing to do with the recently concluded election and everything to do with the bursting of a monstrous credit bubble, an equally massive (and related) housing bubble and long term wage stagnation.  If you use the phrase “Obama Recession” in my presence at any time during the next year, I will probably beat you about the head with the first economics textbook I can lay my hands on.

Posted by: Kevin | November 10, 2008

This Bothers the SHIT Out of Me

Beware he who would deny you information, for in his heart he deems himself your master. 

In a related story from Bloomberg:

The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

Gee, $2 trillion (that’s right trillion, with a fucking “T”!) gets lent out with no transparency to the same douche-bags who royally fucked our economy with their stupidity and greed, what couldpossibly go wrong?  This isn’t even part of the $700 billion bailout package that was approved which much controversy.  Apparently, that had too much oversight baked in.  so the Fed went and gave out 3 times that amount and wont tell us what for.  Just fucking awesome.

As other more talented writers have said already.  At this point all of Washington DC should be treated like a crime scene.  I want prosecutions starting on Jan 21st.  I want an Obama Administration that is going to take all the fuckers who profited from this mess out to the woodshed.

Posted by: Kevin | October 27, 2008

Barack O’Bama?

Sure, why the hell not.

found here

Posted by: Kevin | October 24, 2008

This Disgusts Me

For the love of fuck, people who bomb abortion clinics are terrorists.  Full stop.  The end.  The fact that >40% of Americans will likely vote for this fuck-wit for VP scares the hell out of me.

Posted by: Kevin | October 2, 2008

While Living in an Idiocracy…

…you might see signs like this

Found here and here

Posted by: Kevin | October 1, 2008

The Mortgage / Credit Crisis Explained

The Giant Pool of Money on NPR deconstructs the current crisis piece by piece.  If you want to understand what happened, then you absolutely need to listen to this radio segment.  Trust me, it’s worth it and understanding what happened is very important, because right now there is a counter narrative building.  There’s a small but vocal minority who want to tell you that the current crisis can be laid at the feet of minorities and the Democrats who helped ensure that they wouldn’t be discriminated against by lenders.  That kind of bullshit can not be allowed to go unchallenged.

Posted by: Kevin | September 30, 2008


Yesterday I linkedto an article in the Charlotte Observer about Fort HIll Mayor Danny Funderburk and his habit of forwarding insane fundy emails full of lies.  Turns out something similar happened in my former hometown of Poughkeepsie.

From the Poughkeepsie Journal:

Dutchess County Republican Committee Chairwoman Corinne Weber has resigned over a chain e-mail she forwarded to party members, some of whom were offended by its content.

Weber forwarded an e-mail to more than two dozen Republicans on Friday night that makes a veiled reference to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and suggests he is the Antichrist.

I find the reactions from the two individuals very interesting.  Corinne Weber resigned, which in my opinion is more than was necessary for the offense.  Funderburk, on the other hand, issued the lamest, most transparent explanation possible.  Sadly, I suspect the different reactions have a lot more to do with the character of their constituents than their own conscience.

Hat tip Memeorandum

Posted by: Kevin | September 29, 2008

Yep, This is My State

From the Charlotte Observer:

FORT MILL, S.C. — Fort Mill Mayor Danny Funderburk says he was “just curious” when he forwarded a chain e-mail suggesting Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama is the biblical antichrist. “I was just curious if there was any validity to it,” Funderburk said in a telephone interview. “I was trying to get documentation if there was any scripture to back it up.”

I was just curious myself when I started asking people if mayor Funderburk was a fundy asshole.  It looks like the answer is yes.  Sigh.

Found on Shakeville

Posted by: Kevin | September 28, 2008

Why Yes, I Am Awesome

Last Weekend I ran the USMC Mud Run at Fort Jackson.  If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a ~4 mile obstacle course.  You run, and are timed, as a team.  My team finished the course in an hour and four minutes which puts us roughly at median point of the thousand or so teams that ran this year.  We did lose 10 - 15 minutes when a person in front of us passed out and required medical attention.  One of my teammates is a doctor and helped him until they got him to the ambulance.  So it’s fair to say we could have finished in under an hour and maybe in as little as 50 minutes.  The best teams ran in the 35 - 40 minute range so we did allright.

If you’re wondering how the mudrun earned it’s name I’ve included pictures below the fold.  Keep in mind, my shirt was white when the race started.

updated to add link and fix spelling.

Read More…

Posted by: Kevin | September 28, 2008

Frank Rich Rips McCain a New One

I don’t claim to fully understand the proposed bailout package being floated around right now.  I don’t like the idea of bailing out the people who did so much to create the mess in the first place.  If it is necessary, then I want to see some seriously punitive stuff put in there for Wall Street execs.  Let’s expose them to the same level of humiliation that people are subject to when they default on their loans.  I definitely didn’t like the initial proposal put forth by Treasury Secretary Paulson which would have given him unprecedented freedom from oversight.

All that said, it seems like McCain went out of his way to blow-up the bailout negotiations earlier this week and that he did so for purely political reasons.  Frank Rich’s op-ed piece in yesterday’s NYT takes him to task for this.  This seems like a good time to ask, why the hell weren’t they talking about the bailout proposal during the debate?  Seems like the most important thing happening right now.

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