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Archive: News / Lifestyles (4 Stories)
Sex or web surfing? Which would you pick?
12/16/2008 6:59am
A Harris Interactive survey finds women would be willing to go without fun in the sack for two weeks, rather than give up their Internet access.
5 ways to cheat on cleaning during busy holidays
12/16/2008 8:07am
The hustle-bustle of the holidays means lots of guests and little time to make your home presentable, especially on short notice. Don't panic!
Expect more clothing private labels in 2009
12/16/2008 12:43pm
Apparel retailers are taking matters into their own hands: If designers don't give them what they believe their customers want, the stores are making it themselves and sewing their own labels inside.
Entertainment to go, cautious consumers in 2009
12/16/2008 1:19pm
What will be the top trends of 2009? Here's what professional trendspotters forecast:

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