Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter, Matt Lauer

Ignoring his own reported standard for hosting Coulter, NBC's Lauer interviews Coulter on Today
Matt Lauer hosted Ann Coulter on NBC's Today despite having reportedly said previously that "if there's something in the news that she has a vital view on, then I think we would consider having her back on. In terms of having her back on just to be outrageous, that probably wouldn't happen." Read more

After penning book blasting "the way liberals use victimhood," Coulter portrayed herself as victim of an NBC "setup"

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During Today interview, Coulter falsely claimed "the Drudge Report has never had to retract a report"
During her January 7 interview on NBC's Today, Ann Coulter falsely claimed that "the Drudge Report has never had to retract a report." In fact, the Drudge Report has a track record of posting items that were false on their face or were subsequently exposed as false, and in 1997, issued a retraction regarding a false allegation he posted on his website. Read more

Coulter compounds falsehoods in "point-by-point" response to Media Matters' fact-check of Guilty

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Oh. Never mind...

Leon Panetta wasn't responsible for "Filegate," in which no laws were broken. As a result, Newsbusters' Kerry Picket thinks we can't count on Panetta to keep the nation safe. Got it?