Mauro Gatti
Mauro Gatti recently launched his portfolio. I really like what I see, especially this animated greeting card he made for JibJab.
Mauro Gatti recently launched his portfolio. I really like what I see, especially this animated greeting card he made for JibJab.
Barcelona Illustrator Jan Kallwejt has updated his site with lots of new work.
How have I not posted Jamie Sutton (aka: Hobo Divine) here yet? You’ll love his many sketchbook posts and his animation.
It’s surprising to me that it’s been 5 years since Marcel Dzama has been mentioned on Drawn!, but what a comeback! This video for Department of Eagles was designed and co-directed (with Patrick Daughters) by Dzama. As Dustin Harbin notes in his tweet:
Beautiful + heartbreaking. It gets more so the longer you watch. I love art.
(thanks, Dustin!)
reator Jessica Hische (previously) has launched this brilliant blog: Daily Drop Cap. Jessica will stretch her typographic muscles each day to deliver an original decorative initial cap. And what’s more, she offers the HTML code needed to use the drop caps in your own blog posts.
Sophie is another artist who draws her inspiration from Craigslist’s Missed Connections. She posts he illustrations (each lettered by hand) on her blog:
Every day hundreds of strangers reach out to other strangers on the strength of a glance, a smile or a blue hat. Their messages have the lifespan of a butterfly. I’m trying to pin a few of them down.
Big anime event at New York’s Javits conference center, featuring a ton of musical acts as well as cosplay and guests ranging from fashion designers to actors.
Lots of fun stuff on Manuel Morillo Rodas’ Flickr stream, as well as his website: and his Doggie Alphabet here:, which automatically translates whatever you type into this cute doggie font:
These are simply lovely. Artist Clemens Habicht (previously) has created an exhibition of bird collage illustrations contructed out of second-hand books, and mounted onto small kites. There are over 80 of them, and you can view and purchase all of them at the website of Melbourne gallery Lamington Drive
Never one to toot my own horn (I should be so nimble!), I’ve been asked many times over the years (alright, twice) if I ever had prints available and the answer has unfortunately always been a very apologetic “nope.” Well kids, your pirate ship has come in and it’s carrying a beaucoup of bootleg prints! Okay, so they’re not bootlegs (not yet at least, give ‘em a week or so on the open market), but they are prints and they’re of the utmost and most “ut” quality (of subpar pictures) you’ll ever find (if you don’t look all that hard)! Introducing 15 “hoof and mouth” selected prints of past favorites and current contenders, there’s sure to be at least one or two in the bunch that appeal to both your discerning glass eye and your fashionable velcro wallet.
Printed on fancy pants paper using the finest technology NASA has to offer (circa 1986), these prints are guaranteed to increase in value if I die tomorrow! And if that’s a risk you’re willing to take, then I accept your challenge and most major credit cards (except Discover and the Radio Shack Battery Club). Don’t wait! Become today what you’ve always dreamed of – a fine collector of mediocre art!
Over in the Hollow
New site for S.britt
S.britt’s new doodle room
Each one is funnier than the before it. Depending on what order you read them in. No, I’m kidding, they’re all funny no matter where you start. Go, laugh. And thank you Mr Toby Lunchbreath… if that is indeed your REAL name! :)
Animation collecive Vurup which comprises students from Argentina, Mexico, and Colombia, shares their new short film with us, Insert Coin.
It’s great to see students embracing traditional hand-drawn animation like this. Fun stuff!