Yeah, Toyota May Be Having Those Accelerator Problems And All...
Yet if anything, the "Age of the Great Trains" ad is even more pleasing. While it doesn't have any airplanes, its backup music is a version of "Mr. Sandman" by the indie group and long-time YouTube favorite Pomplamoose that I don't get tired of hearing. (Recent NPR interview with Pomplamoose here.) Half the airtime on Pomplamoose videos seem to feature the drummer / instrumentalist Jack Conte, who is very talented but is not really that great to watch. Fortunately the other half is of the singer Nataly Dawn, whose multi-frame shots on the screen usually show her singing all parts of a multi-track harmony at once, as below. (And Conte below her, so you see what I'm talking about. Before anyone points it out: yes, yes, I realize that if we produced music videos in my household, people would similarly be wishing that my wife got most of the airtime.)
Pomplamoose singing Mr. Sandman on YouTube here, from which the clip above is taken. the "trains" ad, with them on backup, here and below.
The combination of a 50-year-old original recording (Percy) and a retro cover put out last year (Pomplamoose) works nicely, at least to my taste. Too obviously derivative of the Don Draper-era? I don't care. Sometimes I am skeptical of the power of ads to change my attitude toward a company -- I mean, except for wonderful display ads in high-end magazines and in their associated serious yet trendy high-end web sites. But these do a lot to change my attitude.