WASHINGTON, DC, 08:13 PM, SUN NOVEMBER 30 | Advertise on Wonkette | tips@wonkette.com | SUBMIT A TIP | RSS

Bill Kristol FTW

???: “Bush should consider pardoning–and should at least be vociferously praising–everyone who served in good faith in the war on terror, but whose deeds may now be susceptible to demagogic or politically inspired prosecution by some seeking to score political points. The lawyers can work out if such general or specific preemptive pardons are possible; it may be that the best Bush can or should do is to warn publicly against any such harassment or prosecution. But the idea is this: The CIA agents who waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and the NSA officials who listened in on phone calls from Pakistan, should not have to worry about legal bills or public defamation. In fact, Bush might want to give some of these public servants the Medal of Freedom at the same time he bestows the honor on Generals Petraeus and Odierno. They deserve it.” [Bolding of incredible statement is ours.] The people who gathered reliable intelligence without breaking domestic/international law, however, should be sent to Gitmo for being such pussies. [Weekly Standard via Andrew Sullivan]


THE GREAT THANKSGIVING WARS: “A mob of bargain-crazed cretins smashed down the glass doors of a Long Island Wal-Mart and stomped the life out of a gentle man hired by a temporary agency to mind the store. Across the country in a Palm Desert strip mall, a bloody fistfight between two charming young women ended with two men dead, after a gunfight in the aisles of Toys R Us.” [AOL Political Machine]


No you can't haz crackburger.CURRENT MUGSHOT FASHION: Here are two recently arrested ladies sporting the finest in Barack Obama casual “No Hope” designs. They probably don’t even know each other or anything! But at least our nation’s hopeless are now wearing cheap Obama-themed t-shirts while doing whatever petty crime. [The Smoking Gun]


Peggy Noonan Is Thankful That She Doesn’t Have To Encounter Poor People

Peggington. We love Peggington so much, and we don’t even care who knows! In this week’s very special Thanksgiving edition of her Wall Street Journal psychodiary, “Declarations,” the Noonanism — an embarrassingly insular worldview in which no personal anecdote is void of world-historical spiritual import — has been cranked deep into the red. Here’s what Peggy’s thankful for this weekend: that the mysterious Negro president has been such a delight so far; that she doesn’t have to see poor people on the street; and that God safely carries her around on airplanes when she needs to travel. We will focus on the second and the third. MORE »


Prepare For Gay Invasion, Redneck America!

Hmm, guess we’d have to buy the DVD (”Get a five-pack!”) to see exactly what The Homosexualists did to this town in Arkansas. We only see evidence of a sedate street fair or bake sale, and then there are butthurt reactions from local wingnuts. Anyway, let’s all stop the horror of gay people moving to your rural community. No real American should be subject to good restaurants, independent bookstores, landscape design or rising property values. [Arkansas Times]


K-LOAD: Mouth-breathing fart-sack Kathryn Jean Lopez has posted a confusing new Word Jumble, in which she claims that Prop. 8, the Mormons’ financial assault on California homosexuals, “won by the same margin as Barack Obama did in that state.” Obama crushed McCain 61%-37% in California, while Prop. 8 squeaked by with 52%. [Andrew Sullivan]


George W. Bush Will Really Miss Presidential Food

Right down the old corn-hole.George Bush Junior has somehow been president for eight years, and it’s no great surprise that much of the experience has been lost on him. All the ceaseless, pointless wars? The destruction of a major U.S. city? The collapse of our financial system? The cold fact that Americans are significantly dumber, fatter, sicker and poorer than they were when this clod took — literally, ha! — office? No real impact on our simple fellow. MORE »


Oh Hey Dudez Thanksgiving Got Rick Rolled!

There’s a famous teevee event that is apparently still held every Thanksgiving, called the Happy Thanksgiving Parade of Macy’s Store! So it happened again, yesterday, and the Cartoon Network went ahead and cold rick-rolled all the old people watching broadcast television on Thanksgiving morning, instead of cooking food or whatever, pizza pizza!


Crazed Mob Stomps Wal-Mart Worker To Death

The horror.Thanksgiving is the day Americans very briefly pretend to be civilized family people as they gather around a table covered in once-a-year homemade food. The day after Thanksgiving — Black Friday — is when Americans return to their real selves. At 5 a.m. today, outside a Long Island Wal-Mart, a crazed mob busted through the doors and crushed a 34-year-old temporary employee. He died. Four lunatics were injured. [Reuters]

UHH ...

And A Happy Thanksgiving To You, Saxby Chambliss!

How could we let Thanksgiving end without sharing C.S.A. Colonel Saxby Chambliss and family’s warm regards? What a lovely surprise! And the children! They tell us to vote for their “Big Daddy,” gross. “Big Daddy” responds with a white-knuckled clench of the little girl’s breast. [YouTube]