The Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department should have let 10 banks fail, not just Lehman Brothers, for the financial system to clean itself up, legendary investor Jim Rogers told CNBC Monday.
The collapse of Lehman Brothers triggered the near collapse of the UK banking system, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling, told CNBC Monday.
Vince Farrell, CIO of Soleil Securities Groups, told CNBC Monday that technology is a smart investment if you’re “looking for some measure of productivity enhancement in order to get some earnings.” Jim Rogers, CEO of Rogers Holdings suggested owning “commodities where the fundamentals are getting better.” He invests in the yen and Swiss franc because he sees “better fundamentals in these areas.”
“I don’t think much has changed at all because we haven’t allowed anything to sort itself out,” Vince Farrell, CIO of Soleil Securities, told CNBC Monday. While he said that it isn’t bad that we’re “back to business as usual,” he thinks “we need some fundamental change.” Jim Rogers, CEO of Rogers Holdings, joined the discussion
The collapse of Lehman Brothers triggered the near collapse of the UK banking system, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling, told CNBC Monday.
The first lesson of the financial crisis is there has to be control of the financial markets, Christine Lagarde, French finance minister, said Monday on the anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
New York City has been named Time Out's 'best city in the world'. Jessica Cargill-Thompson, editor of the Time Out book 'The World's Greatest Cities', told CNBC the city "just beat" London.