timekeepr.net 2.0

I have been providing timecard data collection service to a couple of customers. And for one reason or another, mostly having to do with not having the time. I havent rolled it out as a product. I wrote a USB driver to collect data from the time card device, and then post it via web services to a server that does some formatting and processing.

It also provides a web interface so that administrators can go back and retrieve data for previous workdays. On a daily basis it will email subscribed administrators a excel format of the days data.

I am finishing up some tweaks to the web interface and then will be rolling it out in Japan, first.

Going to be launching xon, network management tool pretty soon. Its web based network management tool. It will involve network discovery, and also mapping of the network. You will be able to drill down on a node and see lots of info on that network node. via your browser, pretty neat product actually.

Similar to fiveruns.com except not focused on rails so much, or really at all. Like a what’s up gold on steriods, and for your browser.  http://www.xonmap.com