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RT @rachelrhartman: Have a story you think should be included in Yahoo's morning FIRST SHOTS? My contact info's on the post: http://yhoo ...5:33 AM Aug 5thvia web
Dumbest thing my wife has ever said: "you need to shave, we're going to Williamsburg."3:43 PM Aug 4thvia Twitterrific
RT @hollybdc: Haha! RT @thecajunboy: Ted Olsen and David Boies will never have to pay for an appletini in San Francisco or NYC ever again!2:13 PM Aug 4thvia web
RT @Dahlialithwick: Prop 8 unconstitutional. "Fails to advance any rational basis in
singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a m ...1:52 PM Aug 4thvia web