SUPERWOMAN. Wonderwoman. Yes, those are the best words I can think of to describe the extraordinary, 37-year-old Philly home girl, Ala Standford Frey.
BOB WINNER, of Bensalem, once tipped the scales at a whopping 487 pounds. In 1996, he began an arduous diet journey, shedding 249 pounds. Today, he proudly maintains a weight of 238.
WITH THE Wall Street bailout, Main Street mess, unprecedented mortgage foreclosures, a fallen stock market, a credit freeze, and record unemployment have many Americans feeling there is nothing much to be thankful for this year.
COUNCILWOMAN Blondell Reynolds Brown's menu-label legislation passed in City Council by a 12-5 vote last week. Hooray! In case you're unfamiliar, the new ordinance requires restaurants with 15 or more locations to show customers the numbers on calories, fat and transfat, carbohydrates and sodium for all the food and beverages on their menus - the goal being to help Philadelphians make more educated food choices.
ABOUT 36,000 people die every year in the United States from influenza, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control. Unbelievably, more than 200,000 people are hospitalized annually, and flu and pneumonia are the seventh leading cause of death.
OCTOBER IS National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and as the month comes to an end, I quietly say a prayer of gratitude as I am reminded of my mother's victory over the disease a decade ago.
IT'S BEEN 28 YEARS since the Philadelphia Phillies won the World Series, so winning this year would be especially sweet.
LEGENDARY NINE-TIME Olympic gold medalist Mark Spitz and five-time gold medalist Nadia Comaneci were both in Philadelphia recently, and I almost missed them.
LATELY, I'VE been receiving tons of e-mail regarding quick ways to lose weight. You name it, I've been asked about it. The grapefruit diet. Cabbage soup. The master cleanse diet. Atkins. South Beach. The Zone.
WHEN IT comes to longevity, baby boomers rule! According to most experts, those born between 1946 and 1964 may have the highest life expectancy of any generation.
REPORTS OF TAINTED infant formula in China were all over the press last week. According to official reports, four infants have died from formula tainted with melamine, and it is estimated that more than 6,000 infants have become ill. Thousands more may still be at risk.
WHILE FEBRUARY is the shortest month of the year, it is not short on celebrations: Valentine's Day, Black History Month, Presidents Day, Groundhog Day and, since 2004, "Go Red for Women Day."
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