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  1. #FF
  2. 12,500 fewer Mexicans per day are *legally* traveling to Arizona since it passed its controversial immigration law:
  3. Look out NYC, Roger Ailes packs heat. (v @johnjcook)
  4. @dabeard yes! Well put!
  5. Feel like I just watched the filming of Stop Making Sense. #arcadefire #madisonsqgarden #fb
  6. Arcade Fire was fucking glorious. #madisonsqgarden #fb
  7. @Atrios I missed Small Stakes and Sister Jack, but great set. Were you here?
  8. Jesus, Spoon as an opening band is really above and beyond. #madisonsqgarden #fb
  9. Questions about his charity may dog Wyclef Jean’s presidential bid:
  10. MUST READ: @hollybdc's "Guide to the 'shadow GOP'"
  11. RT @JessicaValenti: My case for why we need to ensure that activists are paid for their work: What is feminism worth?
  12. OUCH! RT @TheAtlanticWire Guess the quote: Osama bin Laden or Newt Gingrich?
  13. Depressing: 40.8 million Americans using food stamps.
  14. RT @rachelrhartman: Have a story you think should be included in Yahoo's morning FIRST SHOTS? My contact info's on the post: http://yhoo ...
  15. Dumbest thing my wife has ever said: "you need to shave, we're going to Williamsburg."
  16. RT @johnjcook CNN, Chicago Trib, and others hosted active-duty Marine officers as interns
  17. RT @hollybdc: Haha! RT @thecajunboy: Ted Olsen and David Boies will never have to pay for an appletini in San Francisco or NYC ever again!
  18. MUST READ: opponents of so-called Ground Zero Mosque are flip flopping on long history of fighting for church freedoms
  19. Upshot link on Prop 8 overturned:
  20. RT @Dahlialithwick: Prop 8 unconstitutional. "Fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a m ...