An acrimonious trade dispute between China and the US is officially about tires, chickens and cars but is really much broader, the New York Times reports.
Whether it's a hotel in the center of Paris or a luxury camp ground on the Serengeti, there are numerous places to stay in style, but which ones are truly the best?
Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is leading the charge on Capitol Hill to overhaul the financial system. He discusses what's on the agenda with CNBC.
The financial crisis would have happened even if Lehman Brothers was bailed out, Nouriel Roubini, chairman of, told CNBC. He discusses the anniversary of the firm's collapse and the state of global financial markets.
Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank, discusses the global financial crisis and the collapse of Lehman Brothers with CNBC's Steve Liesman.
Have we lost the will to regulate the financial system? Eleanor Bloxham, of the Value Alliance, and Vince Reinhart, of the American Enterprise Institute, share their insight.
Jay Brown, U. of Denver law professor, and Jim Batson, an employment attorney at Liddle & Robinson, debate whether there should be a pay cap on Wall Street compensation and bonuses.
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